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A colossal mass of alien matter ends up on the surface of Equestria as a result of a cosmic disaster, and it is poisoning all it touches. Twilight Sparkle and her friends are caught up in the events as Equestria becomes increasingly hostile to ponies, and the ponies become increasingly hostile to each other. But is it the fault of the alien matter, or is something more going wrong?

It is up to Twilight to find the answer and a solution, preferrably one that also preserves the very fragile life of what may be the last representant of an entire species.

NOTES: Formerly known as 'The Creature'. HiE tag is mandatory for all stories with human characters. Note that there is only a human as a side character in this story.

Thanks to Matdat for grammar and spelling check!

Chapters (38)

Twilight Sparkle presents a collection of interviews, letters, essays, poetry and prose compiled over several years of her relationship with the human Bellerophon and his "herd", covering subjects as broad as Equestrian social taboos, comparisons of earth and Equestrian mythology, romance and the occasional recipe. Compiled by Twilight Sparkle, with foreword by Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.

(This is a bit of an experiment based on the worldbuilding concepts presented in AnonAuthor's Xenophilia [[NSFW] - caveat lector!], which intrigued me enough to want to take a closer look. It's likely you'll be very confused by this unless you read at least some of Xenophilia. Updates will appear as and when an idea pops into my head for a thing to add. And fair warning, some of this might come across very dry and dusty. Thank you academia! And thank you AnonAuthor for letting me have a go, and both AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for all the collab work they're doing. I'll make up for the dust by tossing in the odd piece of art now and then.)

Chapters (24)

Ponyville is getting ready to host a Dodgeball Tournament when Gilda shows up, challenging them against her own team. As they prepare themselves, Twilight and her friends learn a surprising secret about a certain crossed-eyed mailpony. Will Ponyville be able to beat Gilda and her team? Or will they taste rubbery defeat?

Chapters (9)

We all know the story of Artemis Fowl II. A genius teenager with all the ambition of an entrepreneur, he sought to reclaim his family's lost wealth through impossible means. But what if he had never contacted the People? What if, instead of finding an advanced subterranian society, he instead devised a way to traverse a whole other world in search of riches?

Original Story by Prothean.

Chapters (24)

A story of how two ponies, both opposites in personality, formed a bond of friendship and love that lasted throughout an entire lifetime...

Chapters (15)

After the most important night of her career is ruined and its saboteurs not even so much as punished, Octavia's life changes. She begins to pursue a path that has never been seen before in Canterlot, where concertos and rhapsodies give way to controversy and rebellion.

A path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint.

Cover art used with permission by LuGiAdriel14

Chapters (20)

(An experimental HiE story that I thought up, this is just an idea and I have no plan to make it a full feature story. It's not a one shot but it will rarely get updated and will mostly be used to experiment with my writing skills. I've yet to read something like this but in case there are similarities to any fic I claim no credit and it's all purely coincidental.)

~A warrior of old arrives in Equestria.~

Chapters (1)

When on a visit to Malcolm in Grimsdale Woods Will Treaty stumbles across some of the last real magic in the world. Will finds himself in a different world entirely. A world where animals can talk and mythical creatures prowl.

Chapters (3)

In Earth years it is the year 2512. Using advanced space technology humans have been exploring solar systems and other galaxies! Until one day a starship named the U.S.S Atropos finds a small planet with strange energy readings coming from it. Curious they investigate...

Btw, I was really bored one day and just started writing this. After reading over it I realized that it wasn't half bad, so I devised a plot and decided to upload it to fimfiction. Plz don't be haters! XD

Chapters (18)