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A failed experiment.

Not exactly new for Twilight. But when the outcome brings forth its own science, the likes of which her nation hadn't even yet dared to hope for, the ponies of Equestria slowly realize that they're in for the adventure of a lifetime.

The problem is, they might just not be ready for the revolutions that technological advancement always brings.

And they're about to get hundreds of years of human science and advancements all at once.


As a forewarning, updates will likely be erratic. I have every intention of finishing this story, it's just that my life has been rather crazy lately as I'm sure many of you can imagine.

Also, if you are going to leave a thumbs down, please leave a comment detailing why. Thumbs downs don't tell me much, and I can't make the story better until people tell me what's wrong with it.
Thank you for your time.

WARNING: There may be spoilers in the comments. Read at your own peril.

Covert Art brought to you by the amazing powers of photoshop with an artist's permission.

Chapters (1)

Shattered Skies has lived quite some time. He had done well for himself over the past few thousand years; staying out of the public eye and remaining generally uninvolved from pony society while he tended his forests.

Who wouldn't want that, right?

His job came with excellent security and fringe benefits, but after he was betrayed by a princess he trusted, all he wants to do is to live a normal life even if the world tells him otherwise.

Oc disclaimer: The original characters that appear in the story that are not my own have been obtained from the original owners via written permission.

Chapters (55)

An English knight married a kindly woman, touched in the head, who thought she was an alicorn. She was right.

Then one day Cecilia disappeared.

He knew that Cecilia vanished into the side of the statue, the same place she lamented the 'mirror closing' two and a half years ago. He threw a rock at it... and it vanished. It was true. He had to find her.

He didn't care about Cecilia's madness, about this 'Equestria' or her obsession with ponies. He loved her. He loved her enough to walk into Hell itself. He would bring her back, no matter what.

TV Tropes page

Non-canon chapters 8-12

Edited by: John Hood, OkemosBrony, Legion222 & Katherine Kerensky (Chapters 1-12)
Guest Editor: refferree

Chapters (20)

The days in Equestria were nice, peaceful, and tranquil. That all changed when a big glass box came hurtling from the sky and crash-landed on her farm in Ponyville. Within the foreign object was a human,the first human to set foot on Equesrtian soil. Unfortunately, this human has no memories of his past. The only thing he does know is his name.

"Zero. My name is Zero."

With only a number as a name, the amnesiac young man is taken in by the residence and taught the ways of their land. As he's learning about his new home, questions start to creep into his mind every waking moment and every dream at night;

Who am I? Why am I here? Where do I belong?

But when an evil, the likes of which Equestria have never seen before, threatens to tear his new world apart, Zero must put aside his search of self and answer one new question;

What would you do to save a world you don't belong in?

Chapters (8)

Vent Psych, an antisocial with a complex personality. After a battle along with a chain of accidents, Vent is now stuck in Equestria. However, being trapped in another world doesn't mean his past is left behind in his world. Now, a sudden trigger of events happen. Some because of his very existence, and some not at all. Can he turn things around and make himself along with Equestria better? Or will he bring all to dust?

Before you like or dislike (I urge you not to dislike just for the heck of it. I'm fragile.) Please read the extra information down below. Thank you, and have a nice day.

~For your Information~
-This is a human in Equestria story.
-This is NOT a human from our world. It is a human from a more fictional world. It will use some references to the real world.
-This takes place before Twilight is an alicorn. (Almost as if it never happened. Like Heart Plus)
-This has multiple Points of View. It will be First Person and Third Person.
-It focuses on events and relationships along with character growth.
~For your safety~
Dark Rating: Questionable Themes
Sexual Rating: Questionable Themes
Profanity Rating: Tolerable
Violence Rating: Questionable Themes

Chapters (5)

Septimus isn't the luckiest guy. A musician that didn't quite make it in his dream career, he works part time as a sound technician. He's not terribly appreciated, and nobody cared enough to ask after him. The only thing keeping his life together is his nightly Parkour runs, free running his troubles away for a few hours.

But things get a bit interesting when he's visited by a mystery mare he hasn't met before, and can't seem to look at either, all on a Moonlight Promenade.

Chapters (18)

*Cover art made by _Vidz_

3/14/2015 100 Likes? Wow... I never expected this. Thanks :)

A simple purchase. That's all it was. All that was bought was some kind of item that looked like it was from the game. How the hell did it cause a cross-dimensional or otherworldly transport to another place where every damn member of it was a colorful, talking horses?!

That is the life of Drake Blackwood, a American gamer who makes his life testing, playing, and of course improving games. On one of his day offs, he had gone to a gamer con, dressed as what he believed a Summoner would be from DOTA 2. While there he purchased a object that looked like a item from DOTA 2, but unbeknownst to him it would rip him from one world and to another.

How would a human react to a situation like this? Could he be a hero or villain? Well... depends on his mood and of course what the hell he could do.

*Notes: Other tag is for other characters and the girls are a Level 3.5 on the Anthro scale.

Gore tag is because of some of the powers of heroes, I.E. Axe's Culling Blade or Phantom Assassin's Coup de Grace.

Dark tag is because of some heroes attitudes and how they would deal with a villain.

Takes place after Season 2 pilot episodes.

(Additional tag: Adventure)

Chapters (5)

Taking a short cut across the beach was a bad idea during hurricane season. One arrived without warning, and Gray spotted a sturdy looking shed, he sprinted towards it for cover. But then a powerful wind swept him up...

....Princess Celestia looked out the window from her throne at the heavy storm. She went back to her paperwork, which was blown from the table by an unseen wind. There was a flash and a silhouette flew through the air, rolling to a stop at the bottom of her dais...

Okay, so this one isn't my idea. I am being give them, and am fleshing them out. This one, for once, will be proof read/edited by KnightFlower. Mainly because he's the one given me the ideas and he asked me to write it for him. Didn't think I was that good at writing! If you want to add this to a group, can you please ask me first? Thank you.

No, that does not mean I'll be doing other requests, at the moment. Dark tag added for some small bits.

Chapters (23)

"Everything scared me. The thunder, the twisted trees, and the darkness. The darkness was the worst. Everywhere I ran, it followed. No matter how fast or in what direction it was there....I cried out for my mother, but there was no response. Every cry was ignored, until she came."

While on her way back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia must stop in Ponyville for the night while a storm blows over. She finds a young colt crying for his mother in the Everfree Forest. He only remembers some basic spells and his age. She takes him back to Ponyville, only to learn that no one has even seen him before. The Princess takes him back to Canterlot and tries to find him a home, but something happens that changes all of that.

This is my first story so please be honest with me and help me become a better writer.

Featured on 7/2/2014 and 10/17/2014 and 6/17/2015 WE DID IT! Thanks to everyone who's been reading since the beginning and to everyone who has even glanced at the story.

Chapters (39)

You are an ancient god who dates back to the times before history was recorded. Along with your other brothers and sisters, you lived in a time of paradise and happiness. You lived in harmony and ruled over the mortals without a care in the world. Until war broke out. A war that would last for centuries and caused the near extinction of all life in Equestria. During a last ditch effort to defeat your enemy you receive a grievous wound to your already tired and withered out body, which caused your body to turn to stone. Where your body would repair itself and recover your lost energy. However it's been centuries since the war, the world and people you had once known and loved has faded into history along with your existence, but the world has gone too long without you and it's about time you return.

Need help with grammar, please comment if you see any mistakes. I'm sure there are a lot.
Anthro- ponies still have horns, wings, etc
Some chapters will be comment driven

Chapters (26)