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Ethan McIntyre was a young man with aspirations to become an actor, stage magician, and/or special effects artist. So who else should he go to a convention as, but the special effects based supervillain, Mysterio! (The Animated One, because comic books ruined him like they did everything else!)
How could a purchase from a mysterious merchant lead to him being transported into a world of magic in which the inhabitants believe him to be a powerful sorcerer with villainous intentions?
Can Ethan pull of the part of a lifetime and fool the world into believing his abilities are not all just the super-tech versions of smoke and mirrors? Or will he fall before he finds the reason why he was displaced into such a strange turn of events? And will he stick to the moral compass he always followed, or lose his way to the temptation that comes from his new found role?

Chapters (19)

I woke up wearing a vertically split red and purple suit.
My accent has changed into a thick Scottish one.
Things happen when I say stuff.
There's ponies outside my windows.
And to top it all off, I have the strangest desire for cheeses I've never heard of.

If you can't work out who I've basically become from this and the cover-art... I can't help you.
Well... I might be able to help you. But I won't.
Come back later and I might have changed my mind.

Rated Teen for humour and references relating to sex and gore.

This fic is proof read by my friend and fellow author Kaneki_Ken-Ryu
Please go check out his own work.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Finding My Place

It was over.

After a month of fighting for my life and trying to decide who was friend and who was foe, I'd done it. Adamant Will was dead. Everfree was liberated. The Minotaur army had been pushed out of nearly every city in Equestria, and was being routed back to their kingdom of Minos.

And yet, I still could not go home.

The portal was closed. I had no idea how to activate, or if it even could be activated, or any idea how I would get home now. While I'd found a place to stay in Everfree, It was no secret that Solaris was none to fond of me. It was only through the support of Queen Serenity and the two princesses, Celestia and Luna, that I was allowed to remain at all. Still, a grudging acceptance was better than me being out in the wilderness. At least in Everfree, I could begin to rebuild a new life. And hey, maybe I'd find some way back to Terra yet.

But of course, just because one battle is won does not mean that the war is over...

Chapters (11)

The mind is an odd thing, sometimes capable of changing a person's entire worldview with the shift of only a few key details. However, sometimes these shifts are far more widespread than they should be.

Celestia has noticed such a thing, and she is slightly worried. Thankfully, she has no shortage of old friends, and one of them offers a possible solution to her problems.

She's just left wondering one thing:

Who exactly are these "Phantom Thieves"?

Contains spoilers for Persona 5

Chapters (11)

Celestia and Luna have ruled in Equestria for over a thousand years. Their age along with the unbelievable power that they wield to move the sun and moon has caused most ponies to see them as gods.

But as powerful as they are, gods they are not. For the being that has arrived in Equestria has powers that can rival and surpass their own. He is a deity millennia of years old, a deity who commands the thunder and lightning with an incredible might and a hammer that can shatter the sun and moon.

And Celestia and Luna will learn that they are not all powerful. That they are not as mighty as they believed. They are not gods.

They are not Thor.

Chapters (36)

A machine made for war awakes in a new world. Stuck in surroundings which puzzle it; can it, or will it be able to become something more than what it is?

Crossover with Keith Laumers Bolo-verse
Other tags include : Slice of Life, Possible Romance believe it or not! And a bit of humor.
Please beware of any spoilers in comments as well :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (159)

I still can't believe it all started with a family camping trip gone wrong. One moment I was enjoying my time with my parents and brothers, then next thing I knew I was stranded on a world full of magic and mythological creatures. In one day, I went from worrying about the upcoming calculus test to worrying about my next meal. I remember how the only thing keeping me going was the hope that I might find a way home. Little did I know that some deities had other plans in store for me.

I remember all the promises I made, both those kept and betrayed. I remember the friends I made on my little adventure; the same friends I threw away when everything came crashing down. Oh, the memories I made... Oh, the memories I am now forever cursed to remember.

I suppose this is a just punishment. My only regret is that my friends may never hear my side of the story.

Set between Seasons 2 and 3 // Some deviations from canon post-season 2 due to when this was originally started.

Pre-read, Cover art, and Audio Reading provided by: Skijarama

Chapters (32)

I should have known something was up when I found an old Halloween costume in my closet from when I was six. I really should have known something was wrong when the costume actually fit.


Good thing Mewtwo is still one of my favorite Pokemon, because I am one, and this is most definitely not my world.

A Tale of the Displaced

April 8: Sorry all. Accidentally hit the Publish button on latest chapter before I was ready. Carry on.

April 9: Okay, the chapter Friendship Report is up for real now.

There are and will be crossover chapters with other Displaced authors and characters. Those chapters are meant to be fun, but I understand that some people do not like such crossovers. That is fine. The main story stands on its own: you can skip the crossover chapters without having to worry about missing anything important. Though I hope you will at least give those chapters a chance.

But please, do not comment solely to say how you dislike Displaced crossover chapters. It is not conducive, and it just spams the comments section with negativity. By all means, criticize my work, tell me what isn't working or what you think I could be done better, but please don't insult me by deriding my choices for my story. Any such comments made from here on out may be judged as spam and deleted.

Chapters (14)

When I became a necromancer in my very early life as a human, I thought of it as fun and entertaining! What with me having my own personal friends around me who I could talk to as long as I wanted. Things were like that most of my life, up until I died.

Yes, I died, but only because I was a very unlucky man at the time; after killing a dragon with an undead army, the earth got really shaken up which, sadly, caused my inevitable death.

However, I survived... with some consequences. How else would I be telling this story?

Afterwards I found a soul, and entered the body of the being. Little did I know that it was a pony in a city called Canterlot with thousands of different ponies there, but sadly this pony was in the dungeon. However, I'm sure I can convince the ruler of this nation that I'll be a great benefit to her nation! I'm always looking to help!



Chapters (2)

He is known by many titles. Three Dog calls him 'Mr. 101', some call him 'The Messiah', his fellow Brotherhood members calls him a Paladin, but to all, he is known as the 'Lone Wanderer'. He help destroy the Enclave and it's remnants, help free the slaves from both the Pitt and Paradise Falls, took control over an Alien Mothership with survivors, and more than he can even listed.

But now though, after stumbling through some portal, is now trapped in a world known as Equestria with only the gear on his back and wrist.

(It's Fallout 3, but with Fallout 4 style. Also, MLP characters will be humanized, but have their abilities. Like the Pegusi will still have their wings, Unicorns, while not having horns, still uses magic, etc)

(NOTE: I do NOT own either. MLP is own by Hasbro and the Fallout Franchise is own by Bethesda)

Chapters (5)