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On a hillside at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, under the stars, Applejack and Rainbow Dash face the growing feelings they've been having for each other.

Chapters (1)

When Applejack starts dating an old pegasus friend, she thought the worst part would be making time in her busy schedule for romance. She didn't expect a whole truckload of unusual complications.

Complications like splinters. A hostile home environment. Being confused for an egg. A book that contains the secrets of the universe, and a theory about a rubber band.

Some ponies just have to worry about their jobs and who did the laundry. Applejack has to worry about her species tearing her love life apart. Pegasi are weirder than she thought, and the universe isn't making it any easier.

Preread/proofread/nonsense-checked by Tchernobog and Timaeus.

Chapters (5)

Competition. It drives us all one way or another. Whether it’s to be the fastest flier, the best team, the greatest magician, to steal a land in jealous fury, or simply to beat that other pony to the stall for the last carrot; competition is in all of us.

Some claim that a competitive nature is healthy, and keeps a pony sharp and fit. Others claim it drives ponies apart and should be avoided as much as possible.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack don’t care about any of that. They just don’t want the other to win. Theirs is an unending game of friendly one-upmanship, a constant striving to prove their superiority to one another for no other reason than they can.

Neither of them thought it would ever bring about romance in their lives.


Written for (and winner of) the 3rd AppleDash competition. Prompt by bookplayer.

Thanks to my friend, Radoh from the Escapist, for making some small, but very good, points.

Cover art by nekokevin.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash gets an invitation to try out for the Wonderbolts, so it's only fitting that Applejack would agree to watch her practice in preparation for the big day.

But when things don't go according to plan, Applejack realizes that she must take initiative and comfort her downtrodden friend.

Inspired by cover image, made by Fluttershy626 (http://fluttershy626.deviantart.com/)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A Competition With Two Winners

Concerned about what others may think of their relationship, Rainbow Dash and Applejack try to keep their love a secret. But situations may arise where hiding that love is difficult...

As the Mane Six are called upon once again to deal with threats to Equestria, bonds will be tested and tension will run high. But will the two mare's avoid having to tell the truth? Only time will tell.

Recommended you read the first story to be aware of specific plot points and characters, but it isn't essential. :ajsmug: The story will most likely alternate between slice-of-life and adventure arcs throughout, so hope you enjoy!
Awesome artwork by Ruhje!

Chapters (19)

When a rainbow-maned pegasus crashes into her house, Applejack discovers a new friend. Follow along as they learn just how strong friendship (and beyond) can be.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash loses her job and is soon about to lose her home when applejack steps in to save the day.
Working with Rainbow can be a challenge and getting rainbow to work can be one too. Welcome to life on the farm!

This is my first attempt of fan fiction so any suggestions to how I might get better would be gladly appreciated. And please point out any mistakes as well, thank you

Chapters (8)

Rainbow Dash was loyal. She would never betray the love of her life.

Applejack was honest. She knew that if she sensed something wrong, she would speak up.

This is a story of the promises we keep, and the ones we break. Of the truths we tell, and the ones we keep silent.

Rated Teen for brief language and some adult themes. Big thanks to Loving Tolerance for giving this a look-over and telling me what works and what doesn't. One of these days, I might even listen to him!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been absent for longer and longer periods of time, but nopony knows why. Feeling her absence perhaps more than she would like to admit, Applejack decides to find out exactly why her friend seems so distracted and why she seems to be avoiding everypony.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has always had a thing for Applejack. But telling about it, admitting her love seems like a task impossible to complete.

At the same time, Applejack is feeling similar feelings towards Rainbow, facing the same problems.

How will it turn out?

Chapters (3)