• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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Now available in print format, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!

It turns out that the magical land of Equestria is not a flat plane covered by a bowl of stars after all. This is big news to Queen Chrysalis. If the moon is actually a place, then she can travel there, claim its magical energies, and finally get revenge on Celestia, Twilight Sparkle, and everypony else.

Of course, there are problems. One problem is that everypony else is also rushing to get into space. Another problem is that Chrysalis really has no idea how to do it. Fortunately a certain earth pony with a taste for cherries is willing to help... provided she gets to fly the ship, and provided Chrysalis keeps the space program honest and open and legal.

Together, Chrysalis, Cherry Berry, and a horde of brave-but-dumb changelings will make world history... or, more likely, they'll make a lot of really big explosions.

Inspired by Kerbal Space Program. Current cover art by Jason Meador aka texasuberalles.

TVTropes page here! Thanks to GymQuirk for making it!

Old cover art (and Changeling flag) here:


1-21-2017 Included in The Goodfic Bin's High Quality Fics! Thanks! Review here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/206510/the-goodfic-bin/thread/173558/submissions-folder-decision-thread-v2#comment/5750494


Chapters (24)

Meet Level Ledger, your average, well-read unicorn colt. He has a talent with numbers and systems, which is why Pegasus Air was so interested in acquiring his talents. They use him to make sure their books are balanced. Both the legal ones...and the ones that'll never see the light of day.

Meet Midnight Song, your not-average, well-trained Thestral mare. Everything she sets out to do, she accomplishes with aplomb. When she rises a little too quickly through the Day Guard's ranks, her superiors decide she needs to cool off and learn a bit about how to be a mature member of the Guard. Not a bad idea, seeing as she's a massive flirt.

When Level's rent goes up, he needs to take a roommate or risk being thrown out into the street. A twist of fate will see these two souls coming together and having the time of their lives.

Now, if only one of them could tell the truth to save their life...

A collab fic worked on by myself and Ausbrony. We liked the setting of Las Pegasus and the villains of Pegasus Air a lot, so we put our heads and characters together, and this came from our efforts.

In lieu of a list of dates, I will simply say that this story tends to get featured every time I update it for a short while at least. And I am very happy about that fact.~

Chapters (111)

This story is a sequel to The Worst Equestrian Necromancer

The world of Equestria is a strange place. Mad necromancers consorting with a regal princess. Gods of chaos released and running free. In this face of insanity, even a single snapshot can lead to glimpses of madness that may amuse and confuse. These are those snapshots.

Chapters (2)

His name is Mister Green Hill. He’s an Earthpony stallion recently released from prison.

But Nopony knows where.

He has admitted to breaking the law in the past.

But Nopony knows what.

He wears thick Iron horseshoes all the time.

But Nopony knows why.

He lives with his sister and seems to have a job that takes him out of town for a few days at a time.

But Nopony knows what.

That’s really all anypony knows.

He is rather...anonymous?

Special thanks to Aprion and Irrespective for helping get this off the ground.

Cover Art by the incredible Mix Up

Featured 1/25, 4/4, 5/17, 6/29 10/08, 10/22, 11/4/19 12/16/20 Thanks everyone!

Chapters (12)

There exists in any given location either an inn or bar where the locals meet at the end of a long work day and trade drinks and stories. By the ancient laws of happenstance, the same must be true for areas where the permanent population is exactly one. Now, most would assume it would default to those creatures preferred drinking area in their own house. These people have never been to the only truly lonely place in Equestria. On the border of the unending sea and the badlands there sits an Inn, with a strange bartender. If one comes seeking riches or fame, he will gladly kick you out, stating the only riches here are booze and misery. But if you come for a strong drink and an ear to listen to your problems, then you have found your home.

Rocking the featured box again. Can I get a hoorah? 2/12/19 for those curious.

Chapters (15)

Luna, Princess of the Night, feels like she's under quarantine in Canterlot. Apart from Celestia and her personal aid, Scrivener Blooms, Luna is treated like Nightmare Moon by the residents of the castle. After a journey to Ponyville, however, Luna takes an interest in attempting to make friends and begins to yearn to see more of the world and to prove that she is back in control of herself and regaining her old strength.

A mix of romance, high fantasy, and magic, the story features the power of friendship, sarcastic wit, and adventure against darkness driven by Luna's brash, courageous spirit.

The first story of the Nátta Edda, and beginning of the Fimbulvetr Trilogy.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to To Love as His Own

Following the defeat of Queen Chrysalis, the princesses of Equestria seek to build a relationship with newly-crowned King Thorax and forge an alliance between ponies and changelings that has never been seen before.

While the changelings adjust to the broad, sympathetic intricacies of shared love magic, Thorax works to embrace his role as the hive's new patriarch, demonstrating a benevolent rule far different from his predecessor. Through sleeping and resting together in groups, he aims to cultivate harmony and empathy in a once turbulent hive and find a place for himself within it at last.

With the help of Equestrian royalty, a few good friends, and his brooding older brother, Thorax must now champion the idea of peaceful changelings in Equestria and show the world that his kind can change more than just their looks.

* Now in physical print! Check here for details!

* Main entry of the Love Bug Continuity!
* Takes place between seasons 6 and 9.
* Featured on a Tv.Tropes page.
* Story artwork created by Racingwolf.
* Edited by Double R Forrest.

Chapters (38)

*If you'd like to purchase a physical copy of this story, click here*

One of Equestria's greatest traits is tolerance. Every pony, whether Unicorn, Pegasus, or Earth, is accepted for who they are, and have their own parts to play in keeping Equestria running.

But what if an Earth pony decided he didn't want to play his assigned part? What if he wanted to rise above everyone else and become an Alicorn? Such a thing is possible... but the path to fulfilling one's dreams is never simple. Risks must be taken. Sacrifices must be made. And the question is always asked: How far would you go to get what you wanted? And would you be willing to pay a terrible price to get it?

Chapters (29)

CONTENT WARNINGS: Xenomorphs, facehuggers, mentions of invasive face-hugging, identity crisis, general emotional distress

The following story contains no named character deaths, and no scenes of chestbursting. This story is intended to be a more light-hearted AU. Proceed with caution.


A creature designed by nature for one thing: Hunting.

A creature meant to adapt to its host, infiltrate under cover of darkness, replicate and breed and swarm, until a planet is no more. The perfect organism.

Yet... what would happen if one were to experience independent thought, empathy, and self doubt?

What if indeed.

Chapters (3)

The year is 1989, Afghanistan.
The USSR, having recently suffered defeat after defeat in this 'desert Vietnam', has begun with withdraw its forces from the combat zone. A tank crew commanding a T-55AM-2 gets bogged down by a sand-storm, buttoned up and alone, they wait it out.

However, upon unbuttoning their tank, they find themselves no longer in the land of sand, but on a dirt road with trees all around them and a small village not to far ahead.
Trouble ensures when a Pink mare decides to bring her friend over to investigate this strange machine, and after dubbing it a golem, they attempt to study it.
The crew is not so please on the idea, and quickly make their escape with some rather unusual means.

When the commander of the tank team is captured by Celestia, the crew devise a plan to rescue him, but during the process, are manipulated by a certain villian to free him from his banished state.

(Done in 2nd person)

>This was a short AiE story I want to paste here as well as an off-shoot for another story with the similar context to be done in the future.

Chapters (8)