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This is a story of a dragon and a twist of fate. Sometimes a dream can become a reality. A dream you never thought would ever become possible. One you didn't even know you truly wanted. The real question one should ask themselves is "Do I truly want this?". Only time can answer such questions. But what if those answers only leave ever the more questions? Perhaps friendship will count now, more than ever.

Other tags: Nuzzles,
*6/26/18 - May add Mature tag for talk of sex, possible sexy scenes (not clop), and mentions or interactions with genitalia.

Chapters (3)

The royal wedding is saved but at what cost? There was more to the changeling attack than was apparent and Twilight begins to wonder if it was all as black and white as it seemed. Queen Chrysalis was defeated and her rule was taken from her. With no food and no allies, she is doomed to the dreary fate she had always feared. When faced with potential tragedy, Twilight has to make one of the scariest decisions of her life. Does she help the dying changeling or leave her to her "just" end?

Continued in Hive Alive!


Featured July 20, 2014.

Art by BlackWater (me)

Chapters (4)

When Scootaloo comes home from school, she sees this colt on the side of the road. After she gets news of her parents death, the mysterious colt takes her to a place where everypony knows each other and that somepony would want to be in her family. They travel across seas and land, fighting monsters and coming over troubles.

Chapters (2)

[Played in first person view of Daring Do.]

Everything was going fine, just perfectly fine, but not long until a pony who doesn't remember herself wakes up somewhere that wasn't called.. Equestria. Yet she searches everywhere, but seemed lost at a point where she found a stranger who looks lost as well. These two hope for a way back home but as things try to stop them, they awaited for whatever comes to their path.

Source for picture: [Link]

Chapters (1)

Growing up, you always thought getting an eye-scar would be cool. Like it would be a symbol of your many victories in battle. Now that you have one, you realize that it's just a testament to your weakness. That you couldn't be stronger. That you failed.

Now you walk the streets of Ponyville alone. The ponies you once called your acquaintances shun you and pay you no mind. All except for one cross-eyed Pegasus who's blatantly unaware of your hell.

Perhaps she's the first in a long time you can call 'friend.'

Here’s a theme I think could work for the story. Got a better one? Let me know in the comments. Take Us Back by Alela Diane.

Hey, if you liked the story, you think you could add it to a group or two?

Chapters (10)

Ponyville is finally getting it's own county sheriff, and Twilight and her friends and ready to give their new lawpony a true Ponyville welcome. Yet Twilight doesn't trust the newcomer, and she is determined to find the truth. Even against the new sheriff's wishes.

Chapters (3)

Oakford Dazzle, Thorn and Crimson Edge were all simple people but they were different from others Oak was a Changeling Siren hybrid, Thorn was a Dragon Pony and Crimson Edge was a being of Light and Shadows a Nephilim, but these differences brought them and others like them close together to create a dream a kingdom where all were welcome. But many adventures await ahead of them and other shenanigans.

Chapters (2)

My name is Tjjait. Hmm? Can't pronounce it? Well, ponies, you can call me Last Stand. It is my name, might as well use it. I'm the last of my kind, but you don't care about that, do you? I'm just a changeling, filthy vermin in your clouded eyes. And you caught me. It's the end for poor old Last, just grant me one request. No, it's not to kill, capture, or damage anybody. It's to tell you a story. Ponies, listen to my tale, and think twice before taking my head off.

Just a little one-shot.

Chapters (1)

Chirp, a fiddle playing, farming changeling, has started falling for a pony, but what consequences does even caring for a pony bring a changeling? Is such a relationship even possible? Chirp wants to find out, but has to overcome her own fears to do so.

Chapters (3)

The MPVRD has come to Ponyville! It stands for Magic-Powered Virtual Reality Device!

And Queen Chrysalis has a plan. A new game has come out. A game where everypony is shipped with everypony, and the pony with the most ponies dating them at "the end" wins. Everypony is playing, and everypony thinks most of the ponies are computer simulations. It's easy for a few changelings to get involved, right? Nopony will even notice!

Warning: I am a novice writer. Some of this may suck. Constructive criticism is appreciated.

Chapters (12)