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Have you ever heard of a mare named Faust? She's an Alicorn, just like the Princesses, but not a princess herself. Some say she's a queen, some say she's their mother. The truth, well... she's really overworked. And with her duty as The Equestrian Archivist she has a pretty demanding job. But what happens when this overworked alicorn decides that she wants to take a vacation in Ponyville? Furthermore, what'll happen when she skips out on her job to take that vacation?

(My first story! A different take on Fausticorn, I've seen her given a general persona that just doesn't seem like what I saw in the original art. So here's my idea of what she might be like. Tags will be added as the story continues.)

HOLY.... F-Featured on December 21 2014! Thanks guys! That is amazing!

Chapters (37)

Celestia receives a letter from Twilight, the first in a long time.

A letter about the Cutie Mark Crusaders and how Twilight has changed since her arrival in Ponyville.

It makes a seemingly solitary Celestia think...

Edited by the fantastic GaleSinger

Art belongs Nadnerbd

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has been in love with Twilight Sparkle for years. The rescue of her sister had been the start, but since then Twilight has saved Celestia, Luna, and their kingdom countless times. However, Celestia's true feelings have remained hidden, even from herself.

That is, until the day her love is revealed to her through a dream. But Celestia is determined to keep her feelings to herself. She has no idea how Twilight will react, and would prefer things remain they way they are, with the two Princesses as friends.

Unfortunately, Luna immediately finds out. A small group of ponies is quickly gathered, all with one goal: to force Celestia to confess her feelings and end her thousand-year relationship drought.

This causes so much chaos that Discord goes on vacation and will not be appearing in this story.


Edited by ShutterflyYay from chapter four onward.

Chapters (13)

Princess Twilight Sparkle pays one of her rare visits to Canterlot since having moved to Ponyville. Visits that had become even more scarce since her coronation, and her former mentor is all the more excited about every moment she can spend with the young alicorn. The guards and servants seem to share her enthusiasm, though for some reason they seem awfully nervous as well.

As always, the two spend some quality time together, reminiscing about fond memories from when Twilight was a mere child under Celestia's tutelage. But the promising filly had grown a lot since then, and both are tempted to see how their relationship had matured.

WARNING: SMUT INVOLVED! If you must know in advance, it's some cuddling and a bit of almost-but-not-quite-kinky tickling. Story is a gift for, and was inspired by a friend, who will remain anonymous.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wily's Wittle Wub


A dark period in the world's history. With the rise of Reploids, society was thought to enter a new golden age...until the rise of the Mavericks. Driven mad by viral infection - or simple greed and rage - these Reploids become a drastic threat to the world peace...and the conflict between them and the Maverick Hunters would tear the world apart.

However, a shining light of hope remains in Dr. Light's final creation...Megaman X. With his adopted pony daughter at his side, he shall-

Wait, what was that last part?
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by sanyo21!

Chapters (148)

While talking to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a Royal Guard refers to Princess Celestia as 'Sunbutt'. He is quick to explain how he came to learn of the nickname, and suggests that Twilight should talk to Princess Luna.

So she does, whereupon she finds that Luna is all too happy to share a story with her...

Chapters (1)

The Decepticons come to Equestria to obtain all their resources. With the Autobots stuck on Earth, and magic having little effect on Transformers, the Decepticons have little to oppose them. Starscream is pulled out to a different light from seeing the planet and starts to remember how he used to be before the Cybertronian war and little more 'organic' insight of the planet.

Rainbow Dash however isn't going to let her planet go without a fight and she has back up from an unlikely source.

Chapters (14)

They came down from the stars in boats made of iron and steel. They descended onto the planet and freed it from the greed and tyranny of its reagent.

The ponies called them heroes. They call themselves Decepticons.

But whatever they are, they've done their best to improve life for the people of Equestria. To bring them out of poverty and slavery, to bring them out of fear and despair. When Queen Celestia returns, she can't abide, so she decides it's time to remind the ponies of the status quo ... whatever it takes, even if it means terminating the Decepticon leader.

Note: Takes places in the Transformers "Shattered Glass" universe.

Chapters (10)

After the Decepticons discover energon on a distant planet, Optimus Prime and the Autobots arrive in Ponyville, quickly attracting the crown's attention. Now it is up to the Autobots and their newfound friends to protect Equestria from the Decepticons. However, as they continue their battle, Optimus and the others discover the bonds between their worlds run deeper than either believed. Can the Autobots and their newfound companions end their centuries long conflict and spare Equestria from the violence that destroyed Cybertron?

(TFP/FIM takes place after season 5. Edited recently)

(Transformers is copyright hasbro. MLP is copyright hasbro and Lauren Faust.)

Chapters (24)

After coming into contact with a strange blue crystal that has the ability to enhance Unicorn Magic, Sweetie Belle accidently opens up a portal to another planet, bringing fourth an adventure with the Heroes and Villains of two different worlds.

(It could happen.... Only on The Hub!)

Chapters (22)