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A day that Spike has always dreaded is approaching so he runs away to prevent anypony from getting hurt. When Twilight sets out to find him, she finds the feelings for the dragon that she's kept locked deep inside of her.

Chapters (7)

Years after King Sombra's defeat, Princess Cadance's long lost mother, the previous queen of the Crystal Empire: Princess Amore returns. Though, King Sombra returns and teems-up with bad guys in order for him to take over & to make sure Princess Amore does not fall for Spike!

This takes place after the end of The Gigolo that Established Bonds

Chapters (3)

After a date with Rarity gone awry, Spike is in an inconsolable mood. When a stranger offers a solution to his heartaches, he must accept.
Little does he know that he has surrendered his heart to a changeling: A rare, but most disastrous theft. It is up to those closest to Spike to retrieve his heart, and discover how far they are willing to go in order to protect it.

Chapters (10)

For hundreds of years, the ancient quarrels between dragon and pony had been put to rest under Celestia's reign. However, after a simple land dispute on Equestria's border turns violent, dozens of ponies are left dead at the hands of dragons. As outrage over the event sweeps the nation, a strong divide between the two races is beginning to reemerge. To make matters worse, many ponies have begun to question the princesses' response; calling them too soft. Some have even decided to take matters into their own hands.

As the situation escalates, Spike has found himself growing evermore isolated. Every time he steps outside, he can't help but find at least one pony looking at him as if he were covered in the blood of the victims. Though, through these trying times, Spike has only been able to hold onto one constant: Twilight. But no matter how tightly they hold onto each other, will it be enough to see them through the days ahead?

Chapters (1)

Spike's relationship with Twilight has changed, and his blossoming romance with Rarity is making him the happiest dragon in Equestria, not to mention the fact that he's made a new friend. So what is the new shadow that's hanging over him, and how will that affect his standing in Ponyville?

Chapters (1)

Some fighters are celebrated in ballads, others have their names whispered by bandits as wretched curses across the desert winds and even more are remembered for the injustice they fought.

This one belches fire.

Chapters (1)

"Fear of the dark, fear of the dark./I have constant fear that something's always near." -Iron Maiden, ‘Fear Of The Dark’

Camping out in their tree house, the Cutie Mark Crusaders talk about the upcoming holiday of Nightmare Night. As time goes on, the girls start telling scary stories around their fake campfire. Will they be able to be brave as they share the spooky stories, or is it too much for them?

Written for the Equestria Daily fan-fiction event "Nightmare Night 2013: Spooky Harder"

Chapters (1)

What happens when Spike gets betrayed by Rarity by turning him down for another stallion? With a mending heart and lost memories he sets out to seek revenge on the mare that broke his heart and to torment to any pony that gets in his and Nightmare's way! Beware of Spike the Dragon!

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle has made a number of homemade clones to act as her while out with her friends. Why? More time left for the original Twilight to study, of course.

If only she weren't so absolutely terrible at making clones.

Sex tag added due to Sexy Sparkle.

Chapters (16)

Big Mac doesn’t say much. That’s just his way. However, when a routine medical exam reveals he’s going to lose his voice, he decides he’d better get his last round of speaking in while he still can. Saying a few last words to his friends (and asking out a certain schoolteacher) is all he planned on doing. If only he understood the full repercussions of opening his big mouth.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Reading by DRWolf: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3

The original version of the story took 12th place in The Writeoff Association's July contest, "A Matter of Perspective"

Chapters (3)