• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

Just some good reads 247 stories



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This story is a sequel to Sunset Wins

A card game between friends, with everyone except Rarity knowing exactly what they're doing. Though one of the losers does get a consolation prize.

Chapters (1)

Rarity Writes is a monthly article featured in the Hooves and Hemlines magazine, and Rarity couldn't be prouder. After all, if there was one thing she could talk about, it was fashion, right? And free publicity is always great.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long for her to run out of ideas. Luckily for her, she finds some interesting subject material in her best friend's relationship.

Proofread by Apple Cinnamon and docontra. Written for the AppleDash contest featuring the themes 'Exploring the Past' and 'A Special Event'

Chapters (1)

What was seemingly just a day to play, turned out into something so much more. An ordinary day turns extraordinary, when Applejack learns of her true love for her rainbow maned friend. Both realize this is what they want, and they prove it. A normal night in the barn becomes much more than anypony could have ever thought. Does this happen all by chance? Or does somepony influence it?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie loves her friends! And they love her too. Yay! Except when she throws them parties for every little thing. They decide to have an intervention, and let the party planner know how they're feeling.

Chapters (1)

The CMC are at it again! With a deadline to find their one true talent fastly approaching, desperate times call for desperate measures! But that doesnt always mean you should take advice from your older friends!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has kept her feelings for Applejack secret for years. But no more. This year, for Applejack's birthday, she found the perfect gift to accompany her confession. Unfortunately, it seems something has Applejack in quite the funk today. Rainbow Dash intends on fixing that.

Featured: 7/27/2021

Chapters (1)

This history is a continuation from the ending of the series and the events of the S10 comics (not necesary reading them, but recomended). It will explore the love betwen Fluttershy and Discord, from them realising and admiting their feelings to how their relationship evolves with other subplots of dangers that might come cause this is Equestria. It will also feature the other final ships: cheesepie and appledash, although the last one will take some time till it becomes something, but it shall be expected. But mostly fluttercord.

Chapters (6)

The mind thinks what it shouldn't. The heart races when it shouldn't. And the eyes roam where they shouldn't. Soon enough, everything catches up to Applejack, and she wonders to herself, 'How could I be so stupid?'

Rated "Teen" for suggestive themes, alcohol use, and heavy lime. Enjoy, fellow AppleDashers! Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

It has been six years since Princess Twilight Sparkle ascended to the throne of Equestria. There has been continuous peace and prosperity ever since. The only down side? Rarity cannot get away from the press and media who follow them around.

Even in remote holiday destinations she is recognised. Only now she has an idea. A potentially weird and risky idea which involves a certain mirror portal. This tale really focuses on the relationships of these holidaying ponies, and the effects having a doppelganger can have on someone from a parallel world.

Author note 1: This is a story written using UK English dictionary.

Author note 2: Prologue is optional.

Chapters (14)

A few weeks after Twilight's coronation, Rara visits Applejack to get help with her upcoming concert. The visit becomes a point of contention for Rainbow Dash, who experiences a new range of emotions during that time. Will Rainbow Dash come to terms with the fact that she feels, and may have always felt, a different kind of love for Applejack?

The truth to that question will set Rainbow Dash free. But first, she must admit it to herself.

Be ready for a lot of fluff with a dash of angst. This is a light-hearted Appledash fanfic, and I hope it becomes one of your go-to comfort reads. And this is my first Appledash fic, so please be kind :)

Chapters (19)