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Shattered Skies has lived quite some time. He had done well for himself over the past few thousand years; staying out of the public eye and remaining generally uninvolved from pony society while he tended his forests.

Who wouldn't want that, right?

His job came with excellent security and fringe benefits, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells him otherwise.

Oc disclaimer: The original characters that appear in the story that are not my own have been obtained from the original owners via written permission.

Chapters (55)

Fluttershy meets a strange creature while running an errand in the Everfree Forest. It is nothing like she has ever seen, and it may be more than it seems.

Chapters (6)

Angelic Chorus was an average young filly from her hometown on the edge of the Badlands. At least she was until her entire home was massacred by a necromantic blight leaving her a twisted wreck with little hope of survival. Yet due to the intervention of the incarnation of death himself she was saved and now lives only to avenge her hometown with the very powers that were used to destroy it.

Tags subject to change as chapters are released. Updates whenever other stories won't cooperate.

Takes place after Tirek but before Starlight.

Chapters (8)

Hello my name is, well was, Scott. I was just minding my own business, exploring FanExpo in a sweet SPD Shadow costume when I meet this suspicious looking vendor. He offers to sell me Cruger's Shadow Saber, the only thing missing from my costume, for $10. Then it all goes downhill.
First I get sucked into a world of multi-colored pony people, then I find out I've become a blue dog person(whatever race Cruger is), and finally I find out that there's another race of dog people who gives dog people a bad name.
At least I've got my tunes.

This is a Displaced Fic, please do not hate just because it is one, it is also my first.

Okay, news. On December 18, 2015, 11:35 AM, this got featured. I would like to thank all my faithful readers for this, and I hope this brings a new level of respect for not just me, but Displaced Fics in general.

Chapters (71)

My names Alex, Alex Shade. On the day of my eighteenth birthday, I was killed in what most believe to be a hit and run accident and offered a chance to live once again, at the cost of my current life.

Now I live a new, if not annoying life as a for most of the time unseen protector of the ponies of Equestria as a being almost nobody can see, with even less having knowledge of my deeds.

I alone face a strange, unseen race of creatures called Ganma using the souls of heroes which are contained in a strange object called Eyecons which they too wish to attain at any cost... be that the lives of those around them.

I am the unseen hero, I am Kamen Rider Shade.

Kamen Rider Ghost / MLP Crossover
Displaced story

The cover art was designed by RamenDriver on Deviant Art, give his artwork a look because he is an amazing artist.

Chapters (22)

Jim Douglas has a problem. He's suffered, since birth, from a curse that was given to him by his father. He learns of a land, one filled with magic and possibly the means to cure his ailment. That land is Equestria. It is difficult to get there, but under the right conditions it is possible to enter the mystical world of ponies. Once there, Jim learns there are worse things in life to experience than curses.


This story was a random little idea that sprouted over the Halloween holiday. I know it might not be the thing for some readers, but I still felt the need to get it written and put out for anyone interested.

A few spoilers for the curious--> This is a werewolf story. Therefore, the Human tag has been placed as it's kiiind of mandatory for this odd little genre.

As of February 2020 story status is bumped out of Hiatus. I'm going to try to get more writing done, but don't expect chapters too often. :twilightsheepish:

Chapters (39)

"Live to fight another day."

There was, some importance behind the phrase that she had heard so very often from her peers, it was almost immobilized in the stone that buried most of the original Spartans that used it.

"Spartans never die, they are just MIA."

Sure any normal civilian, hell, any normal soldier could think as such. Not Laura. She was on the
inside, inside of everything that ONI tried so deeply to snuff out. She was apart of this giant organization that covered everything she tried so hard to accomplish for mankind, in that horrible black ink. She was a Spartan. A Spartan-III to be exact. See, Spartan-II's like the Master Chief everyone knew about, everyone looked upon, and everyone looked towards as heroes.

But not Laura. She would forever be doing undercover Black Ops missions and nobody would even bat an eye. Invade the enemy, recover intelligence, don't get caught. "If you do get caught, you're dead." She was always told. "Shoot first, ask later."

If it sounded all horrible, that wasn't the original intent. Laura liked being undercover, but it's those who get all the recognition, all the honor, whom she feels objected towards. Those are the UNSC's heroes, while Spartans like Laura die in the backdrop, and nobody cares.

One day what if she were to... Disappear? Perhaps forever? Would anyone care?

That's what it's like to be expendable...

Coverart made by the amazing Little Tigress show her some loving! Go check out her work, it's wonderful!

Chapters (3)

When Princess Luna’s spell fails, she accidentally brings a human into Equstria. Now he’s trapped in a world beyond his comprehension. Spending his daily life in the castle he gets got up in a web of intrigue and deceit.

As greed and lust for power grow, old enemies begin to stir once more; and it isn't long until the lines between friend and foe begin to blur.

Thanks to Semicolon for pre-reading.
And thanks to Linkerman for doing the cover ar

***FEATURED Oct 13/2014***

Chapters (25)

Luke has always been a One Piece fan and one day he found himself lurking around the Amazon website. To his surprise he found an amazing, crescent shaped, white mustache on sale. Luke had to have it. His Edward Newgate cosplay was finally going to be complete for the upcoming Comic-con.

It was too bad he would never actually make it...

On the plus side he is living a fan's dream right now, and getting his fill of adventure too! Now what to do with all these weird looking people telling him they are actually ponies...

Chapters (11)

Ethan McIntyre was a young man with aspirations to become an actor, stage magician, and/or special effects artist. So who else should he go to a convention as, but the special effects based supervillain, Mysterio! (The Animated One, because comic books ruined him like they did everything else!)
How could a purchase from a mysterious merchant lead to him being transported into a world of magic in which the inhabitants believe him to be a powerful sorcerer with villainous intentions?
Can Ethan pull of the part of a lifetime and fool the world into believing his abilities are not all just the super-tech versions of smoke and mirrors? Or will he fall before he finds the reason why he was displaced into such a strange turn of events? And will he stick to the moral compass he always followed, or lose his way to the temptation that comes from his new found role?

Chapters (19)