• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012

The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

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ACT One: (Chapters 1-10)
After a fatal tragedy, Twilight wakes up in a situation unlike anything she had experienced before. How is she supposed to react when she finds herself reincarnated as the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, the very one who orchestrated her assassination? Does she give into the rage and loss of her former self, or does she hold true to the magic of friendship?

ACT Two: Synopsis incoming

Chapters (10)

Rainbow Dash has asked her close friend for help dressing up! Dash says it's for an event, but she's asking for his help for other reasons...

Chapters (1)

Anon delivers a somewhat late, very unexpected birthday present to Rainbow Dash.

[ An audio version of this story has been made available courtesy of Landon. Awesome! ]

Chapters (1)

Rumble has a special gift for Scootaloo's birthday. Now he just has to tell her about it.

Edited by Noble Thought

Cover art: Child's Love by IslaMilenaria

Chapters (1)

[This story has been rewritten, link to it is here ]
Canterlot is getting ready for the wedding of the century, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza is marrying the Captain of the Royal Guard and part of the draconic royal family will be in attendance. In addition to helping prepare the most high profile wedding Equestria has seen in living memory, Celestia has tasked Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the Elements of Harmony with befriending the future queen of the Dragon Empire and her entourage, the first Sorcerer the Empire has ever had. One thing is certain, this will be a wedding that nobody ever forgets.
(New description has be made by none other than DoomManta)

(Story has been inspired by This picture) Go check out the person who did it Zig-Word

New cover art is drawn by http://akerabronzpaw.deviantart.com/ It may say a different name but same person.

Note to all: This story has been made before the season 6 ep 5 "Gauntlet of Fire" was made but may have some details about it. ;)

Also this story got Featured, a lot... thanks everyone xD

Chapters (10)

Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape.

After one-thousand years of being bound in the celestial body, Nightmare Moon is free! Right alongside the poor sap that got bound with her.

Thrust into an unfamiliar world, with scars and memories that are now drastically out of place, this is the story of the former guard captain, Magic Barrier.

Do the words above sound familiar? If they do, then you've probably read my other story, A Pony Displaced. This tale isn't a sequel. It isn't a rewrite, though you might consider it a re-imagining of sorts. It is a tale of progression, one that I hope will show my development as a writer in both skill and quality. But more importantly, it is a story that offers exploration into one simple question. What if Magic Barrier had trotted down another path?

As always, thanks go out to everyone who helped me get to this point. In particular, thank you to Alticron, for editing, proofreading, co-writing, being my idea-wall, and arguably the single biggest reason this story saw the light the day, and thank you to Word Worthy, formerly Izanagi, who also edited, proofread, and threw ideas around with us. It wouldn't be possible without these two. In addition to those two I'd like to thank the newest member of the group Omnicron25 for his efforts in proofing/editing as well. Damn glad to have you on board mate.

Additional thanks to Wing for keeping me company late nights and for being a wordsmith when I needed one.

Chapters (54)

This story is a sequel to To Live is to Love

One day, Spike finally gets the courage together to ask Rarity out. When he finally goes to ask her, he sees something in the window that quickly shoots down that entire idea. After it happens, and he's trying to move on from the disappointment.

Rainbow Dash is there to help him out.

Spike knows that his good friend will always be there for him.

That's all she is, right?

Thanks to this guy right here for the awesome picture.

Chapters (11)

Nothing's wrong with me, I know it. I'm Rainbow Dash, fastest flier in all of Equestria. There isn't anything out there that I can't do, except apparently find a pony of my own.

Even the Gala let me down.

But I have a feeling that everything is going to change soon. I don't know what it is, but I just know that somepony is going to sweep me off my feet...

(Prequel to this story )


Chapters (10)

Why do I love him? Because, he's cool, knows what a mare want to hear and he's awesome. But I like mares, and yet, I have strong feelings for him. The only male who was able to steal my heart. Hell and here I thought males were no good slobs. He proved me wrong, oh so wrong. I want to be with him, to hold him, and stay with him. I'll even cut off my wings.....for my love, for him. Wow that sounded real sappy, but you know.....if that what it takes to be with him, then I'd proudly clip them off myself.

With new author...... Geoice

Chapters (3)

When Trixie is hospitalized with amnesia, there are only six mares and a dragon who are up to the task of bringing Trixie back. Too bad the mare is absolutely terrified of a certain princess. A long road of recovery is in store for Trixie, will she make it? Probably, it's a fanfiction about best pony after all. But that doesn't mean it will be easy.

(As of chapter 7, I have changed it from the sad tag, for it is i into much more cheerful waters.)

(This story is on hiatus until I either fix my computer, or get a new one.)

Edited by:
Key Tapper

Chapters (9)