• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

AppleDash 151 stories
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Total Words: 1,318,665
Estimated Reading: 3 days



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During a Wonderbolts exhibition at Mt. Aris, Rainbow Dash accidentally crashes at Sonic Rainboom speeds, nearly killing her. Her recovery is slow and painful, grounding her for months. While land-locked, she learns to appreciate life from the new perspective, as well as the pony caring for her.

At the same time, Applejack watches others form families of their own and starts to wonder if she’ll ever get a special-somepony for herself, or if she’ll end up alone. But she doesn't get any time to ponder that before she's suddenly thrust into a caretaker role for a badly wounded Pegasus...

(Found the cover on EQD, not sure who made it...)

Chapters (1)

With the rest of her family out of town on a business trip, Applejack decided to bring back old memories as a little filly and have a sleepover with her friends! Too bad they're all busy... except for one. But it's gonna take some convincing to get this mare anywhere near a sleepover.

EDIT: I went through and fixed grammar mistakes and errors in the first two chapters. The third will be grammatically correct before upload. Thanks for all the support!

Chapters (3)

Applejack's petrified about an operation her sister has tomorrow. Good thing Rainbow Dash has a deck of cards and time to spare. But will that be enough to save the farmpony from her worries?

A short story where I challenged myself to write two characters interacting without them ever saying a word.

Contains AppleDash.

Chapters (1)

Both Applejack and Rainbow come home late and talk about their day. Neither actually listens.

Contains unrepentant AppleDash.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, trying to think about anything but the straps that bound her to the wooden board. She cracked one eye open just enough to see Applejack, smiling mouth full of the knives that would soon be racing though the air towards her. The things some ponies will do for love...

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash begins looking for romance, seeking advice from all of her friends, But Applejack's a little on edge, and nopony seems convinced that Rainbow knows what she's doing. Will this end in heartbreak or a happy ending? And will Princess Celestia ever get to banish somepony to the moon?

Chapters (1)

Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash have been training together ever since almost letting their friends down in yet another world ending event. One day however they end up in a compromising position, what follows is... nothing. Followed immediately by the most backwards hook up in equestrian history.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Greatest Fear

Rainbow Dash and Applejack compete all the time. For the most part the athletic girls come out about even most of the time. But there is one area where Rainbow Dash just can't seem to beat her at all. Applejack is completely unflappable, and it annoys Rainbow Dash to no end that she continually fails to spook her. But seeing as it's Halloween, the day when trying to get under someone's skin is socially acceptable, it seems like the perfect time to try to fix that little shortcoming.
But Applejack is starting to wonder just why it is that Rainbow Dash is spending so much time trying to get her attention. It's shaping up to be a long holiday at school for both girls. Is there something Rainbow Dash can do to scare Applejack, and just what will happen if she does.

This is not a direct sequel to the original Greatest Fear, but rather another story with the same premise. Therefore you don't need to read the original as the events of that story are not connected to this one.

Happy Halloween everyone. Decided Halloween needed more attention this year, so I decided to make Greatest fear into a series. At this point each will be a stand alone story, only joined to the original by a title and will not affect one another. Will I publish them every year? Maybe. Will they all feature Rainbow Dash? Maybe. Just having some fun with this. Let me know what you think down below.

Chapters (1)

Applejack has had a crush on Rainbow Dash for a while. On a brisk fall evening, after their friends have left, the farm girl decides to finally take a chance on the athlete.

Cover art by D+CON

Check out all of my stories here!

Chapters (1)

When a tragic fire destroys everything an orange earth pony holds dear, she finds that not even friendship may be enough to comfort her. When a certain cyan pegasus shows her much more, will she be able to piece her life back together? And is her best friend hiding something else from her, something that could tear everything they have apart?

Chapters (12)