• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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Newly appointed student president Starlight Glimmer has the brilliant idea of wearing uniforms to make sure everyone is equal. And while it seems to suit her well, for everyone else it's a living nightmare.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash just bought a camera, and wants to show it off. She and Applejack rope Fluttershy into a silly improv session. The shy pegasus gets an idea, and runs with it...

Based on the award-winning film Potion Seller by esteemed director and playwright Justin Kuritzkes.

In other words: a very silly idea.

Thanks to Compass the Pegasus for encouragement and proofreading.

Now featuring a reading by Mystery Pony Fiction! (aka The Mystery Fluttershy Fan)

Chapters (1)

Simple, I got challenged to write something around this piece of art,https://www.deviantart.com/julunis14/art/AppleDash-Series-You-look-cute-in-pink-908427359, enough said. Enjoy this stupid little piece!

Chapters (1)

Sunset and the girls help Applejack realize family isn't always the people you're related to. (re-posting because of minor edits)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to No Room In This Hell

I've seen it happen before. Ponies get bit and come nighttime, they turn. 

I dunno if they're even really alive at that point, but I know they're strong as an angry bull. It's like they don't care about anypony else anymore, not even themselves. They bite. They've got these fangs and they bite like a rabid dog. 

I turn to look at Rainbow. They got her, too. But we were quick. We got rid of the wing they got 'er at. I think… I think that'll help. 

Originally written for Quills and Sofas Speedwriting’s Lyrical Contest, where we had 24 hours to write a story based on a lyric or lyrics of a song of our choosing. Thanks to everyone who preread (I swear I’ll list y’all later).

Chapters (1)

During the snowy days leading up to Hearth’s Warming, Rainbow Dash receives pressing news that she must deliver. She wonders if she can be enough through the hard times.

Written as a gift for applezombi as part of Quill’s and Sofas Speedwriting’s holiday fic exchange! The prompt I received was “Rainbow Dash helps another pony handle grief and loss during the holidays. Romance is strongly encouraged but not required.”
Thanks to The Red Parade for helping me develop the idea, and my friend Mori (who does not have FimFic) for helping me preread before I uploaded it.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow appears at Applejack's in the middle of the night with an odd request.

Originally written for a Quills and Sofas speedwriting contest with the theme "appledash" (romantic or platonic) and the prompt "the aftermath". It also doubles as a birthday gift for Luna! Happy birthday! Originally written in 75 minutes, this version has seen some expansion and editing. Special thanks to RedParade, applezombi, Holtinater, Decaf, applejackofalltrades, and Vis-a-Viscera for pre-reading during the contest!

Chapters (1)

It's never easy taking care of a loved one lost to addiction, especially when the rest of the world is so quick to leave them behind. Luckily in Ponyville, there's always a light left on in case some pony has nowhere left to turn.

Written for the Feb 21 2021 Quills and Sofa Speedwrite contest, where the theme was "Psychadelics", and the prompt was "Only Option Left".

Prereading/editing by Red Parade, and coverart by Snow Quill!

Chapters (1)

Just because the world is ending doesn't mean Derpy doesn't have a job to do.

Written for the Publish-a-Story speedwriting contest on the Quills and Sofa server, where the prompt was "End of the World". This story placed second.

Much thanks to the pre-readers, applezombi, AshleyNoble, Exodd, and the ever-supportive Holtinater!

Chapters (1)

As Apple Bloom escorts a drunken Applejack home, Applejack decides to tell her the story of how Equestria came into existence and how ponies were made.

What little of it she can remember, anyway.

Chapters (1)