• Member Since 8th Feb, 2019

Crystal Jewelheart

Just your average brony

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Captain America: Civil War crossover.

This story is a sequel to A Beautiful New Age.

Being the first of her species to travel to another world, seeking to—and hopefully—make peace with its leaders, Princess Twilight and her friends see nothing but a bright future ahead for both Earth and Equus. It all seemed to be going so well.

However, after a devastating terrorist attack brings a mighty blow to the Avengers, Twilight and her friends are unwillingly placed as the next targets. Tensions arise between Iron Man and Captain America, and new players soon emerge into the battlefield, threatening to tip the tide into conflict amongst the shattered team.

To deal with the true threat behind the grand scheme, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers must put aside their differences before the inevitable comes crashing down on top of them…

Two sides of good clashing together, fighting for what they believe is right, breaking partnerships and ending friendships… human and pony alike.

Big shoutout to Shrekzilla for his amazing job on the artwork!

Sequel: Infinity Era

Chapters (60)

In the dark depths of Asgard, Loki Odinson sits, punished for his crimes on Midgard.

But new developments cause the wayward son of Odin to escape his prison and seek refuge across the Nine Realms in a land very much unlike any he has ever seen: Equestria.

While Loki makes a new life for himself in Equestria, Thor must once again gather together the Avengers and give chase to his escaped kin. But will the lies Loki feeds his newfound friends send the Elements of Harmony on a collision course with the protectors of Earth?

(Cover image by the wonderful Reiduran)

Chapters (11)

(Pre-season 9)

If a better world was in reach for you, if you could reach someplace that was better if it meant leaving behind everything you've ever known, would you take that chance?

A new pony arrives in Ponyville, someone kind of odd, but nice enough. At the same time, Twilight's discovered a disturbance in the fabric of reality. But these two events couldn't possibly be connected...right?

Cover art created by NixWorld

HOLY SMOKES, I GOT FEATURED! (4/30/20) Thanks, everybody!
(And again on 5/4/20!)
(Again on 5/14/20)

Chapters (15)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

This story is a sequel to Pray, Hope and Wander

Case Report: Update - May 2nd
Submitted by: Verdant Vines
Location: Ponyville
Date: May 2nd
Case: Ponyville Mass Disappearance (#3467)
Classification: Top Secret

White Clover,

Given the new writings included in the addendum to the provided journal transcription, I’ve elected to continue our investigation through conversing with whoever, or whatever, is on the other side of it. They claim to be Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's personal student. I’d like to request that Princess Celestia is not informed of this possibility until we can verify their identity.

As such, from this day forward I will be sending daily reports before sundown with transcription of our conversations, along with any thoughts I have. Included with these documents is a formal request of personnel transfer for Doctor Blue Sky to my team in order to assist with any psychological evaluations related to the writer of the journal. His team will continue to support evaluations of personnel working the case.

Special thanks to FloydienSlip, Petrichord, and KorenCZ11 for their help with feedback.

A print version of all the stories in this series can be found here.

Chapters (31)

Rachel was just driving home late after a crap day of work when the other car hit her.

When she woke, she was two feet under. When she dug herself out, she was in Applejack's body.

As if that wasn't enough, she's been called to the Big Apple to help the other Elements of Harmony deal with what's been causing people the world over to wake as ponies. So, Rachel's gotta get from Upstate New York to New York City. Not a big deal. Except whoever buried her in that shallow grave off Highway 5 has found out she woke as a pony, and they're looking to put her back in the dirt.

Now, Rachel is running. Running to the city on hoof. Running from her mysterious pursuer. Running for her and Applejack's lives.

Part of the PonyEarthverse group.

Chapters (22)

The village of Brightly, British Columbia, Canada, has a deep and storied history as a coal mining town which slowly faded as ships stopped using coal for their boilers. Nowadays it is a quiet, isolated community nestled within the forests of the Pacific coast. It's the kind of town where everyone knows everyone, and folks look out for each other. Those bonds of friendship and community are tested when some of the inhabitants begin to turn into colourful ponies with strange powers and abilities...

Created with the assistance of my editors: Sandstorm94, Coyotethetrickster, Rejara and other foolishbrave souls.

Welcome to my very first commissioned story. Thanks to the kind support of my patron through Patreon I am able to try my hand at a kind of story I've never written before. This story will be updated monthly for as long as my patron wishes to pursue it.

Cover Art by Gab0o0

A story from The Canary Files

Chapters (47)

The Outsider. His power had been sealed away, and without it, Dunwall and the rest of the universe maybe destroyed. In a desperate attempt to save himself and his universe, he tricks Corvo into fighting his way through a unknown land to regain his magic, by destroying the one who sealed his it away.

Or does he?

Crossover, Dishonored/MLP
Not a self-insert...I based my account off of Corvo/dishonored.

Chapters (12)

Bioshock Crossover

Rarity's been getting busier and busier, leaving Sweetie bored and alone while at the boutique- that is, until she meets a creature...one that won't stop following her around...but, she's harmless...right? Right?

Cover art by me, but still looking.

Featured : 5/24/14

Chapters (17)

Subject Delta, an Alpha Series Big Daddy, has been through a lot in his life. But this is his last stand, he and his Daughter Eleanor are going to escape from Rapture. The Pairbonding destroyed, his body tired from all the fighting ... Subject Delta won't live to see the world beyond Rapture. The ending coming near, he finds himself escaping Rapture ... to only awake in a stranger place. Will Equestria be able to handle Subject Delta?

--Crossover with BioShock 2--

Author's Note: First, criticism is highly appreciated. Second, this isn't my first fanfic rodeo, but it's the first time in English. Errors will ensue, so feel free to correct me! Third, I hope you enjoy the story!

Copyright: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Hasbro), BioShock 2 (2K Games), Cover Image (The BioShock Wiki).

Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe, Human, Dark. --Will be updated--

Characters: Subject Delta, Eleanor Lamb, Sofia Lamb, The Family, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Augustus Sinclair, Yi Suchong, Andrew Ryan, Shadow Stalker. --Will be updated--

Chapters (10)