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When Rainbow Dash is killed in a tragic accident, she is sent to purgatory. Once there, she is faced with the possibilities of everything she ever wanted... Along with that which she feared most.

[A/N: Haven't written anything sad in a while, so I decided to try this out. Will contain the obvious, minus the OC's. Also, I am not ripping off "That Which Makes Up a Rainbow", I didn't even realize how similar the two were until I started writing it. But no, this is not the same story nor is it supposed to be. It's just something that popped into my head.]

Chapters (9)

When a tragic fire destroys everything an orange earth pony holds dear, she finds that not even friendship may be enough to comfort her. When a certain cyan pegasus shows her much more, will she be able to piece her life back together? And is her best friend hiding something else from her, something that could tear everything they have apart?

Chapters (12)

Applejack realizes one morning that Rainbow Dash has apparently moved in with her. This discovery surprises Dash more than a little, too, and sets off a chain of events neither could have imagined.

The original minific version of this story came in fifth in the Dec. 2015 Writeoff Association contest, "Things Left Unsaid." And the full, three-chapter-and-an-epilogue version won 3rd place in The Fourth AppleDash Contest: A Little Twist of Lemon using the categories "A Life-Changing Event" and "An Important or Memorable Date."

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash had dreamed of this for weeks. She was finally going to swim with Applejack. Alone. Not a single member of Applejack's family would be in sight. She was given this opportunity once, but she didn't know what to say. What to do. Now, with this opportunity, she was going to take the plunge. A plunge to impress her.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is facing a dilemma. She's been asked a question by her best friend that she doesn't know how to respond to:

“Applejack, do you want to go on a date?!"

She decides to ask her friends for help, one by one, and learns more about herself and the connection she and Rainbow Dash share together.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash comes home to her marefriend Applejack. After a busy day of farmwork, Applejack has some fruit that she needs to count. Rainbow just wants to sniff her mane.

Chapters (1)

Applejack needs a full night of sleep for apple bucking tomorrow. It's too bad that Rainbow Dash's restlessness isn't letting her get a single wink.

Chapters (1)