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This story is a sequel to Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

With his cutie mark earned, once David, now Silver Lining is eager to learn true magic and unlock its mysteries. Entering a new school, with most of his old friends departed for more practical jobs, Silver will have to rely on Celine(a miniature copy of Luna), and Night Watch(A bat pony/lunar pegasus) to steer him right as he enters the next phase of pony life as a young adult.

Will he survive his college years? Let's find out!

Chapters (312)

This story is a sequel to Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

His life in Equestria has been full of ups and downs. He has two foals on the way, but has lost as many wives, and many more friends have moved on or away. He has been beaten, burned, and generally abused, sometimes at no fault of his own, and sometimes entirely at his discretion.

Savior of Canterlot, yet feared by many of its people, will Silver Lining find true happiness in this magic world of equines? Stripped of his diplomat status and declared a ward of Luna until such time as she proclaims him cured, he has little choice but the trust in her love, and hope it can fix the breaks within him, without destroying who he is.

Part of the Silver Verse.

Chapters (122)

A human in his mid thirties that makes his living off of online video games that he designed and by writing about ponies. When he gets his chance to go anywhere he wants, he opts to visit Equestria, despite more sane options being available.

Behold as our author-turned-protagonist deals with the dangers of Equestria as he attempts to make a new place for himself without looking too much like an ass. He will encounter faces he knows from before, and some that are not as they seem. Will he survive a convention traveling at the side of his new friends? Will he get his fill of Equestrian life and want to go home?

Additional Tags: Not chosen one, no super powers

Chapters (32)

Night Storm was born a Changeling to an old, unknown Hive. She left her Hive and went to Equestria for a better means of life, and decided to become a nomad, wandering Equestria until she dies. However, Changelings must feed. Yes, she takes some love here and there, but the Cobalt pony is rarely noticed or seen. The Cobalt coat and Sea Green mane are always seen on a Unicorn, Pegasus, and Earth Pony each, all with the same golden locket. Some pony can't make up her mind. After she finds a stallion finally worth keeping, Sword Right, a brown Unicorn with a dark red mane and a love for sharp tools and justice, can she trust him not to spill her secrets?

Chapters (16)

Sweetie Belle has been married for five years and has a daughter of seven. Her Husband, Lucky Charme, isn't the most normal, seeing as to how he needs love to survive.

When their daughter, Sweet Melody, asks how they met, and why she can't go to school, Lucky divulges the whole story.

Chapters (5)

Lilith is given an ultimatum by the Alpha Drone collectors. Gather love or have to situation escalated by referring it to higher powers. Unfortunately for her, she has no idea how to go about this after her escapades and lack of focus in training leave her without the skills needed to “harvest love” from the ponies. She knows what her issue is, but the Alpha Drones don't want to hear her excuses, they just want to see results and of course it's in their best interests to protect their own hides. Following an unlikely series of events, she sees herself in a situation where she is stuck with an Element of Harmony bearer for an indefinite period of time. What could possibly go right?

This takes place around Season 3, Twilight won't be an Alicorn... I think... or maybe she won't even play a major part at all, it's all a little TBD lol.

Image was just one I found on Deviant Art, full credit goes to the artist "MoonlitBrush". And no that's not blood x)

Chapters (1)

As a changeling gets the worst end of the invasion, she realizes she had been fighting for something she never wanted. Wounded and alone, her fate seems sealed – but when do things ever turn out as expected?

Not when meeting the Crystal Alchemist, that much is certain. Especially not while he is faced with Bon-Bon and Lyra, in trouble way too deep for comfort.

Honestly, descriptions. After countless versions of this one, I still liked none. Reading the beginning hardly helps, since that should be tagged dark and not romance. If you react to this story like Button Mash to the pong machine, sorry about that.

Chapters (5)

Queen Chrysalis's changeling's are dying. She finally turns to the light and decides that maybe changelings can get along... she sends one of the only female drones in the hive to become a pony and try to feed off of extra love. Love meant for her.

This is the story of one changeling's journey that can effect all of ponykind.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Ghosts in the Code

**Inspired by the song of the same name by Aviators ft. Princewhateverer.**

That day was like any other... a nice enough day, all told. I made my patients feel better, my bills were paid, and I wasn't going hungry. Being a counselor in a happy town like Ponyville isn't an easy job, and my life is rough. At the end of the day, though, I make ponies happy, and that's what matters. I'd lived a peaceful life there for the past three years, and it was a content one. I'd have been happy there. But that day... that day, one that should have been like any other, everything went upside-down. My name is Bright Dawn, and this is my story.

I'll add character tags relevant to a chapter a week after they air, as to avoid the spoiling of the thingstuffsomethingorother. Also my first story with a female protagonist. We'll see how this goes.

Comments of the supportive/constructive variety are highly encouraged! (Just don't mindlessly flame me and we'll be good.)

[Gore] Tag just to be safe.

While this is the 'sequel' to Ghosts in the Code, it isn't required reading. After all, it was a retroactive prequel.

Cover art by Devix

Chapters (10)

When blasphemy echoes through the halls of the Hive, a Changeling is sentenced to death. Drones, all the same, are told to escort and guard her. But what happens if there's a ghost in the code?

Inspired by a song of the same name by Aviators, and a prequel to Mirrors.

Chapters (2)