• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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After the girls suffer the effects of some spiked drinks, Twilight reveals a surprising fact about the human world's equine species—basically, they don't get drunk like humans do. Of course, this raises the question of whether or not the same holds true for Equestrian ponies.

The answer is a bit surprising.

Side story in my Harmony and Valor series. Check out the TVTropes page.

Chapters (1)

Upon a balcony, above a city of white and magic. Two ponies meet for the first time after the events after a certain failed Gala. And discuss their love, consequences and how to deal with a valid situation that might be created because of this.

A rather short one-shot that invaded my mind once

Chapters (1)

The erogenous 3rd edition. It's 30 percent longer, 300 percent better edited, 3000 percent more ethically dubious, and still narrated by Steven Fry.

It's that special time of the month again for the Elements of Harmony; the time when they get together for a Truth or Dare game of a more questionably pure nature. From long kept secrets, to reflecting on parties they can barely remember, their three years of friendship have changed them. For better or worse, they were still deciding on that.

This game will be different. Most likely for the worse, but that's what drinking before the sun sets can do. Or maybe them being hornier than usual. Or secretly planning each others sex lives. Or falling in love with each other. Or all four. Most likely all four.

Twilight wants to go out on her first date, but will alcohol and the raunchy advice of her friends help? Rainbow badly wishes to sedate her loins, or maybe she's looking for something more? What exactly, is Rarity planning for this night? Should they really add weed to the equation?

The Elements all have desires they haven't quite realized they have had, and a day long exchange of sex jokes and tension might lead to events that are out of their control. It was in their control once.

Our innocent little ponies seem to have sucked in too much Seth Rogen, but that's okay.


It's Archer with ponies.

Chapters (24)

Rainbow Dash gets ideas sometimes. Usually, they end in broken limbs or brain damage. But when she gets an idea that is completely different than any other before it, will Applejack and Rainbow Dash survive the shenanigans?

Probably, but it sounds more dramatic to give you the doubt.

Originally a one-shot that asploded later. AppleDash because best ship. Pre-reading/editing/shenanigans by Jackie. Yay.

Chapters (11)

100 - 500 word, prompt based mini-fics by the authors from the AppleDash group here on FiMFiction, including Tchernobog, bookplayer, KrazyTheFox, DbzOrDie, ThatPinkPony, BronyNeumo, TwilightUCrazy and more!

Note: word-count is based on program used for writing the fic.
Prompt count: 282

Chapters (324)

Applejack helps run her family's successful apple orchard, while Dusty is the Cadet Colonel of Canterlot High's Junior ROTC. For the last few years, they had been a item, with many students looking on with amazement and wonder at the seemingly “perfect, All-Equestrian couple.”

But one day their lives are turned upside down when Applejack begins showing symptoms of being pregnant. The pregnancy test will be one hundred percent accurate a week after ‘conception’, which is only a few days away. With the clock counting down, Dusty and Applejack are left with a question: Do they spend their possible last few days of their youth in loathing and fear or do they spend it with the people they care about the most: each other?

Written for and edited by my right-hand man DustyPwny and his weird infatuation with Appleheorse.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is injured at Sweet Apple Acres and is unable to fly home or to head up her storm team. A leaky roof puts Applejack's guest room out of commission. When these two friends share a bed, friendship slowly becomes more. But what will their friends and family think?

Cancelled, see this blog post.

Scene change markers were scaled down from here.

Chapters (4)

Applejack has been in a secret relationship with the Pegasus pony Rainbow Dash for a long time now, and this has caused her a lot of trouble keeping it from her friends and family, but when a few comments one hearts and hooves day really dig deep, she decides that it's time to put her hoof down and tell them the truth, no matter how much drama it may cause. But even with the best interests in mind, can she truly foresee all the consequences?

Chapters (2)

On the eve of her 50th anniversary, Applejack reviews her "scrap table"--some of the small, stupid, inconsequential, yet supremely important things that have helped her relationship with Rainbow Dash become what it is. It certainly hasn't been easy, and the effects of their relationship have gone far beyond Ponyville proper, but one thing is for sure:
She regrets none of it.

Originally supposed to be a part of AppleDash Collab number two, but it kindof crashed and burned died, with mine being the only entry (who says ADD is a complete curse?). I decided I'd post what I had in the AppleDash Prompt Tag, but then realized, it's over two thousand words. It might as well be its own submission.
And so now it is.
Now, the rules of this collab were, pick a pony and pick a random item, and write a flashback on how it affected their relationship / brought them together / helped them through a tough time / saved Equestria / that sort of thing; hence the chapter name.
They're all out of order and very random; but isn't that how all memories are?

Chapters (3)