• Member Since 27th Oct, 2011


Changelings are my passion.

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New inventions have come to Equestria, automobiles and guns namely, but also prohibition after drunk driving accidents. With cider being a large part of the Apple's income the new ban has not gone over well and Apple Bloom has decided to create something of her own, bootlegging, having just got her licenses she'll put these new inventions to work for her.

Cover Image used with permission.

Chapters (23)

Thanks to having some free time, Princess Twilight accompanied the human Mane 7 to Equestria Land in the human world. To the dismay of two girls, what she chose to do first was to play Flim and Flam's infamous ring toss game. Knowing their game was nigh-impossible to win, the Princess's human counterpart begged her to not mess with it.

However, Princess Twilight wasn't a regular ring toss player, but a champion who claimed she had never lost. With just one ring, the Princess of Friendship left herself (literally), Sunset, and even Flim and Flam in disbelief.

Let's just say that more begging and hilarity followed.

Chapters (1)

After getting stuck together on a class project, Sunny starts to question her views of Indigo. The brash tomboy was very different when they were working together, and that just didn't add up. So it was time to do some digging.

Hints of romance in later chapters, this is basically the backstory for Indigo and Sunny's relationship. There's some threads to other fics, but they're really not gonna jump out until later.

I hope you enjoy, I'm no good at drama.

Art done by Ta'ruht Qarine a good friend of mine, her stuff is awesome and her commissions are affordable, check her out!

Oh snap, this was featured on 10/26/22
Never imagined I'd make it to the front page outside of update windows, that's really cool!

Chapters (48)

Sweetie Bot installs Urban Dictionary.

With thanks to people on Discord for discussions.

Art: Maren.

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Wasteland is under siege.

The Grand Pegasus Enclave swept down onto the surface like a plague, set on eliminating any who stood in their way. They have the wasteland in their grip, forcing their twisted and tyrannical sense of 'order' onto the ponies of Equestria. And without their heroes, those who rallied to defend their home have been losing the fight.

But now, under the leadership of Gawdyna Grimfeathers, it's time for the resistance to bring the fight to them! And it all starts with Junction R-7...

Other promos and main fic:

Fallout Equestria is by Kkat.

Chapters (1)

For a thousand years, the alicorns of House Solaris have ruled over the ponies of Equestria with wisdom and care. Now, in the present, Twilight, youngest daughter of the Queen, goes about her day as befits a Princess of the Realm.

Chapters (1)

Celestia is for some reason a Galarian Ponyta. Obviously, Luna blames Discord.

Warning: Low-effort comedy

Chapters (1)

Throughout her entire life, Lysithea von Ordelia had always been pushing herself to do as much as she could. She didn’t have the time to lay around, after all, with the shortened lifespan her two crests gave her. This shortened life caused her to forsake many things in the name of pushing herself to greater hights, including her childhood.

However, when she finally passed away, she suddenly found herself given a second chance to enjoy life. Born as the twin sister to Twilight Sparkle, Lysithea plans to use her lease on life to the fullest. In doing so, she might just be able to find out what it is to enjoy life, and maybe show young Twilight there is more to life than books in the process.

Spoilers for the Verdant Wind route.

Cover was made by Little Tigress

and apparently I'm featured... wait what?

Chapters (12)

A thousand years ago, Luna tried to create a new country where ponies could live under the strength of the moon. Her sister Celestia tried to stop her, saying that it would destroy the Equestria they lived in, but Luna didn't listen. A few years later a war erupted between Equestria and Luna's Moonlight Kingdom. When the dust settled, neither alicorn stood standing, and Equestria became locked in the dusk that the battle was fought in. That was one story that was told of Equestria, one whose fate is said to lead to tragedy...

... but it is one that no longer exists, and would never be known.

In the present, the sun and moon still shine high in Equestria's sky. Celestia and Luna some decades ago gave the throne to Twilight, and in time she shaped Equestria into a country even stronger then before. Yet even then, the sudden disappearance of both the old matriarchs and the leaders of the Crystal Empire has caused unwanted friction. Things stay at peace despite this, and for all ponies know the future is bright and beautiful.

Then one day a young pegasus by the name of Luminous strolled into Canterlot looking for a dear friend. No one knew the mare, no one had ever seen her before, and for unknown reasons she had no cutie mark. What is known, is that was the day everything started going downhill. Forces from times long gone, unknown horrors that ponykind has never seen, and another timeline abandoned and broken.

History seems doomed to repeat itself, that is but fact. We can't go back to how things are, and can't be stuck in the past. The only choice available now is to see what the future holds, and hope Equestria stands strong when no future was determined for it.

This is a reworking of an old series that I was writing back in 2016 called Descendants of the Night. You can still find that on here, but be warned that things in that story will seem drastically different from the one you will see here.

Cover art by Little Tigress

Chapters (18)

Just as his life finally began to bloom, death was far too eager to snuff Psalms to an early grave.

But, it was not meant to last, for Higher Powers called forth all who were worthy to aid in the coming Holy War.

Psalms has been deemed one of the worthy, and was bestowed the gift of new life to serve as the Guardian Crusader for a world he is all too familier with.

Co-Author: dannny43
Cover made by:Little Tigress
This is a Twilight X OC, and it will feature Christian themes, self harm, and profanity.

Chapters (13)