• Member Since 12th Oct, 2011


It's raining. It's always raining D: Why did I move here again...

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A human is transported to Equestria by Princess Celestia... and he wants to get out. He's placed under the care of Princess Luna... who also wants him to get out. Now, "Nemo" has to deal with adjusting to his new surroundings and attempt to recover his lost memories of his former life in the three months he has to wait while Princess Celestia charges up a spell to send him back home. Fate, however, may have other ideas for him.

A human-in-Equestria fic.

Would you believe this got rejected by Equestria Daily could get so many likes for an HiE? Thank you!

EDIT: Over 20,000 total views!Thank you all so much! :ajsmug: :rainbowkiss: :twilightsmile: :yay: :pinkiesmile: :raritystarry:

Awesome song (not by me) that I've been listening to while writing the fic and may as well be the theme song: Constellations - Aviators

Chapters (17)

A pegasister ends up in Equestria. One catch. Her parents came with her.

Chapters (1)

Walking with the paws of an ancient predator, a young man finds himself in a strange world. A world where horses are the dominant species, and he’s a very rare and dangerous animal. How will a speechless man turned wolf deal with society? How will he approach ponies? Would he even want to bother speaking to them?

(Love interest is not revealed in any of the current chapters. So don't freak out when you don't see it. I'm also focusing on a very realistic sense of love. This will be a later part of the story when romance becomes truly relevant. Point out ALL errors to me when you see them, even the ones that have been pointed out already, and I'll see what I can do.)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Proof-reader and Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkles learns a little too much about Fluttershy's personal life. Fluttershy can't stand the embarrassment and becomes frozen in fear. The only way to snap her out of it is for her friends to do some unmentionable things.

Chapters (12)

What are the chances your favorite pony was secretly a changeling all along?

Yeah, probably about one in one.

Chapters (1)

*HIATUS UPDATE 10/15/2018: There is currently no set schedule for the remake of this story, but I assure you that it still has not been canceled. I get regular comments, favorites, and emails that all point towards this being a beloved story worth finishing, so one day I will do just that. Thank you all for your time and patience!*
Ever since they were little colts, the Flim Flam brothers had a dream; a dream to make a wondrous machine to set their lives on the fast track to success. The machine, known as the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, was missing just one component to make it all complete. Just one elusive item that no sane pony or pony with values would ever consider using:

Fresh dragon's breath.

Guess what I am.

I was taken from my home, my family, and my wings were slashed. I am no longer a person, I am simply a cog; a cog in the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.

This is the beginning of my wonderful tale.
Honorary pre-reader as of chapter 10: aiovas. Official Editor: Thardoc. Thanks go to dmkamikazee of deviantart for cover art A! Thanks go to More Dakka for cover art B! A fan created art gallery for this story can be found here on my homepage!

Chapters (16)

Many versions of Equestria exist, both canonical and fanonical. When a man whose life is in shambles finds joy in experiencing the Equestrian world, he quickly begins to wonder: Just what kind of Equestria has he entered?

This is a tale of a man who may find unexpected complications in paradise.

Chapters (26)

One cold autumn night, Twilight Sparkle lets in a pale and weary traveler into her home. When she accidentally discovers his dark secret, she is assaulted by him, and is left to die... When she woke up, she finds that she has been turned into a Vampire, an ancient enemy of Equestria last seen during Nightmare Moon's Rebellion. She now walks the thin line between life and death, sustained only by the blood of others.

Her friends now race against time to find a cure for this ancient curse, and stop the Vampire who infected Twilight, before he can create a new army of Vampires to conquer Equestria. Otherwise, Twilight will join the forces of evil and darkness, as the Bride for the Lord of Vampires. They have to work quickly, as every day passes, Twilight's thirst for her friends' blood increases...

Chapters (13)

‘A vampire: A reanimated corpse that is believed to rise from the grave at night to suck the blood of sleeping people, usually causing their death.’

~ Urban myth

A lone man awakes changed unable to remember his past and only haunted by it. As he searches for someone to warm his cold heart he will find many challenges and few friends. Yet the cruelty of his new life maybe he his undoing… Or maybe this dark ‘gift’ will be the greatest thing to ever befall him

Chapters (4)

Rainbow Blitz falls for the quiet and bookish Dusk Shine, but nothing goes as planned for the poor pegasus, and he becomes a victim of intolerance and prejudice, with betrayal lurking around every corner. In the meantime, Dusk doesn't know what he should do, this is something he has to work out by himself.

Chapters (6)