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This story is a sequel to The Wrong Hoof

Disappointed with his natural talents, a changeling is sent to Ponyville to gather food for his people. What he finds in the colorful town could be a breakthrough for his kind, or put them all in peril.

Prequel/spinoff of "The Wrong Hoof" (set during the course of season 3)

Chapters (4)

A great disaster strikes the Crystal Empire shortly after finding an amazing archaeological find in the crystal mines. News reaches Princess Twilight Sparkle in a short amount of time, a letter from her brother speaking of a beast as black as shadows that tore apart the royal guard in a matter of seconds, but stopped his rampage only moments later, unfortunately most of the empire had been burnt and ravaged as the beast fled. Just a day after receiving the letter Twilight and her friends prepare to head to the empire, when an odd dragon wanders into Ponyville, he is odd because unlike any dragon she had even seen, he adorned a unicorn like horn on his head, his midnight black scales seemed to shine in the day. One major question was going through the princesses mind, where did he come from and what are his intentions.

Chapters (19)

Okay first off me not happy. My dates are freaking out, there is an invasion of Canterlot, and this Queen Creepy is trying to mind hack me like she did the groom.
Worst Day Ever.!
But worst of all Is 3 thousand changling that want me to beat up their queen.

Chapters (1)

Love is such a nice thing, so is True Love and Soul Mates but what about Forbidden Love? Both from different worlds, Changelings and Crystal Pony. Their parents had history together and what about an arrange marriage when one of them when that mare or colt turn 18? Will they upcome the odds and stay together, or will their nations bring them apart?

Chapters (4)

The life in the hive have never been much for most changelings, most of them accept it. However one of them wants something new, after hearing about the little town of Ponyville Tackara decides to move there. What's the problem?
He wants to go there without a disguise! Meanwhile his brother Shackara tries to convince him to rethink.

Rated teen for language and innuendos

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor (Comment Driven Story)

It’s been a month since the events of “The Life of a Wanted Changeling Season 2: Debt to a Doctor” and you, Bugze the Changeling, have been avoiding large settlements to avoid confrontation. After being sent to an Alternate Universe where, without the Doctor’s presence, you became a monster and destroyed the world, you have vowed never to become the beast you fought.

Also, you have avoided using your immense Nightmare powers to avoid harming Selena, the mare formerly known as Nightmare Moon, who resides in your head. Injured while protecting you, she is quite literally a shadow of her former self and comatose. You and your Alicorn daughter Nightshade (whom you somehow had with Selena) have wandered around the fringes of towns because until you can use your powers again, you cannot hunt down the Crimson Knights, the radical splinter group of your fan club The Horde.

You know your days of inactivity are numbered however, because you are Lady Luck’s punching bag, and trouble always finds you in the end. But there's no way it'll be too bad when it does happen right?



The third installment of the Life of a Wanted Changeling Series!

Now edited by BrownDog77, check him out!

Warning: The Re-cap is pretty lengthy (if you couldn't tell). If you already remembered everything that happened from last season please just read the Author's Notes. Thank you.

Chapters (92)

You are a changeling who finds himself (yes, changelings can disguise as either gender, but for the sake of simplicity he's a guy, Okay?) in the Everfree forest after the failed assault on Canterlot (You can thank the Queen for that...).

Your landing wasn't exactly the smoothest (in fact, I think you broke a few things), so your memories are fuzzy and the few things you can remember include basic skills, a knack for "hide and seek" and knowledge of movies and serials (you always were a reel buffbug).

And as if Fortuna wasn't kind enough to you, you're lost in a forest, trapped behind enemy lines, can't locate your Hive (although that might not be a bad thing...), and you've never exactly been a lucky bug. You just need to get out of this gorram forest and avoid getting caught or killed (your whole kind is wanted for being the buggy-est wedding crashers in Equestrian history).

What will you do?

Inspired by The Life of a Wanted Changeling (Comment Driven Story) by Down with Chrysalis

Rated "Teen" to give more freedom to commenters.

Chapters (26)

For a changeling like Iqqel, the Ceremony of Names is what getting a cutie mark is for a pony. It has a lot to do with your destiny and who you are meant to become. Iqqel dared to refuse all that and chose to shape her own future.

Reviewed by Chris and Matthewl419 here and by PaulAsaran here!

Chapters (5)

Things Chrysalis dislikes: winter, sports, winter sports and, above all, being bested by Celestia at winter sports. But when your trusty advisor says it's high time you took a day off, you do what she says, even if her idea of a vacation spot turns out to be a ski resort at Equestria's absolute north.

Welcome to Clarity Peak. Enjoy your stay!

You may benefit from reading Cheersalis first.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Clueless in Equestria

He was once a human, and still remains so in his much smaller head. After making use of Luna's sizable magical talent, he has rewound from a middle-aged human to a unicorn colt just old enough to start learning how to use their horn.

Of course, it wouldn't do to have an orphaned foal, and Luna is far too busy with royal duties to take upon this strange unicorn, so she allows him to pick a guardian. He chooses his pony self, Rough Draft, who was once his original character before his arrival, and proved to be a real pony, with his own aspirations and quirks.

Rough Draft and Trixie, who had the (mis)fortune of being present during all of this, are now acting as David's parents as he learns everything there is to know about being a unicorn.

Want to support the author? Check out his Patreon.

Chapters (32)