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Twilight has discovered a new spell to use in tandem with the Elements of Harmony. Its intent is to reveal more of the mysteries behind the artifacts. Yet once the spell is cast will the mane six be able to deal with the consequences? What will they learn when they come face to face with the very virtues they claim to embody? The Mane six will have to face their greatest challenge yet. The Elements of Harmony themselves.

(Cover art done by CSIMadmax)

(Featured on 1/6/2014)

(Also big thanks to Coppercore for help editing my ramblings!)

Chapters (6)

Currently being written by Antojo Pony .

So then, what would happen if a human baby ended up and was raised in Equestria?

Will they be a normal everyday worker? Will they be a Celestia Knight? Will they take over the world? Will they speed up Equestrias technology level with good old human ingenuity?

Honestly I have no idea!

So that's why I need YOUR help! You, the readers will decide their personality, their dreams, their... everything really. So lets get started!

Cover art made by ForestOfSpring

Chapters (9)

A failed experiment.

Not exactly new for Twilight. But when the outcome brings forth its own science, the likes of which her nation hadn't even yet dared to hope for, the ponies of Equestria slowly realize that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime.

The problem is, they might just not be ready for the revolutions that technological advancement always brings.

And they're about to get hundreds of years of human science and advancements all at once.


As a forewarning, updates will likely be erratic. I have every intention of finishing this story, it's just that my life has been rather crazy lately as I'm sure many of you can imagine.

Also, if you are going to leave a thumbs down, please leave a comment detailing why. Thumbs downs don't tell me much, and I can't make the story better until people tell me what's wrong with it.
Thank you for your time.

WARNING: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own peril.

Covert Art brought to you by the amazing powers of photoshop with an artist's permission.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo may just be the world's most unfortunate filly. She gets the short stick on everything. Of course, it just so happens that that short stick will always entail dying. It's a good thing she doesn't seem to notice that she dies a lot, otherwise things might start to get a bit complicated.

Short vignettes which reimagine each episode of MLP such that Scootaloo dies in increasingly spectacular and insignificant ways. Updates twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday.

Chapters (53)

Starburst, the daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flash Sentry, has about all she could ask from life: loving parents, her Little Brother Best Friend Forever, and despite her seriousness and disciplined mentality, she has group of friends close as family. She also has an ambitious goal in life: she wants to be the first mare ever to become the Captain of the Royal Guard, which she's been preparing herself for since she was a little filly.

So... what would happen if she were to meet a pony that is an exact opposite of her?

Covert art, the universe and most of characters by kilala
Edited by Lazygamer313
Proof-read by: Zaleros, Vrilix
Former proof-readers: Merchent343, TexPony

Chapters (13)

When Twilight receives one of the original journals of Starswirl the Bearded from Princess Luna, she can't wait to try the spells inside it, but the book's magic turns out to be a bit more than Twilight can handle, as her reckless experimentation leads to her accidentally bringing her reflection to life. At first, Twilight decides she quite likes the idea of having a copy around the library. But seeing herself from an outside perspective makes Twilight realize there are some parts of her personality she doesn't care for, forcing her to confront her issues.

Written in the same format as the show, save that it is longer and addresses somewhat sadder themes. No objectionable content or OC characters, focuses heavily on the mane cast.

Special thanks goes out to Pascoite and PavFeira, the two editors who somehow managed to withstand my childish scribbling long enough to make them readable. Couldn't have done it without you!

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Unicorns

Rainbow Burst -- a unicorn version of Rainbow Dash and Princess Celestia's personal student -- has been causing more mischief than usual around the castle (much to Blueblood's chagrin). Deciding the best thing would be to give Rainbow more responsibility and should spend some time away from the castle, Princess Celestia sends Rainbow to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. While there, she and Spike meet some very odd (but familiar) ponies.

(I know, I have a problem. I couldn't resist. Anyway, enjoy.)

Chapters (21)

Rainbow Dash thought it was an odd request when Twilight had asked for hints and guidance in stunt flying. Persuaded by tickets to the year's most popular Wonderbolts event, however, gave Rainbow all the motivation she needed to help. While practicing, Twilight's odd and secretive behavior piqued Rainbow's curiosity and required further investigation. What she finds out does not make the rainbow maned pegasus happy. Not one bit.

Chapters (4)

Before her descent into madness and her rebellion as Nightmare Moon, Luna lived entire lifetimes as a mortal and traveller amongst the ponies of Equestria.

Restored to her true self, Luna knows she must return to her cyclic life to remain whole. As preparation she chooses to reacquaint herself with the lives of her subjects in this modern age, and in the guise of Sable Moonshine, unicorn scholar and distant friend of Twilight Sparkle, she travels to Ponyville to spend time with Twilight's companions. Despite the 'exciting' month of astronomical observation and scientific research planned by Twilight, Luna nevertheless finds time to work a day at Sweet Apple Acres. And then another.

And another.

Applejack, meanwhile, is pleasantly surprised by Sable's dedication and enthusiasm for hard work. She's less pleasantly surprised by Sable's enthusiasm for Applejack.

Chapters (15)

"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Chapters (17)