• Member Since 20th May, 2022


I'm just a person-thing that likes good fanfic,fun video games, great food and fantastic animated series (western and anime)

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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks


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Tanya Degurechaff gets tossed into Equestria and transformed into a Changeling Queen. It's a nice retirement from modern warfare as an aerial mage. Then Queen Chrysalis attacks and forces her out of retirement. Historians refer to this as 'a bit of an oopsie.'

Chapters (10)

Leo had just turned 16 and passed high school, he had a life that you can consider ordinary. But one day he dreamed of a creature who was better described as outright bizarre, also having a strange and questionable sense of humor. But he just shrugged that aside.

An error on his part, as the creature who named himself 'Discord' suddenly pulled him into a world he had never seen before and with a body that was similar to his, and what did he mean by himself being an apprentice? What the hell is going on?

And why do the people all look like colorful horses?

The artwork's are not mine! They belong to their respective owners.

Chapters (3)

My name is Comet Tail, and I have died many times.

Chapters (3)

So many resets, so many changes; all just to blur together after a while. The void became, well, not my 'home', but not quite not a home either. I was content with the nigh nothingness I experienced while I waited for Frisk to reset, only to suddenly end up somewhere else entirely.

I'd seen all kinds of humans, all kinds of monsters. A muscular seahorse, a talking bowl of water obsessed with cleaning. What I didn't expect was an entire world of talking pony people who, despite being the only human there, they treat with kindness.

But, once again, the happiness didn't last; it never does.

Now with a reading!

*Takes place after the events of season 2 but before season 3.*

*This is an undertale crossover fic, but you do not necessarily need to know anything about undertale to enjoy it.*

Huge thanks to Phaoray and DekaSkittalz, and Reily for helping with editing and proofreading!

Currently looking for a dedicated illustrator!

Cover art done by one of the best artist I've ever had the pleasure to work with! I am eternally grateful.

Featured: 6/10/21 onward. Thanks so much! I wasn't expecting anyone to like this story.

Chapters (42)

During the time Thorax and Ember left ponyville after their argument with Spike, Ponyville is unexpectedly attacked by strange apes that have come for something, they proved to be a strong and deadly foe against the mane 6 which brought fear to everyone, but they weren't here for them, they were here for a certain purple dragon.. Spike. Spike tries to escape the monster's grasps, but he unfortunately is captured by them, and he is taken to a different world before his friends could rescue him, leaving him trapped in a new world.. alone.

Spike wasn't one to give up though, he came up with a way that got himself free from the apes, and he fled for his life to live, it left the apes to start searching for him after he fled, while their master is waiting for the report. During Spike's escape, he runs into a Purple Dragon like him after escaping into a swamp, the dragon's name is Spyro, and with nowhere to go, and Spyro having a kind heart, Spike's taken in by him and joins him and his little brother Sparx with. Spike's life has changed completely, and he and Spyro are about to go on a journey that will change both they're lives forever..

Chapters (20)

You've all heard the "I died and was Displaced to Equestria" prompt. Rather than Equestria, I wound up in a Void, waiting to be shaped into a world, and with the power to do just that. After a brief conversation with someone who may or may not exist (still not sure if I was talking to myself) I decided to create Equestria, just to see what would happen. It's not turning out quite as I'd pictured, but I'm enjoying the ride.
FAQ and answers can be found here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/990621/after-death-creation-faq

Chapters (9)

Twilight and her friends were invited to celebrate Hearths Warming at the Crystal Empire, abandoning Spike in the process. Spike is sad and wonders what he should do. Then, bad things start to happen around Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. Can spike with the help of a new friend of his stop these bad things before it hurts everyone in Equestria?

Edit: Cover art for this story is by PureExxtacy They're awesome at cover art.

Chapters (16)

Somehow, I have died. At least, that's as much as I can assume with my human form left behind, and with my new form inhabited.

I'm not quite sure just yet what I can do about that, or what I'm supposed to do about that. I guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Chapters (5)

Spike has been Twilight's loyal Friendship Ambassador for many years, sorting problems and building bridges with other nations.

Sadly, the customs of his ancestral home remain a mystery to him. On a diplomatic visit to the Dragon Lands, Dragon Lord Ember decides to enroll Spike in a ceremony that all young dragons must pass, the communion with the deity of the dragons.

Yet, in this unfamiliar realm, a world of dragons he knows so little about, Spike is forced to grapple with profound questions of identity-who he truly is, what he aspires to become, and whether he can ever embody the essence of what it is to be a dragon.

Surely speaking with a God can't be that bad?

Set sometime before The Last Problem during Generation 4

Art is by Noben at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/16601690/ all credit goes to the artist and their works exclusively.

Chapters (1)

When Apex Cornea asked Pharynx-dominus, Head General of the Hive's army, to mentor him, he never expected the outbreak of near war with the ponies. He never expected his mentor to be called away. He never even considered that Thorax, the Outcast, the Heirless Prince, the Rankless One, would try to leave the Hive because he doesn't believe in their methods.

Even more so, he never thought that he would end up seeing the older changeling...kind of has point. Now, there is so much more in store for him than he ever expected.

*Rated with the Violence tag for later fight scenes and blood*

Chapters (30)