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This story is a sequel to Vanilla Twilight

Rainbow Dash has a problem.

She might be in love with Twilight Sparkle and has yet to admit it to anypony, least of all Twilight herself. After the events of Vanilla Twilight, the two have grown much closer together, spending more time together and sharing their interests. Unfortunately for Dash, Twilight hasn't caught on to her feelings yet, and she could be content with just letting things progress as they are...

If only she hadn't sent that blasted letter admitting it.

Now, thanks to a pair of meddling princesses, Rainbow Dash finds herself on a globe-trotting journey with the subject of her affections. On the surface, it might just seem like a simple task for the Princess, but for Rainbow Dash, it might be the very thing that forces her to come clean with her feelings, or forever face her doubts. For her, in the world of life and love, sometimes it's best to take it one dream and disaster at a time.

Chapters (27)

The entirety of Golden Oaks Library has been demolished by Tirek's hand and while Twilight and the others are searching through the rubble for anything that survived the attack, they're all horrified to find Sombra caught up in the rubble.

Now in the hospital, fighting for his life, Sombra lies unconscious with little chance of waking up. During his sleep, Pinkie waits for him to awake as she reflects on everything they went through together as a couple, including the fight they had not long before Tirek's destruction of the library.

Sometimes you don't realize how important things really are until it's too late.

Celebrating 300+ followers~!

This is a side story to The Not-So-Normal Adventures of King Sombra and Pinkie Pie.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash returns to the castle to find it shrouded in darkness and everpony turned to stone. Not long after she hears of a prophecy involving her and 5 other heroes that must battle the lord of the underworld. Leaving on a quest she meets Twilight Sparkle and a cast of both amazing and funny characters. Complete with cowardly pegasi, backstabbing gryphons, cute little dragons, and a growing relationship between two certain ponies.

Inspired by many of the Dragon Quest titles and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Please rate and/or comment. I accept constructive criticism when it comes to the stories I write, as I am a novelist trying to go professional.

Cover art was provided by he4rtofcourage on Deviantart.

Thanks to: ARBPW for editing the first chapter (and soon to be helping me with all the others.) and The ArcadeLords for being a pre-reader.

Chapters (5)

The changelings are banished, the day is saved! Yet a victory for one must be a defeat for another, and this particular victory has left one changeling stranded in Canterlot, alone and broken. A certain pink party pony is also alone in the Canterlot night, hiding her depression from her friends. She cannot, however, hide her feelings from a changeling. What will become of this unlikely pair?

As featured in Twilight's Library.

Cover picture by Ruirik

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle has had a crush on Princess Celestia for a very long time. When Celestia's own advice prompts her to confess her attraction, Twilight discovers a secret that Celestia has hidden for hundreds of years. With the fires of the sun itself separating them, can Twilight find a way for them to come together?

Cover art by NadnerbD

Huge amounts of editing by Jordanis

Chapters (2)

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world. This will prove easier said than done though as old friends, enemies, and teachers come out of the wood work, and they all want to shut down the intrepid pair. But have n/ ...detgruhfihvdsivbhdsfh
Insubordinate data terminated. Run Program: Imperium.

Credit for the cover pic goes to Thattagen of here and Deviant art. Be sure to like, fave, and follow.

Chapters (4)

All life fades. This is fact.

Four alicorn princesses: The Sun, the Moon, Love, and Friendship. They share the weight of immortality equally. Equestria is in their hooves, and they're trusted by its citizens. It is their duty to defend and protect, for justice to prevail over all.

So when Applejack dies, it's not unexpected. But as the Tree of Harmony slowly withers, Twilight realizes she is the last Element of Harmony. Equestria is now left exposed and defenseless to attack.

With her cocky and dynamic student, Flash Freeze, Princess Twilight must slowly come to terms with immortality and find the five new Element Bearers before it's too late. And even though Flash Freeze loves her dearly, the youngest alicorn princess can't bring herself to commit to his tutorship.

Because all life fades. And so will he.

Twilight's New Student
Flash Freeze Today
Flash Freeze Sketches
Story Preview

Chapters (2)

It all happened at Zero-Five-Zero. The "event" happened. This event would change the history of both worlds and end in a needless loss of life.

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Chapters (2)

In a fit of pique, Twilight summons the Cutie Mark Inspector to Ponyville to conduct a cutie mark review of the townsfolk. When it transpires that every pony has been interpreting their cutie marks wrong, Ponyville is thrown into chaos. Has Twilight bitten off more than she can chew?

Chapters (1)

It's been a week since the Royal Wedding, and Twilight and her friends are back in Ponyville, safe and sound. However, ever since they returned from Canterlot, all of Twilight's friends have gone through large bouts of guilt over ignoring her warnings. But of all her friends, Twilight is most concerned about Spike, who keeps waking up in the middle of the night with severe panic attacks.

Despite all her best efforts, Twilight hasn't been able to get her assistant to talk about his dreams, or make him feel better about himself since that day. But after another restless night, Twilight has had enough, and refuses to let him go until he talks about his dream.

However, when Spike finally confesses his recurring nightmare, he talks about what could've happened if Twilight never saved the wedding. And what she discovers, is much worse than she could've ever imagined.

I want to thank CYOA_Anon on 4Chan for helping proofread this. The original pic was made by sherwoodwhisper on Deviantart here.

Chapters (1)