• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012


A natural-born proofreader.

Read It Later 685 stories
Found 656 stories in 87ms

Total Words: 69,716,484
Estimated Reading: 27 weeks



  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

When a story touches you deeply, sometimes the only appropriate reaction is to respond in kind.

This is an open anthology of minifics which continue or revisit other authors' fanfics — embracing and extending, and reflecting on questions raised by the work. Due to the nature of the collection, this contains spoilers for other authors' stories, though each chapter contains a link to let you read the source first (and a spoilered summary, if you want to jump right in).

Sept. 2017 note: This anthology is closed, but the project continues with Never The Final Word, Vol. 2 — now curated by FanOfMostEverything.

Many of the included chapters are reviewed by Present Perfect here. Several are Highly Recommended by Titanium Dragon!

Chapters (38)

When a six year old human boy is transported to Equestria by accident, he will need a home. Everyone needs shelter, protection and love to live a happy life, but who could love a predator from another world? Luckily for young Chris, somepony steps up to the plate.

Cover art by akumamattata Deviant Art
Re-imagined by Hunterhd1
Edited by Dream Seeker
Read by Leonexus Random

Chapters (59)

Necromancy gets a bad rep.

Oh, sure, some ponies like the whole cliche of the evil zombie master, pulling his puppet strings to make corpses dance and kill for their amusement. And yeah, you kinda do have to work with dead bodies a lot, and most ponies find that a bit creepy. Oh, and you learn a lot of spells to kill things and gain power from it.

But, come on, that doesn't mean all necromancers are bad... right?

Feature on Equestria Daily

Chapters (10)

There are two talks that all good parents must have

when their daughter makes her relationship official.

Twilight and Celestia are about to get both.

Chapters (1)

Three days ago, the moon eclipsed the sun at midday before setting soon after. Three days ago, a series of explosions rocked the Castle of the Two Sisters and the surrounding village. Three days ago, Princess Luna disappeared without a trace.

Ever since then, the sun has remained fixed in the sky, and all of Equestria has already begun to wither in the resulting heat wave. Princess Celestia refuses to leave her chambers, and the only one who could reliably bring her forth, her sister, is nowhere to be found.

What will it take to bring Celestia back to reason and stability back to Equestria?

Thanks to JeffCvt and Alphacat for editing!

Chapters (2)

(NOTE: This is not a ship-fic. No romance here, just somepony trying to cheer up her friend. Move along. Nothing to see here...)

Based on the scene at the very end of "The Last Roundup": Pinkie Pie and Rarity are left stranded in the Badlands, their long and agonizing journey home requiring them to spend a night alone in the desert. It is here that the latter discovers a painful secret hidden beneath her friend's constant cheerful demeanor.

Despite not being the one famous for bringing a smile to everypony's face wherever she goes, the exhausted (and most unacceptably filthy) fashionista does everything in her power to make her happy again...

(Now with a sequel: link)

(Submission for Equestrian Harmonics' second group contest, prompt #1)

(Featured on EQD and added to Twilight's Library)

(A million thanks to Pre-reader 63.546 from EQD for helping me turn this story into something decent!)

Chapters (2)

Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

When evil cultists are out kidnapping innocent ponies to summon their dark god, it's up to Princess Celestia and Twilight Sparkle to stop them! Armed with guns, sharp pointy things, magic up the wazoo, and plenty of ammo, the two are ready to kick some flank and chew bubblegum!

And guess who just ran out of bubblegum?

Collaboration with the great and quite handsome alexmagnet, who you all should go check out and stuff.

Chapters (1)

Lucidity (n.) lu·cid·i·ty
1. the quality of being easily understood, completely intelligible, or comprehensible
2. the ability to see things clearly

Rainbow Dash has always wondered what it would be like to perform magic, but seeing as she's not a unicorn, it's always been a dream that was just out of her reach. Fortunately for Rainbow Dash, Twilight may have the perfect solution: lucid dreaming.

Of course, neither Twilight nor Rainbow expected what would happen once they started experimenting with dreams. It turns out, if you're not careful, the line between dreams and reality may blur beyond recognition.

Chapters (5)

The Princesses' birthday celebration is here again, and Mayor Mare needs a scapegoat—er, trusted citizen—to handle Ponyville's gift. Certainly, deciding what to get for an ancient ruler who's seen everything will be a piece of cake. Hm, cake. Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Third-place winner in The Write-Off Association's contest "Lonely Happiness."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)