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Chapters (20)

You are the Immortal Hero. A legendary hero who's exploits have yet to be witnessed. The lives that you will live through will be tragic, but this is a job you're honor bound to perform and complete until the end of time. You will defeat great monsters, challenge gods, and ultimately save life as we know it. Every hero has a beginning and it's time to begin yours.

Comment driven
Looking for an editor and a co-writer, if you think your up for it pm me.

Chapters (9)

Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, found a small child of another species in the Royal Gardens. After tense thinking, she decided to take the creature under her wing, becoming his guardian. This child, later named Onyx, will try to follow in the path of his adoptive mother. Will he be able to make her proud? Will being a unique creature affect how he’s treated or his personality?
A story of love and family between a mother and her son.


(Begins before season one)

edited by xIMPERSONATORx
cover art by Shinonigga

Chapters (53)

(rewritten. go to my account for friends to the end rebirth)
Two Blackwatch soldiers. Best friends since they where young who after deserting their squads
to save some civilians are the last of Raptor and Reaper Squads. They are taken from their world just before there death at the hands of James Heller the Tango Primary. Now they must survive in a world full of colorful ponies.


More based on their militaristic side instead of just focusing on their powers. Also tell me if you liked it or not and why please.
And any ideas for future chapters are always welcome.

oc harems

Chapters (16)

2000 years ago, Equestria was met with Nightmare, the living incarnation of the cursed sword, Soul Edge.

By that, you mean 'a guy went to a convention in an awesome costume and ended up getting bit in the tail for it'.

He was defeated, and sealed in stone for all of eternity.

Which sucked, by the way.

But now, he is free.


But much to his surprise, he is not alone.

Wait, what?

For now he is greeted with five faces that are… quite curious, to say the least.

To say the least. I wasn't expecting a quintet of fools to follow me to Candy Land.

But we're your friends, Nighty!


Chapters (4)

Scootaloo runs into a suspicious male, as she becomes curious at his certain style of actions. But she ignores it, until that very same male crawls back into her life in a matter of injury with uncertainty towards going to a more trained professional of the medical arts. Let's hope she knows how to handle the situation other than freak out over the whole thing.

Midnight on the other hand is stuck in a business that he had chosen, it had taken over his life and he knows how good at it he is. While focusing on work, he will never know what is awaiting him on Scootaloo's point of view.

I've been missing for a few months or more and well, it's time I started writing again and I have learned a few tips on writing by a few of my friends. This story also takes place in the future so Scootaloo is older. ~Enjoy

Art by usagifriday

Chapters (7)

Connor and Sweetie Belle have been doing some quality time together: helping with homework, walking to school, playing, talking, comforting after a personal dispute. After a while, Sweetie Belle begins to crush on the colt. She wants more than anything for him to be her coltfriend, but what will hold her back? The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Connor's obliviousness, or the fact that Connor is already dating Fluttershy? Dun-dun-DUNNNNNNN!

Chapters (13)

After following a baby griffon into a dangerous situation, Fluttershy finds herself rescued by a kind-hearted dragon and ends up befriending him. Ultimately, they both decide to raise the child. As Fluttershy and her friends spend time with the lonely dragon, the more he learns about friendship and the more he reveals about his tragic past.

Note: Earlier chapters will steadily be going through some edits. Chapters 1-7 have been edited.

Chapters (59)

A dragon from the northern lands comes to Equestria with the intent of forgetting his trouble past. However, the past can never be forgotten. The dragon, Shen-Lung, will come to realize that there's more to Equestria than just peace. He will soon come to find out what there is to cherished in friendship... and possibly even more. But a great and ancient evil looms over the horizon, threatening the very thing that Shen-Lung has learn to cherish. Shen-Lung stands to face a world set against him, full of danger, fear, and sadness. A world that will change his life Forever.

Chapters (10)

John was a simple man living in a big city. When he meets a strange woman, his life is forever changed. Surrounded by changelings and under the influence of their queen, can he keep his sanity and resist the curse placed upon him? Or will he be forced to commit atrocities and bring Equestria to its knees before Queen Chrysalis?

I do not own rights to My Little Pony, or any associated trademarks or copyrights. This work of fiction is merely a fan submitted fiction with no intention for monetary gain.

Chapters (29)