• Member Since 21st Aug, 2019

Eternal Samson

In honor of the best pet one could ever have

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"Because I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and there’s not a single creature with wings I can think of who is exclusively attracted to the opposite sex.”

Now with a reading!

And another!

Chapters (1)

“We need like, magically entwined rings. Six of them. Forged together. Enchanted together. Together forever. Like we’re going to be. And I don’t think that there’s anything like that that we know about. So no marriage for now.”

Smolder scratched the back of her neck. “Actually...maybe...I know a spot?”

“You’re kidding,” Gallus said.

“I was holding off on talking about him until it was time to propose,” said Smolder. “He’s an old fart who lives in a cave on the borders of the Dragonlands. His place is kinda camouflaged to non-dragons so the professors don’t really know about it and neither do your species’ governments.”

“Well, I know what we’re doing today,” Ocellus said. "Committing crime for the sake of my five fiancees. You know, this is one of the few things that I think both Chrysalis and Thorax would be proud of me for."

Commissioned by Ice

Chapters (1)

Since Gallus moved back to Griffonstone after ending his career with the Royal Guard, he’s paved a decent life for himself. He’s been charged with spreading the message and lessons of friendship throughout the village, which usually amounts to beating the other griffons over the head with common sense. 

But one day, he snaps out of a haze. He realizes that griffons don't have as many problems with each other anymore, infrastructure is being built at an impossibly fast rate, and industry is flourishing on all sides.

And as good as that sounds, there's something malicious lurking behind this new age of prosperity.

Something bad is happening, and whatever it is, it’s affecting everyone else too. As Griffonstone grows, the other nations on the continent are getting worse, and it’s all connected.

Gallus, along with the rest of his old friends, are the only ones who can stop it, and considering that the last time they were all in the same place was three years ago, and it resulted in a bar fight and a lot of tears, none of them are in for a good time.

This story assumes that the epilogue at the end of the series takes place 10 years into the future.

Many of my chapters are edited by the wonderful Miller Minus and Jack of a Few Trades . I'm very grateful for them and I wouldn't be the same without them.

Chapters (17)

It's that time again! Friends and Family Day. A holiday meant to rejoice over the bonds shared between creatures and their loved ones. The preparations have been made, families have arrived, and everyone is ready for the festival that is soon to commence.
For everyone, the week leading up to it has been nothing but an unending roller coaster of anticipation and excitement!
Well, almost everyone.
For Gallus, it's been an entire week of unending misery and memories. And while he'll deny it at every given chance, it's getting to him.
Maybe a certain hypogriff can help him out with that.

Now with a sequel! : https://www.fimfiction.net/story/467104/the-bonds-of-love

This story was written for Miller Minus's Young Six Story Contest.
Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/880423/writing-contest-the-discovery-or-the-young-six-take-the-writeoff

Cover Art found and obtained through the almighty power of Google Images! No theft intended.
LInk: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fejlightning007arts%2Fart%2FSilverstream-Hugging-Gallus-pt2-765833598&psig=AOvVaw0-lC6hrIVvGHNoVGlu_y84&ust=1581222285270000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJii-LSOwecCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

Chapters (1)

Twilight discovers the true purpose for the Canterlot Royal gardens, much to Princess Celestia's annoyance. Knowing her student will seek answers with or without her permission, the Princess gives Twilight a new subject to study, the story of five of the garden's occupants, their connection to Nightmare Moon, and the dark days of the War of Night.

Warning: Comments are encouraged, but spoilers are present in the comments.

Fic is currently undergoing a very slow revision. Revised chapters will have a (R) in the title.
I've also added chapter numbers for a bit more ease of navigation. Mostly on my part.
This is a project that I will slowly be working on Bringing my first major story up to snuff. I shall also be fixing plot holes and clearing up some issues that certain parts have that may contradict the lore later on.
This will only be worked on sporadically unfortunately as I need to be in certain mind sets to do this.

Original story was posted in 2011.

Tags: Action, Historical, Sad, Humor, Roller Coaster, Violence, Singing, Some Romance

Part 2 is here.


WOOOT featured on Jan 5th 2015 at 2:47 am, 4 years after it's initial publishing!

Chapters (55)

Elias Bright is a survivor. He has survived the end of the world. He has survived the deaths of his family. He has survived the death of all that he has built. On the run from a past that haunts him to his core, he finds himself in Equestria, a land of tranquility and peace. Elias now has a choice. Does he give up the only life he has known, that of a survivor, and settle with the ponies of Equestria, or will his past deeds come to drag him back into the dark past he has tried to bury?

Chapters (76)

Instead of clogging the site with one shots, I thought it was best to compile them here.

I'm a messy writer. I have a bunch of ideas but never get around to them, some of them never make the light of day. Until now. Now you can see them and feel some second hand embarrassment on my behalf.
These scraps are mostly StarBurst centric, but may feature other pairings as well.

The Teen Rating is just a precaution.

Chapters (27)

What is friendship?

Is it a term or something so much more?

And can you be a friend to something so different but so similar to you?

Something that I'm sure has been done to death but, since reading East of Eden, I wanted to do something a little more thought provoking. I got the idea while I was alone in my house, with just the sound of a clock ticking to keep me company.

Art done by murphylaw4me

Chapters (1)

All things have a beginning.

Even for one such as Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings.

She lost her bid for Equestria. The changeling was found lying in a crater miles from where she had been flung. It was a miracle she had survived. Her army was shattered. So far as the Equestrians knew, Chrysalis was the only survivor.

But her hive survives and has gone to hiding as another queen seeks to find it.

If Equestria thought Chrysalis was a monster, wait until they meet Queen Taalia...

In the meantime, Atalanta has given Queen Chrysalis a renewed sense of purpose. Hatched in captivity, she is the whole world to her doting mother.

She writes the story of her life for her daughter, who could very well be the last of the changelings once Chrysalis is gone...and who this Queen Taalia is.

Cover Art by pinkanaon. Check out the art!

MLP:FiM was created by Lauren Faust.
MLP:FiM is owned by Hasbro.
All Rights Reserved.

Chapters (29)

After the changelings' failed invasion of Canterlot, Twilight tries to soothe some of Ponyville's rampant paranoia by casting a spell to prove there are no imposters hiding in the town. But her spell leaves her in an alien body, facing a mob of angry ponies who just don't believe her when she says she is Twilight Sparkle.

Or, at least, she was Twilight Sparkle, anyway...

Featured on Equestria Daily, 2/17/13
Cover art is by the awesome and amazing Conicer

Chapters (9)