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(Picture source, image is not mine: here Prototype by MDreed)

Chapter 6 contains time travel, and foaling(mare pregnancy and birth)

Project Pariah, stuck in a cell, made by a virus, that pretty much sums up life for him, he has led a lonely existence, imprisoned and scorned for something that he didn't cause, because they are scared, what happens when you corner a fox? bad things.

They learned this with Alex Mercer and James Heller, both interests to Pariah, who can patiently wait, but when the End War breaks out and shit goes wrong, Pariah is thrust into a world he doesn't understand, but Parah is an adapter and can make himself fit in, but when he ha to reveal what he is, he is worried and hopes these inhabitants will not mess with things they don't understand... but in a world filled with peace, does it have a place for people and ponies like Pariah? Pariah who is lonely? maybe he can find company in a purple pony and her 5 friends, and 2, perhaps 3 Princesses and learn what it means to be human/pony...

Chapters (9)

Fruit Heart, a market-seller mare, finds her house smashed after the Canterlot invasion, and to her troubles a changeling was responsible.

Now broken and hurt; Fruit Heart finds herself looking after the angry creature, but as time goes on, can she help the changeling see what kindness can do, or will his feral instincts force her away.

And will she adapt to caring for the changeling.

New cover image by Manedblackwolf. Thank you very much, much appreciated.

Chapters (14)

Boneknights a group of magical knights that have the ability to manipulate bones and the fell magic of necromancy. They use thier unique form of combat to destroy necromancers where ever they are found.
In doing his duty one Boneknight and his skeleton conscruct find themselves. Traveling by portal to Equestria. Now he must stop the necromancer from corrupting this new land, that's nowhere near prepared.

Chapters (11)

A mysterious, powerful and terrifying relic that has reemerged from ancient times...

An alicorn who has a dark secret...

An evil being who has returned from the grave...

The Mane 6 have faced several threats, coming out from every one victorious. But this time they shall face a power that goes beyond harmony and disharmony, or good and evil. It is a power that every living being must face: Death.

Chapters (32)

Sunset Shimmer believes that she will never live down what she did at the Fall Formal. She turned into a she demon and tried to use the students to take over Equestira. She knows that she made mistakes and wants to get past them, but no one will let her. Everyday, she is reminded of how hated she is and how she tore friends apart. Sunset decides that she can't take it anymore and tries to end it all.

Lucky for her, she is saved by a mysterious boy who promises to help her fix her reputation. Sunset decides to entertain the idea, and accepts his help.

I came up with the idea before Rainbow Rocks, but just never put pen to paper. Expect this to conflict with the movie.

Featured on 5/24/15, 7/19/15, and 5/22/16! Thanks to everyone who's ever read this story!

Chapters (8)

With Princess Cadence and Shinning Armor's love proving too strong for Queen Chrysalis, she and her changelings are cast far into the distance and out of Equestria. Zeil a changeling who assisted in the attack, fell short and found himself injured and lost in the Everfree Forest. in hopes of receiving first aid, he takes the form of a zebra and ask Zecora for help. However, as time goes by, he starts developing feelings for his savior and starts to wonder, "is it possible for a changeling to fall in love?" and if so "Would she return his love if she only knew the truth?"

Chapters (9)

One day in Minecraft, a lone Enderman walks into an abandoned castle and finds an old enchantment book. After reading the text, he winds up in the colorful land of Equestria. Now he must learn to live with the inhabitants and learn the magic of friendship. Little does he know that a long lost evil has returned for revenge.

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by HASBRO*
Minecraft is owned by MOJANG*

Chapters (29)

(Warning Tis a Displaced story!) Well... It sucks being in Equestria... I mean, yeah I'm a Brony... A closet Brony, but a Brony nonetheless, but getting sent there from a con by a dude who looked like the Resident Evil 4 merchant kinda sucks... And not because I don't get to see my family and friends ever again, but because I become a Sparten 4 under a minute... And then it hurts... And I mean it HURTS! I felt like I went through a grinder, then a wood chipper. It sucks... And all I have is Pathefinder armor, a DMR, and magnum. I also have Master Chiefs cloak from the Halo 5 trailer... What? I had to, I needed to look badass... And a have a knife like Emile's from Halo Reach... Once plastic now metal... Don't judge! You would've done the same fucking thing!... So... Hope you enjoy my misadventures in Equestria... That is, if you are reading this...

I own Nothing! All rights go to Hasbro for making My Little Pony.
And Microsoft for making Halo.
Enjoy the adventure!

Chapters (19)

Did you ever look at that battered old Knight in the Forest and wonder, What happened to him? Ever wonder what his history was? Or how he ended up there? Well my friends, this story should tell you all that and more.

Cover art is not mine, it is SharkAlpha's.

FEATURED ON JULY 6TH OF 2016!! Oh my gosh! I...I have no words! I never thought this would happen to me! Thank you to everyone who supported me! Thank you so much!


Chapters (8)

There are stories that wind the long trail of complexity, treachery, and scale the mountains of mighty story telling. There are stories that redefine our very perceptions of who we are and what our meaning is in this word.

Needless to say, this is not one of those stories. No, this is a simple story. A simple story about two young humans falling in love.

Taylor, a simple man who works part-time, and Fluttershy, a simple woman who, with her friends, recently moved into town. Together they will learn that which all star destined lovers learn; what it means to finally, truly, and honestly, open one's heart to another.

Author's Note: This was written as a commission for an old friend many moons ago, in which commission they asked that I ship a mutual friend of ours with their favorite pony, Fluttershy. They wanted it simple, clean, and human. So, therefore, I present to you a relic of the past, written prior to season 2.

Chapters (10)