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  • Featured 23555 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Aria Blaze was known from Adagio and Sonata, that she is a super grumpy person ever since they were banished to the human world. So what happens when someone asks her out? On an average day. in Canterlot High someone asks Aria out, and she isn't too happy about it, but accepts it and goes on the date.

Chapters (3)

Starlight Glimmer creates 4 velociraptors named Blue, Delta, Charlie, and Echo to help with her equalization of equestria. But when the mane six free the village, the raptors believe starlight to be dead and seek new loyalty. This is their story. (There may be some minor gore at points in the story so I added the gore icon just to be safe.)

Chapters (8)

Seath the Scaleless, White Dragon God of Verdite, Traitor to the Everlasting Dragons, Duke of Anor Londo, Grandfather of Sorcery, and now the new friend and mentor to Twilight Sparkle? What will happen when two like-minded souls from opposite ends of the morality spectrum match wits? And what will remain in their wake?

A somewhat more meta twist on a MLP/Dark Souls cross-over, inspired predominantly by a few pictures I found of Seath and Twilight together, and my bewildered discovery that for all of the stories on this site that cover these two franchises, there's only one that focuses on Seath the Scaleless and so far it hasn't seen any updates in over a year ( http://www.fimfiction.net/story/68621/scales for those curious).

For those who haven't played either the King's Field or Dark Souls games worry not. I'll do my best to either explain the lore of both in the story itself, or add an author's notes for anything that gets referenced.

UPDATE: New custom cover art at last! Courtesy of Cryophase ( http://cryophase.deviantart.com/ )

Editing is courtesy of lunarstallion

Chapters (62)

If I could go back to having my boring old normal life in San Diego, I would take the opportunity in a heartbeat. But no, I'm stuck in this strange... yet somehow familiar world of ponies. You can laugh at that if you wish, I won't. It's not as funny as it sounds as soon as you get a good look at what I have become.

I am no longer the man I was, at least not physically. I have somehow ended up in the body of the video game character Raiden. Not the one from 'Metal Gear Solid Two', No. I have become the one from the franchises spin off, 'Metal Gear Rising Revengence', and because of that. I am no longer fully human; most of my body has been changed into a cybernetic frame.

I'm afraid too show my face to the public; ponies don't like the walking cybernetic man with a sword, go figure. I've just been hiding in the shadows for now until i'm able to find someone too help me. I will then ask for their assistance in returning myself back too normal. I just hope I can find someone capable of this soon, not sure how much more mental strain I can take.

How rude of me, I haven't even told you my name. I don't care what I look like now, I will always go by the name of Arin.

[Displaced story]

I know what you're thinking, not another one of these stories. For Christ sake do they ever stop?

Well personally these stories are a guilty pleasure of mine, and I wanted to give one a try. You can complain all day long, but It won't change my opinion on these stories, and the group of people who write them.

With that being said, feel free to converse about the story in the comments. Except for complaints about this being a Displaced, they have already been said ten-thousand times. Complain instead about grammar, story structure, pacing, characters, et cetera. Those are the real worthwhile complaints that can make me improve as an author.

P.S Comments that are beyond rude, and just slander for slander sake will be deleted from this point on. If you hate the story, there is no need to be a dick.

Chapters (3)

One night, a strange object crashes in Equestria. After Celestia sends a patrol to investigate a strange creature breaks into the castle. It succumbs to its wounds, but before it does it passes on what may not only be Equestria's savior, but Celestia's future.

Join Draco as he grows up in a world of ponies, magic and fantasy. There are those who accept this new being, and others who do not. But in his future, he'll have to come to terms with a shocking, and daunting, revelation.

Alternate Story to To Call the Moon My Own (You don't have to read it to understand this one!)

Cover art by Panzertank. Big thanks to him!

Featured 7/12/15! Thank you all for my first feature!

Chapters (135)

Yeah, so, I'm a huge fan of Destiny. So I went to this convention with a few friends dressed up as my badass hunter. When we get there, I see a guy dressed like Xur. What do I see? Probably the best weapon I can think of, and that's Invective. Long story short, I am now in Equestria. The kicker? I'm not just my Hunter, but my Warlock and my Titan. I, or, rather, we, became Equestria's Guardians. We follow Celestia, but, being a brony, me and my other personalities know what's going to happen, and we decided to take our own steps to it. We are fire team lone. And this is our story.

My own guardians with what I have, and my own opinions as to said gear. If you think otherwise, don't hate because of that. First displaced story, so it might be a little rough.

Chapters (45)

After being abandoned by her sisters and both physically and emotionally tormented by the students of CHS, Sonata has no place to go. Sonata, who was evil, was a bright girl who always kept a smile on her face and seemingly cheerful with no care for the world. Now she is homeless, scared and seems emotionless until a male student came to her rescue. But what happened to her that caused her to lose even her emotions, and how will she be with this new found help? Only time will tell.

Now you can read the Dark Spin-Off of this story, have fun!
Also thanks to Tennis Match Fan for editing my chapters since chapter 2.

Chapters (30)

This fic was featured 21.12.2014

"Life can be found everywhere, as long it will be given a chance to flourish."

While the most ponies inhabit the surface of the world, some of them managed to adapt to the ecosystem beneath the earth. If it was their own choice, or some kind of punishment nobody really knows nor remembers. Seperated from their kin the ponies created their own society, populating the earth beneath the earth. The result was the birth of a nation that remained nameless until the very first Alicorn emerged from this unique society.

Since then their nation has been called Nocturia, and the bloodline of the very first Alicorn ruled over its subjects and the six existing tribes. For all this time they were seperating themselves from other ponies...

Until the day the King under the Mountain woke up from his coma, only to find the legacy of his ancestors being threatened by his own subjects.

My english is not the best. This is why I kindly ask for forgiveness ^^

Chapters (12)

A great disaster strikes the Crystal Empire shortly after finding an amazing archaeological find in the crystal mines. News reaches Princess Twilight Sparkle in a short amount of time, a letter from her brother speaking of a beast as black as shadows that tore apart the royal guard in a matter of seconds, but stopped his rampage only moments later, unfortunately most of the empire had been burnt and ravaged as the beast fled. Just a day after receiving the letter Twilight and her friends prepare to head to the empire, when an odd dragon wanders into Ponyville, he is odd because unlike any dragon she had even seen, he adorned a unicorn like horn on his head, his midnight black scales seemed to shine in the day. One major question was going through the princesses mind, where did he come from and what are his intentions.

Chapters (19)

As Canterlot picks up the pieces after a surprise attack that left the city reeling, ponies whisper and spread rumors of their attackers. A lone infiltrator in their midst knows the truth, for he has kept their existence secret through deception and bloodshed.

Now the secret is out, and with his brothers and sisters blasted into the wilderness, he begins the task ordered by his Queen. Hiding among the ponies behind a smiling mask, he eventually finds a mare with information he needs.

An offer of friendship is made and accepted. As she lowers her guard to him, he takes one step closer to reaching his goal.

He has a role to fill. To avenge the Hive, Princess Celestia must die.

Edited by Noble Thought

Thanks to Zodiacspear and ZOMG for prereading.

Cover art: Changeling by Engavar

Chapters (12)