• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012

The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

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“Do Humans Hibernate?” Rainbow has a question on her mind. She's not entirely sure why it's bothering her so much. It probably doesn't help that the only human she could ask is the world's greatest liar.

Cover art by Pusspuss this random guy called ‘Pen Mightier’ who probably wishes he is Pusspuss but isn’t.

Marshal: (mɑː.ʃəl) noun….etymology - archaic: Middle English, from Anglo-French ‘mareschal’, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German ‘marahscalc’, from ‘marah’ (horse) + ‘scalc’ (servant). Originally referring to "a person in charge of the upkeep of horses or stable hand”. The station became a position of trust and power in medieval courts and went on to acquire its modern military usage.

Chapters (11)

Change only becomes frightening when it begins to affect you.

Spike has remained a baby while everyone else is growing up. His desire to do the same, however, lands him in a hospital bed with a strange new body.

Ponies are treating him differently, the world he once knew is no longer the same, and the onset of sudden changes are hard to adapt to. Fortunately, Scootaloo is there to ease him through his recovery.

Audio reading made possible by star912.

This story would be unreadable were it not for the editing master, Props, the handy-dandy proofreader, CitrusFizz, and man who has three pairs of eyes, Setokaiva.

Dedicated to Spike pimp himself, FamousLastWords.

Chapters (4)

Within the Seventh Universe, there are many extraordinary beings that thrive and preform duties none could imagine. One such being is no exception, though he is greatly feared, and rightly so. It comes natural when your job is to destroy worlds to make way for new ones, this being is known as The God of Destruction, Beerus. His power has no rival and he makes the very cosmos quake with utter fear at his name. The fear mostly stems from the fact that Lord Beerus's temper is something to be avoided. To draw his ire is to usher forth certain death, this was learned the day he did battle with the hero of Earth, Goku. But despite the Earth coming close to destruction, Beerus parted ways with the heroes of Earth as an uneasy friend. And since then, he has decided to slumber for three years.

But there is one thing that even a god can do that mortals are known for, sleepwalking. So one can imagine the mild worry and annoyance when Beerus is discovered missing by his keeper, Whis. But the God is not missing, he merely moved his sleeping area. His current bed? The topmost chamber of an ancient castle on a world full of talking Equines. So how well can a world known for it's magic and wonder, house a god known for his temper and penchant for the destruction of worlds? Who knows....but let's find out.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to I Can Count On You

Ember, Lord of all Dragons, has been presented with a problem that has forced her to seek the help of her best and closest friend.

Now that Spike has arrived all she needs to tell him is her problem. An ancient law, one that no Dragon Lord can object against, has come into effect.

What's that problem? She is to be bonded with the winner of a special tournament as life-mates.

Additional tag: Action.

*If you are feeling generous you can buy me a Ko-Fi!!

*This fic will deal with a lot of fighting, but it shall not be gore related, and the blood will be kept to a minimum.*

**This is my first attempt at writing something based almost purely on fighting/combat in a tournament-like scenario.**

Artwork by Traupa.

Chapters (10)

Spike the Dragon is a long time resident of Ponyville and in this town are his best friends, The Elements of Harmony. This group has been through everything together, good and bad and their friendship has grown into an unbreakable bond, or so Spike thought.

Through a unforeseen event, Spike is sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit and the bond of friendship he thought he had was nothing more than a illusion of his heart. With his world shattered and nothing left for him to live for, one being changes that and gives Spike a new desire to live and that is for power and revenge.

This story takes place after the events of Season 4, Twilight's battle with Tirek.

Chapters (5)

Dark Flame is a young unicorn stallion who works as the local blacksmith and has protected his home village of Stonewall from constant dragon raids, earning him the title, Dragon Slayer. But when a dragon thought to be a myth attacks, Dark is left the lone survivor and loses consciousness during the fight against the mythical dragon. When he awakens, he finds himself in a hospital with a part of his memory missing, a few bodily changes, and six mares who have questions for him.

Now trying to rebuild his life, Dark will learn about his new body, try to regain his lost memories, and attempt to live a new life of peace apart from his old life of near constant fighting and survival. Though if only it were that easy. New friends will be made, secrets revealed, enemies both new, old, and supposedly dead will rise, a love will blossom, and a ghost from Dark's past will threaten to destroy what little left he holds dear to him.

This is my first fic, and any constructive criticism or advice would be appreciated in helping improve my writing, and in turn, the story itself.

Featured: 6/24/16:pinkiegasp:

Chapters (100)

Celestia discovers a lingering trace of Nightmare Moon's soul still lodged in Twilight's mind—a survivor of the lingering effects of the Element's magic.

Faced with the threat of gradually losing her friend to Nightmare Moon's evil influence, Celestia realizes the only way to save Twilight is to let the storm of dark magic take its course all at once.

And yet, as Nightmare Moon's corrupting magic tears away at Twilight's forgiveness and understanding, and Twilight begins dredging up unexpressed doubts once kept controlled, Celestia must face a lifetime of confrontation her student has kept covered.

It is going to be a long night for both alicorns.

This story was written for the Tenth Bimonthly Twilestia Contest. It placed somewhere.

Chapters (1)

After being abandoned by his friends, Gohan makes a wish with the areas to go far, far away. Little does he know his desire leads him to the world of Equestria. How Gohan deal with his life in a new world?

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer visits Equestria and spends some time taking care of animals with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash is apparently not good with certain animals.

Sunset discovers very quickly that what you learn from the human world cannot be unlearned, ever.

Rated Teen and Sex for a pile of juvenile innuendo, though technically no bad language. Only technically.

Chapters (1)

It's been one hundred years since all of Spike's friends passed away. All he has now is Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and sometimes Discord.

Feeling lonely one night, Spike remembers befriending the dragon princess, Ember, and decides to finally visit her after all these years.

They have a lot to catch up on.

Chapters (1)