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Aryanne, Ponyville's resident Nazi sympathizer, unicorn supremacist, and self-hating earth pony, gets asked to be the substitute teacher for Ms. Cheerilee's class when the latter pony falls ill one morning. During a lecture about the finer points of eugenics, Ayranne discovers that the ponies of Ponyville aren't quite as excited about the Final Solution as she is.

As with most of my stories, you have the Seattle's Angels skype group to thank for this one.

Chapters (1)

When a million other realities are just a magic mirror away, Twilight does have to wonder what makes her own so special.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo goes to foalsit the Cake twins after Pinkie Pie mysteriously disappears. There is nothing but silence in the house; the perfect scenario to get some good reading done. Except for the fact that there is a giant batpony on the loose.

Chapters (1)

Testing the fabrics of morality and his body, he seeks to kill himself for good.

Too bad there's so many distractions on the way.

Inspired by LucidTech's To Befriend the Night

Chapters (6)

Rainbow Dash is in the hospital with the unfortunate news that her cancer has spread. Her closest friends come by to comfort her when she needs it the most.

Artwork by: Redesine.

Chapters (1)

Captain's Log: May 17th, Year of Celestia 1943.

My crew and I have been given our final mission. My Copilot: Diamond Tiara Rich III, is as content as ever, being my subordinate.

We both trained together, but each of us expected to receive command of our own ship. I think Diamond just figured that being a pilot would be a cushier job then actually down in the mud with the other Army Grunts.

She had no idea and neither did I, that flying a B-17 was the most hazardous job the United Stables of Equestria Army Air Corps could offer.

Still she was quite put off with Colonel Sparkle when she learned they had no command for her.

Despite her disenchantment, she has supported me on all 24 of our sorties. Coming up on our big final 25th, I expect nothing less from either my partner or my beloved ship, I had christened after a local mare, I have had my eye on since I was a filly; Miss Rarity Belle.

My Crew expects the high command to handle us with foal gloves. There is talk about them sending us on a milk run over Prance.

They will be sorely disappointed.

I am remiss to inform them that our assignment is a "Timber Wulf" TW-190 factory in Breighmen, deep in the black heart of Nazi Germaneigh.

Adolf Hoofler is winning this war of the sky. If we are ever to hope to take back air superiority from those fascist Earth pony hating bastards, factories like the one in Breighmen, must be taken out. It is our duty and our honor to serve our Princess and Country by flying into the lion's den.

May Luna have mercy on our souls.

Captain Sylvia Catherine Spoon,
8th Air Force,
U.S.E. Army Air Corps.

Chapters (2)

Equestria is at war with Germaneigh but problems grow as disease attacks Equestria along side with the Citizens of Germaneigh.

Since I'm basing a story of her, credit goes to CuteKovuKitten on youtube for creating the orginal story :)

Chapters (2)

Red Team had been given an assignment. It wasn't the usual sort of assignment. They were assigned to defend their base 'until further notice'...and then never received notice. All announcements sounded pre-recorded, and enemy assaults were few and far between. The enforced inactivity was slowly fraying the bonds of the team...

...until something unexpected arrived. A tiny creature appears one day in their fortress, in need of compassion and care. Somehow, she finds that in this group of strange individuals, as she becomes their baby.

Crossover with Team Fortress 2.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Since I get these comments a lot, I will say here, I've never played the game and don't intend to include much in the way of game mechanics, so please don't suggest such things.

Edit 2: FAN ART! for chapter 9 by G_Haze. Makes me so happy.
Edit 3: More fan art from G_Haze, This guy's amazing!
Edit 4: New fan art! by The Pyromanecer. Thanks so much!
Edit 5: More fan art by shiningkord98.
Edit 6: New Fan Art by The Pyromancer
Edit 6: More awesome fan art from G_Haze! So awesome! :rainbowkiss:
Edit 7: New fan art by Pioneering Author

Chapters (34)

The Battle of the Blanks is over, the Blood Hooves are no more. The curse has been lifted and Equestria is safe once more. Or is it? Konrad Ford has survived the battle but is now the "Last Human" in Equestria. As the ponies have mistakenly thought he perished, he shows up once more, attracting more than just the attention of the ponies. Soon everypony will want answers about Humanity's past and knowledge, all expecting Konrad to tell them the great secrets of Humanity, a lot of which he'll have to lie through his teeth.

With all the attention on him, isolation from his home, and more renegade approach than what ponies would consider acceptable, will he integrate successfully into Equestrian society? Will he continue to win the heart of Luna or another mare, Humanity's biggest fan...Lyra. Or will he fall to chaotic influence of Discord and forget the lessons of the show he loves so much?

The aftermath may prove to be a great beginning for Equestria or perhaps it's demise.

Chapters (16)

Note from the Author (3/28/2021)-
Really gotta hate how people don't listen to this segment. Really gotta love it.

Seriously people, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY Please do not comment on, thumbs up, fave this story, or add it to any bookshelves. Years later in all honesty I'm not happy with this story or how I ultimately wrote it. The only reason I don't delete it is because it got featured and because so many folks have it in their bookshelves already.

Hello. If you're reading this, you somehow found my message. Hopefully you are a fellow Brony, and will not simply assume this is the insane ramblings of a crazy person.
Oh, I suppose I should introduce myself, this story is about me, I guess. The name's Cain. Nice to meet ya.
Now, getting to the point of why I sent this out. Ya see, a few months ago, I had a rather unsettling experience. My mind was ripped from my body on Earth and transported to wherever it is our beloved Equestria lies. Normally, this would be nothing to worry about, as it seems to happen all the time, but frankly, this time was different. Instead of being sent to Equestria as a human, or nay, a pony, my mind was placed inside the body of an Equestrian.

Unfortunately for me, it happened to be Diamond Tiara.

Yeah...not what I was expecting either. Now, quick, before the message fades, get me some help!!

Looking for Co-Authors!
Helpers-Hoopy McGee,CloneBurner, RemareShadows,
shagohad12, Dusty the Royal Janitor

Inspired by Hoopy McGee's Why am I Pinkie Pie?!

Chapters (20)