TRACK ALL THE THINGS!!! 1120 stories
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Follow Speaker and his changeling brothers and sisters who, after the events of Canterlot, took it upon themselves to find a new queen. They found a portal in a deep cave and went through it, questionable circumstances aside. Now they find themselves in a world full of humans, and with a new queen!

Meet Catherine and her family as they cope with a gaggle of shape-shifting creatures who really do just want to fit in and be loved.

The problem is, Catherine's parents are not very keen on their daughter chosen to be the new Queen of the Changelings.

And the cat has gone missing.


Some chapters will have musical numbers in them!

The story that inspired the two short stories that lead up to this one!

FimFic Authors are In Your Bed by Admiral Biscuit

Which two stories, you ask?

Link to Estee's short story is here.

Link to my short story is here.

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to You Can Fight Fate

Time loops? The end of existence as we know it? Fate itself conspiring against you? Who has the energy to deal with that kind of thing?

Not Cloud Kicker, that's for sure. She's a mare who knows what she wants out of life. An easy job, a nice house, and an endless supply of potential banging partners. Then one day a simple little flower vendor moves in down the street and everything starts to change.

As a side story to the main Time Loop Trilogy, you can expect massive spoilers in the comments for both the original stories and unwritten chapters of this one.

Chapters (18)

Nopony has heard from Fluttershy for three months. Not Rainbow Dash, not Rarity, not even Pinkie Pie. Her friends have been tending to the cottage and her animals, keeping it clean and organized, but even with Twilight's constant magic scans and a semi-constant guard search Equestria-wide, no hint has been found of where she went, how she vanished, or why she didn't tell anyone. Some ponies even think, in their darkest nightmares, that she might be dead.

Then she shows up one day, very definitely not dead, but just as definitely not the same as she was.

And does she have a story to tell. Boy, does she ever...

Coverart by Paladin.

Chapters (10)

Worlds apart, Princess Celestia's dream comes into contact with a human on Earth. To her, he's a handsome stallion with a funny accent. To him, she's a gorgeous woman ruling an odd kingdom. As they go to sleep each night, they dream of each other and a bond develops that neither one expected, only to be tested as things begin to change on Earth.

Chapters (6)

Scootaloo ran away years ago. Since then she's settled into a life in Ponyville. It's not much of one, but it's hers. One cold day she finds herself in the library.

Twilight Sparkle is a Princess, sworn to help all the citizens of Equestria, but how can she help somepony she doesn't know needs it.

Edited by Zimmerwald1915 and Johnny Bench

Chapters (15)

Love Tap has a reputation for being excellent at taking care of children. Twilight needs somepony to help look after the sirens. These two things really shouldn't have any connection, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

Spiritual sequel to The SweetieMash Chronicles. Though reading SweetieMash is not compulsory for enjoyment of this story, it helps fill some blanks.

Dazzling vector by Osipush.
Love Tap vector by MacTavish1996

Chapters (8)

[I only know so much about the OC Twivine.This is the one who created her. Rating will either change to M or the next installment will be an M story. Tags added as I need them.]

Emerald Morrison didn't have the best life, but certainly not the worst. She didn't have the best grades, but also not the worst. But now? Now she finds herself as Twivine, an OC made by another brony. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is. She heard of Twivine, seen one or two fan made pictures but that's about it.

Somehow Twilight's magic surge brought Emerald or rather Twivine to Equestria and now she grows up (again), only this time in the Sparkle household.

08/29/2015 Featured? Thanks. Sure hope this isn't because of a short raise in the amount of views.

Chapters (9)

Hi. My name is Sunset Shimmer, and this is the story about how I became a raging she-demon...

With the flow of magic between Equestria and the world that Sunset Shimmer calls home now permanent, the once magicless pony regains her abilities, and uses it fully to fulfill her wishes and desires.

As Sunset juggles school, a social life, and trying to keep the forces of evil at bay, she soon realizes that the pressures of all three while concealing her secret for her own safety can bear down on a girl.

Sometimes, it can even break them.

Editors and Proofreaders:

Chapters (40)

Thief. Assassin. Sister. When her secret was revealed during the Battle of Canterlot, it shocked her friends, but Jade's story hid a darker past than they could guess.

Important Note: this story is a prequel to The Empty Room. You do not need to read it to understand this story, but bear in mind it happens entirely in a pre-Season 2 AU which has different situations (and some characters) than those that came up in canon after TER was completed.

Special thanks to Burraku_Pansa for sticking around and helping me bounce ideas, and helping me make sense of my own rantings while feverishly writing. Cover art by the amazing Rametep!

Chapters (8)

My friends and I have been living in the apocalyptic aftermath of a zombie outbreak. We joined up with a larger group and helped build a machine to create a portal to a new world. We were then sent through to see if it was a good location to try and start over. What we find is both horrifying and (for some) beyond our wildest dreams.

2K views! Buck yah, y'all are awesome!
Story contains language, internet references, and general bad jokes. Read with caution.
-Story updates...sometimes-

Shawn Changeling
Flash Beats (Shawn Unicorn)
Atom Split (Camden)
Griffin (Matthew)
Nyjill Moon (Nyjill)
Paulo Fragmen Terra

It's a little rough in the beginning I know, writing is a learning experience.

Chapters (39)