• Member Since 24th Oct, 2012

The Grimm Reaper

The Grimm Reaper is the writer of the 'Darkness Duology', 'Immortal', 'They Come at Night... Mostly!' and 'Only Bone Deep'. Among others.

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Twilight has been messaging Dragon Lord Ember for two weeks now, and the other ponies are wondering whom the new Princess’s pen pal is. Twilight gets a brilliant and terrible idea. Cover art by the sensational PixelKitties.

Chapters (2)

Once a Princess, now a Lord, Ember sends a letter to Princess Twilight to a situation that involves Spike. The letter seems serious and the dragons are already on their way. What could it entail about Ember's journey to Equestria? What does it mean for Spike?

Update: A NSFW version... has appeared! Those whom wish to explore the... freaky side, follow the link! Dragon Tails
Featured 4/17/2016!

The Follow up sequel called The Dragon Lord's Legacy can be found here! here

Chapters (16)

It all started with a friendly debate. Twilight thinks that Ponyville could not survive for thirty days without adults, Discord thinks that it could. Discord decides to settle the answer once and for all by putting every school aged colt and filly in Ponyville (plus Spike) into an exact replica of their town without any adults at all.

Only, Discord has to be able to prove to Twilight who won their debate. In order to keep Ponyville adult-free, he pulls filly Twilight from the past, who has nothing more than filly memories. And, while he's at it, he may as well bring in the rest of the filly mane six. Can the town survive for thirty whole days? And will the mane six be able to overcome the social barriers between themselves and the rest of the colts and fillies?

Chapters (26)

Pinkie asks Spike to keep Maud company until she gets off work, but he can't just sit there and say nothing to Maud, right? But she barely talks back, so he continues filling the silence, and... well, he should have stayed quiet.

An entry from the /fic/ write-off "A Matter of Perspective."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

"Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby sentenced to exile!" From those words her entire world changed. Is her happy life gone forever? Or can it only get worse? What will befall the dethroned princess and will she have to bare her fate alone?

My entry for This contest

And I officially have an editor! Much thanks to pinkiepie17 and Twilight Scratch

Chapters (7)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

A group of ponies with the help of Princess of friendship uncover a dark truth from before Celestia’s reign...

A portal mlp cross over co-writer Dr-Fluffy

Featured on 11th of October 2016

Chapters (8)

Hello, again!

Many ages after the original adventures of the Elements of Harmony, a certain dragon has his own role to play in the world. Strengthened by what they see as lacking, he stands apart from his own kin as they look upon him with both the fear and respect of one completely devoted to the destined task that he had been hatched for.

Cover art belongs to Minerea.

Chapters (6)

Every Cutie Mark is the symbol of what makes a pony special. Brawler's Cutie Mark is a pair of Boxing gloves, representing hoof to hoof combat. Nopony's ever beaten him in a fair fight. Unfortunately this worries the ponies around him and after a rather complicated incident he is thrown in a dungeon. Years pass, and Brawler is freed when the enchantments on his cell are drained by Tirek. What will Brawler do with his new found freedom?

Cover art done by Mad Munchkin

1/4/16 How in the HELL did this get featured?!? Whatever, thanks guys!

Chapters (18)

After the Changelings got flung out of Canterlot, one of them brought a Guardspony with them. When they crash into a deep cave, both of them end up crippled and unable to leave the cave and all they have is eachother to count on for survival.

Edited by the fantastic mikesnipe
Preread by the equally fantastic shynight

Upped the rating and added "Sex" tag because of language in the later chapters.

Featured on 2015/10/25. Thank you guys!

Chapters (13)