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We trained her.
We taught her.
We raised her to godhood.
She brought us down to earth.

Sequel can be found here: Memoirs in Ink and Blood

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Monster We Made

She betrayed us.
She mislead us.
She imposed her rule upon us.
We rose in defiance.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to TwiSpike

Twilight and Spike have been dating in secrecy since the lustful night they shared. For nearly a month the two have hidden from the town, blissfully unaware that their lives and the lives of all of their friends is on a collision course.

Cover art once again by: EeveePikachuChan

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Dawn of Sigma

Sigma was banished from the hive for his failure, a fate that would kill a drone such as himself. He survives with the help of unexpected friends and a cursed tome, but his mind remains broken. Now they try to help him regain his past, but for everything he begins to remember, the more he deteriorates.

This is just the beginning, but the madness of Sigma knows no bounds, additional tags will be added as needed.

Featured on 11/4/15! Thanks Everyone!

My commission is finished and updated as the cover image!

Chapters (24)

When Twilight and her friends find a Luck Dragon who claims to be an old friend of Luna's, Twilight wonders why the princess never told them about the mysterious Luck Dragon. It's up to Twilight to find out!

Chapters (22)

Story number one from the Lunar Tales.

Night Watch isn't your average batpony from the Lunar Guard. While being small for her race, she has great planning skills and some tricks up her front hooves. But what will she do if her skills fail at some easy task?

Another work with Forgotten and TwiDash.
Cover Bronies.de

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fangs

Octavia finally managed to get what she wanted, someone to fill the gap of loneliness that lingered on the edges of her mind, but it seems like her conflicts are just beginning.

(I'd really recommend reading the first story. Or else the first chapter probably won't make a shred of sense.)

Credits to roker12 for editing.

Chapters (60)

It all started with a glance at her dream stallion-a clueless Big Mac. At first it was just glimpses. Blurs of what felt like memories that didn't belong to her. Then they became more frequent, longer, and when she began seeing the evil Queen Chrysalis, things started to take a twist for the worse. Now Tealove has been made a member of Equestria's secret society, Celestia's Clandestine, full of ordinary ponies like her who had turned out to be Children of the Sky, ponies destined to save Equestria with their powers that excelled that of an alicorn's. Then Tealove's life turns upside down in a mix of uncovering secrets from her past, stopping the rebel society, the Brokes, from overthrowing Celestia, breaking into the Embassy, finding true friends and possible love all while struggling to fulfill her high expectations as the Clandestine's newest Covert Agent.

Chapters (10)

Spike the Dragon is a long time resident of Ponyville and in this town are his best friends, The Elements of Harmony. This group has been through everything together, good and bad and their friendship has grown into an unbreakable bond, or so Spike thought.

Through a unforeseen event, Spike is sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit and the bond of friendship he thought he had was nothing more than a illusion of his heart. With his world shattered and nothing left for him to live for, one being changes that and gives Spike a new desire to live and that is for power and revenge.

This story takes place after the events of Season 4, Twilight's battle with Tirek.

Chapters (5)

A dragon in a pony community?
Spike always wished to became a stallion but as he embarked into an adventure he slowly realized he already had what he truly needed.After a wish from a mystic comet Spike life will turn from upside down to inside out. SpikeXTwilight fanfic, please enjoy! Currently being edited
Many thanks to Prince Fullmoon for being my proofreader..

Chapters (10)