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Meet Cyr. He's one of the last of his breed: A Changeling Behemoth, living battering rams that are selected and mutated from the worker caste of the Hive. Aged from centuries of labor and service to his Queen, he grows disgusted and weary of the Changeling's plots and malevolent attempts to feed on love, especially after his capture during the Canterlot wedding. Thus begins a new (and possibly more enjoyable) chapter of his existence.

Chapters (20)

Life pretty much sucked. I had little to no friends, failing pretty much all classes in school. My parents abuse me and to make it worse they are my only family. That means I'm kinda stuck with them. The only good things in my life are my Video Games and my remaining dignity. After being humiliated in front of the entire school one day. I decided to end my life and make the pain stop. Right as I am about to end it all. There is a knock on the door and I go to see who it is. No one was there and strange scroll laid on the door mat. I unfurl it to read "It is time to come home, brother".

Chapters (2)

The first episode of The Gems Trilogy.

Sweetie Belle attempts to deal with the realization that she's developed a crush on Spike. Meanwhile, Spike's own feelings are in flux.

Chapters (12)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

The Blue Angels: the greatest stunt pilot group on or above Earth. When one of their recruits is involved in a horrible mid-flight accident, the last thing he ever expected was being saved by a blue angel of his own...

^------------Inspired by this epic pic by johnjoseco.deviantart.com

WARNING: This story contains quite a bit of Applied and Theoretical Physics, so just a heads up! ^^;

Also contains strong language/suggestive content when appropriate
MAY become mature later on depending on reader feedback...which I do greatly appreciate and welcome :)

Further Story-related information may be found here:http://www.fimfiction.net/blog/92839

Song Playlist (warning, may contain spoilers!) :
Blue Angel Playlist

Blue Angel now has a TVTropes Page!

Chapters (72)

The story of Shadow Eternal, told in reverse chronological order! (Be warned, there be OC's. If tolerance level for these are low, then move along.) The story takes place in three different times. The first is years after the elements of harmony, when Equestria was ruled coldly by the sisters who brought night and day. After, it shall move back in time during the times of harmony, when Twilight and the others were still alive and well. Those were the peaceful times... And the last part will deal with Shadow's foalhood and his time in the Solar Empire. Stuff to come, lots to write, confusion and answers ahead. Don't give up on me yet ponies! Rated teen for teen reasons...

I have a special thanks to a few ponies for helping me with the concept and writing this with me. Others will be mentioned as their parts are shown in the story.
Co-Author- KartalTheWriter (Here on FiMfiction)
Co-Author- Ask1Deidara1Anything (A mare on DeviantArt)

Moonshadow, Bloodfang, Death Haze, Lightwing, Nightrain, Dark Sun, Falling Star, Tark Fireblood, Grieve, Grine, Noxxis, Torch, Firemane, Vexnis, and Jewyll belong to Ask1Deidara1Anything on DeviantArt.com.
Shadow Eternal, Gene, Shade Night, Blossom, Lancely, "Boss" Golden Dice, Sally Joyce, Peach Puppet, Berry Blaten and Shallow Bill are mine.
Thorn and Sync belong to KartalTheWriter here on FiMfiction.net.
Midnight and Cirria, along with all metioned by Midnight belong to ARTgazer12 on DeviantArt.com.
(Other OC's to come.)

Cover picture from ~Ask1Deidara1Anything @ DeviantArt.com! The cover is of Death Haze and Night Shade when they sneak out into the Everfree.

All characters that are in the actual show belong to Hasbro. (This is obvious, but... ya never know...)

Chapters (13)

When Princess Celestia faces a harsh choice to execute an innocent and virtually harmless changeling, will she be able to go through with the notion of taking the filly's life, or will sympathy overtake her moral alignment?

*In this story, the changelings are based off of Season 2, so it's as if they've never given love freely. Sept 4th, 2017

Chapters (9)

He had wished to be a pony himself. His name was Needle Wings, and this is his story. This is a story about love, hate, and above all, how someone can overcome all odds in the face of anger and oppression.

WARNING: To those brought here from Changing Flows, please know that this story is nowhere as well written as Changing Flows.

Chapters (17)

After a mishap involving the Transportalponder, the Courier finds himself in a place he doesn't recognize. With no way back and nothing else to do, he decides that wandering into the nearest town is the best option. Being the Courier, things aren't that simple...

A Fallout: New Vegas/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover

The style alternates between omnipresent third-person and the Courier recounting his tale to... Well, take a guess.

Chapters (30)

Needle Wings and Cherish have been married for a decade now, and the urges of life took hold of them. About 7 years ago Cherish achieved the greatest feat of life: childbirth. What awaits this pony-changeling hybrid in his life?

WARNING: This story is a sequel to "A Change of Heart". If you haven't read A Change of Heart yet, you will not understand this story fully, but I will try to make things clear.

Here's the link to "A Change of Heart": Link (Keep in mind Change of Heart is nowhere NEAR as well written as this one)

Thanks AGAIN to F4celess for the cover art!
http://f4celessshopps.deviantart.com/  <---Link to his DA

Chapters (12)