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Rainbow Dash takes Fluttershy out for a little practice in flight techniques, but when the Ponyville weather patrol doesn't follow Rainbow's set orders for the days weather, the two pegasai are stranded too far from home to make their way back to safety.

Chapters (7)

A Crossover with the Darksiders Universe.

The number of the Horsemen shall ever be four.

Death, War, Strife and Fury.

Merciless, powerful and feared by many.

A cursed fusion of angel and demon. They had grown weary of the destruction of so many caused by their brethren. And so they turned upon the ancient Charred Council.

Thus, the Four Horsemen were born.

Join Death as he falls through the Well of Souls. Only to wake up in another world.

His siblings had somehow gotten involved. And so they followed him. Unknowingly.

The journey, so far...

**Author's Note**
A bit of gore here and there, but nothing that gruesome. But I put the tag to be safe.

Chapters (6)

The planet destroyed. The flood gone and the covenant obliterated.
All because of one man, Sergeant J. Forge. The man who literally stared death in the face to save those aboard the 'Spirit of Fire'.
But what if the detonation of the slipspace drive tore a larger than intended hole in the fabric of space, essentially creating a portal to another world.
What if Forge hadn't perished on that day, but awoke to find himself in a completely new and foreign world ?

Chapters (8)

Some things are never meant to be opened, and our insatiable thirst for exploring things we don't quite understand is our gift and curse. This newly discovered universe holds many terrible dark secrets that it never meant to be revealed again. A lone Colonial Guard cruiser is dispatched to investigate one such oddity. As humanity struggles to find a way to make peace and coexist with the ponies of Equestria, what will these new discoveries hold?

This is the first official sidestory of Machine and Might by Kriegor and is independent of the original storyline.

Rated teen for language.

Chapters (2)

Applejack. For too long, that has been the only thought in Rarity's head. Finally, she will go all out to find out if the mare she cares for could ever return her feelings. The stage is set. The night is planned. Even the cutie mark crusaders will not be able to mess this up for her.
...Or so she thinks.
When Scootaloo is injured, and a certain secret revealed, the element of generosity is put to the test.

Chapters (14)

There is a thing that does not see, that does not sleep, and does not dream. It waits and ponders while it watches with bait. Tantalizing the youngest and fooling the eldest. From a myth forgotten, from a nightmare ended, he walks the forest of the cursed.

The Slender Man.

Prior to Season 3
Story two in my Twidash Challange: Dark Theme
Poem by kitten-ears11

Chapters (9)

Mankind has destroyed the Earth, the age of Reason once a time of peace, had ended in tragedy and the human race only remain in a scattered colony on Mars, in their exodus their children remember the world that had once been and are taught a terrible lesson of man, why men should have progressed not regressed. And sadly with this war had consumed the human race and obliterated them all to this, science and technology and philosophy was all that was left to propel mankind forwards.

The human race now must stride forwards into space, and hopefully towards a future, but with this future comes great challenges some of which will decide if man is ready to face the great unknown. As man separates it becomes to realize the dangers of what the future may bring. But amidst this another threat arrives not from this new frontier but from its past.

Amidst this chaos... can man find peace with itself before it finds peace with others? Or is history truly damned to repeat itself and plunge mankind into eternal chaos and misery?

This is a rather long story, and also ponies don't show up until around the second or third chapter so keep that in mind.

Also Cover Art is from:
jamga on DeviantArt
His art is awesome!

Chapters (1)

A man is transported to Equestria through some unknown means. Instead of becoming the life of the party in an instant, he is forced to survive using less than conventional means, hiding from the denizens of Ponyville in fear of how they would react to a human being. But such an existence cannot last forever.

As well, he must contend with the reality of an incomplete cartoon world. Things are not as easy to adjust to as they seem.

Chapters (29)

Equestria has made the discovery of the century. They found what they believed to be the last of the mythical race of the humans trapped inside of a large crystal. Curiosity takes hold and with the help of Twilight Sparkle and the elements of harmony they decide to set it free. But was that a wise decision?

Cover art not done by me.

Chapters (11)

Skoruligr the Dovahkiin is bored, He's learned every shout there is, but when he starts to make his own shout he and his Khajiit companion J'zargo are in for an adventure they never could have anticipated... My first fanfic so constructive criticism is appreciated. Some blood and fight scenes but most if not all blood will be shed by the Tamrielians, If it starts getting dark I'll add the tag but for now I will try to keep it mainly light-hearted.

Chapters (4)