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Lynx a once a proud changeling soldier under the command of Queen Chrysalis when she invaded Canterlot. Thrown into the equestrian forest by Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's Love spell lynx gets knocked unconscious. The result changed Lynx, and caused the connection to his queen to fade away. Lost and confused he quickly decides to try and start life over as a pony. Transforming himself into a White Unicorn, he re-enter's Canterlot in hopes of starting a new life, all the while his Queen clawing away at his mind trying to re-form her army from the shadows.

Chapters (11)

Changeling 8480/D wanted to become something more in life, and this is his story, his tale of ascension to power greater than any one changeling.

Starting a MLP DnD game with some friends and I was told to make a backstory for my character. I chose Sigma because I like the name, and he is a changeling warlock. Uploading here for funzies.

Chapters (1)

Hello, friends! My name is Lemony Cutewhistle.

I am probably a normal pony.


Editing thanks to Aquaman and Masked Ferret.

Chapters (1)

Batsy Fluffentuft (not the most respected of the lunar guards, and in fact on super-probation from Princess Luna herself) manages to escape into the town of Canterlot and have herself an adventure.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Based on this story:
The Great, the Powerful, and the Magnificent
Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent's Grand Shower Quest
Batsy Fluffentuft's Short Screwy Adventure
Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent Becomes an Alicorn
Batsy Fluffentuft the Magnificent gets out...again

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Blue Moon Bloom

(Note: Spoilers in the comment section)

Rumble was always a quiet kid. It's only recently, since he started hanging out with Scootaloo, that anypony's really paid attention to him.

Until he announces he's got a bat-winged girlfriend. Whom he's going to wedlock (which is totally not the same thing as a wedding).

That suddenly gets him a lot of attention.

Now the rousette community of Ponyville has to contend with ponies arguing over one boy's decision to partake in a bat rite, while ponies are trying to figure out if they're allowed to be offended by their bat-winged neighbours' behaviour.

And Scootaloo? Scootaloo has more pressing matters to worry about than cultural clashes and child marriages, even if the latter involves someone she likes. And hey, it's not like she could do anything about it even if she wanted to, right?

Author's Notes: the third and for now final part of the Quorum Sensing storyline, and as such follows canon up to and including Season 2. Also contains massive spoilers for the previous stories.

Trigger warning: may remind people of racial/cultural frictions, as well as gendered ones.

Chapters (15)

I was once Joy and now I am Sorrow.

A thing immune to magic and unable to be destroyed by force. We all thought it is impossible for such a thing to exist... But in Star Swirl the Bearded University, they proved us all wrong. They summoned a creature from a race of beings formed by magic and negative emotion. They merge it with a mare against her will and tried to bind it... they failed and payed the price. Now it is up to Elements of Harmony to stop the creature, but when they find it everything changes. Watch as they fight against two groups who wish to control the fate of Equestria if not the entire world and follow their journey to discover what it truly means to be a monster, what truly is evil and about a race of creatures that have always watched from the shadows and tried to make us happier.

Do not fear the shadows, fear those who cast them, for they are real and shadows are not. - the First.

Featured on 29/10/2016: Proudest day of my life!!!!!:rainbowdetermined2:

(Warning: This story contains slight bits of strong bits of gore and violence here and there. Also while I have tagged this romance, there won't likely be much. Also bad language!)

Proof read by my pain in the arse brother and the wonderful Bugze and now the also wonderful TheLunarRepublic2244. Also edited by one of my parents.

Chapters (14)

Bass Flare, better known as DJ-N30N to the fine ponies of Manehattan, has everything a pony like her could want. Fame, fortune, and music!

But it only takes one person to make even the most confident pony doubt everything they know.

Especially when you're hiding a secret as large as Bass Flare's...

Artwork by Kyth

Chapters (1)

Commander Cocoon has a pretty great life, by changeling standards anyway. Born and raised into his revered rank, he has everything many of his fellow changelings can only dream of: power, muscles, two gawgeous mates and the long-fought spot as the Queen’s number one minion. And yet, greedy and endlessly hungry as every other changeling, all this luxury and tail still isn’t enough.

When returning home to the Badlands colony after a year of conquest, Cocoon expected only to resume his humdrum life, at least until his Queen's next big crusade. He certainly didn’t expect a personal invitation to the royal chambers by Queen Chrysalis herself.

That night, as the colony celebrates their soldiers’ return, Chrysalis makes Cocoon an offer only a brain-dead male would refuse: to stand at her side as her consort, the first changeling prince consort in over a hundred years.

His pelvis already crying out in joy, is Cocoon really prepared to deal with the real problems and even dangers being Queen Chrysalis’s top buck-buddy entails?

A follow-up to A Canterlot Wedding, The Return of Queen Chrysalis, and FIENDship Is Magic #5.

Edited and pre-read by Chaodiurn, SketchyChangeling , Scarheart and Mistermech

Cover art by Mistermech

Chapters (1)

After the Changelings got flung out of Canterlot, one of them brought a Guardspony with them. When they crash into a deep cave, both of them end up crippled and unable to leave the cave and all they have is eachother to count on for survival.

Edited by the fantastic mikesnipe
Preread by the equally fantastic shynight

Upped the rating and added "Sex" tag because of language in the later chapters.

Featured on 2015/10/25. Thank you guys!

Chapters (13)

Warning: the following story is my attempt to write a ghost story.

Filliedelphia's police were called to respond to a concerned call to investigate someone screaming at the Sanctuary Mental Hospital, a condemned lunatic asylum outside of the city. They quickly found that the supposedly haunted hospital not only contained three corpses, but a changeling that was strapped to a rotting bed, screaming his head off.

After identifying the bodies and picking up some clues, detective Hoof Print is called to interview the only living witness to the crime. Bringing his tape recorder with him, he begins the interview with the question: What was doing at the abandoned mental hospital to begin with?

Special thanks to Shadeol for proofreading.

Chapters (10)