• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Fluttershy 231 stories
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Applejack is ready to call it a day when she notices something on her workbench that shouldn't be there. Realizing her mistake, the blacksmith rushes to correct it, only to be met with resistance brought about by a misunderstanding. One that she is more then capable of clarifying.

Call it a continuation of "Stronger Than You Think" ....kinda. Sorta.

Chapters (1)

We all know and love the Element of Kindness known as Fluttershy. We know that she is an animal care taker and one of the six Elements of Harmony, and we love her for her incredible shyness and extreme cuteness. But are there darker elements behind that pink mane of her? For all we know, she could be a former mafia boss.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has no place to go for Christmas. Although she says she doesn’t mind, the truth is she's already feeling very lonely. Seeing her friend in distress, Fluttershy steps up and invites Sunset to spend Christmas with her family. But there’s something Fluttershy isn’t telling Sunset - something she hasn’t told any of their friends.

Author’s Note: I am aware of IDW’s ‘Equestria Girls Holiday Special’ comic, but this story disregards it in favor of exploring my own ideas.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is having a great Nightmare Night and when going to Sweet Apple Acres she meets Flutterbat, who is back for apples. Luna doesn't want Applejacks apples to be all gone so she decides to spend time with Flutterbat to get to know her and make sure she doesn't do any harm. While she is hanging out with Flutterbat she realizes that she really enjoys her a lot but she may never find somepony as great as her again.

Chapters (4)

As the Grand Galloping Gala draws to a close, tensions linger from Discord and Fluttershy's fight. Discord, nervous and remorseful, is afraid to approach her. Meanwhile, Fluttershy regrets yelling at him, even while knowing better.

The good news: Fluttershy knows she can set everything right again.

The bad news: it's going to require her to come to grips with old wounds.

Editing duties courtesy of nanashi_jones.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy finds a 5-year old human boy named Thomas who once lived in an old orphanage with no memory of his family and no friends to look out for him. It’s up to her to care for the child like any mother could.

This story takes place during the end of Season 4, but after the first three episodes of Season 5.

Chapters (32)

A human enters Equestria. And now he will stop at something to get back home. which is good because he has no Idea what he is doing. He even admits it.

Chapters (19)

Everypony knows Fluttershy as Fluttershy. She has the softest, sweetest, meekest little squeals of fearful shock whenever a leaf touches her, she often doesn't leave her property for days, and her animals hear her voice far more often than her pony friends do. Her friends don't really mind her quirks. After all, they all have their differences; it's part of why they work so well together!

But Fluttershy's "shyness" isn't just a character trait. She has something to tell them, and although mental health isn't a topic that's ever really come up amongst her closest friends, she's quite literally saved all of Equestria with them. Several times. Surely that must mean that they have a strong enough bond for her worst-case fantasies to be absolutely untrue and disproportionately bad?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy accidentally leaves a snake in her friends house.
How will Twilight handle this situation?
Dive right in and find out.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is a normal pony living a normal life. Sure, saving the world once is an achievement, but other than that she was content with the life she has.

But when she finds two abandoned changeling nymphs, her life is quickly turned upside down. Now she cares for young two creatures she knows nothing about, and they don’t seem to trust her.

She is determined to give them the best life that she can.

Edit (Aug. 8th, 2021):

TN, OP now has an editor! Thank you to Helping Hoof for helping me with my work.

Chapters (37)