• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!

Reading Now 927 stories
  • Reading Now 927 stories - 11354 unread chapters This is the stuff I'm currently neck deep in and waiting for it to update just like my icon would.
    Created by Camlio
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 42,715,330
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Getting a college roommate is random chance.
Sometimes you get lucky, and sometimes you get a pony.

Rainbow Dash enrolls at an Earth university.

Update: and then some other stuff happens.

Chapters (27)

Equestria is dying.

There is nothing anyone can do about this.

The sun has shined too long. The Age of Sunlight must come to an end. But Celestia refuses to let it extinguish, and the land is shrouded in everlasting dusk. And now, among the living, are seen bearers of the accursed Darksign. Those doomed to die, again and again, until their minds fade away and they turn hollow, forever seeking the souls of others for nourishment, in a futile attempt to regain their lost memories and lives. But there is now only one way for their suffering to end. Celestia must be slain, so that the Age of Dark may take its natural turn.

Co-created by Akumokagetsu

Cover art from PonyChaos13 on DeviantArt

'Dark Souls' crossover.

Chapters (8)

A botched viewing spell has sent Twilight Sparkle to Earth and into the care of Kyle West. Having been turned into a human, the local species, Twilight Sparkle relies on her host to help her as she finds a way back to Equestria. And, in the meantime, she decides to learn about humans and the world they live in; the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly.

Now With TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (9)

(Spyro seriesXmlp) Spike's always been curious about his race, but then again what dragon wouldn't be when all they've ever known is ponies? So when a spell book arrives that may offer some answers to his questions, with a little help from Twilight of course, the young dragon is overjoyed to say the absolute least.

Though when things somehow end up going astronomically sideways, Ponyville finds itself playing host to three unexpected visitors; three scaly visitors by the names of Spyro, Cynder, and Ember to be exact, each bringing their own personal touch of chaos to the small town.

Soon awkward and unusual situations arise, tempers flare with destructive consequences, personal demons and ancient evils threaten to rear their long suppressed heads, and Spike learns that sometimes, if you wait long enough, love will find you.

Inspired by this piece of fan-art I found (not mine) featuring Spike and Ember, and the short comic 'Spyro's back'

Chapters (18)

Three girls. How did three girls manage to completely obliterate my understanding of the universe? Well, I guess I shouldn't call them girls (even though they look like they are), ponies would be the better description.

All I wanted was a nice breakfast and a chance to skip class. But the world decided to break on me instead, or maybe I broke it. I can't really make heads or tails of things anymore.

But what I do know is that I found three girls and they were scared. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've got to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders get back home.

Part of the PonyFall Collaboration

Cover art by suirobo

Chapters (27)

Twilight Sparkle presents a collection of interviews, letters, essays, poetry and prose compiled over several years of her relationship with the human Bellerophon and his "herd", covering subjects as broad as Equestrian social taboos, comparisons of earth and Equestrian mythology, romance and the occasional recipe. Compiled by Twilight Sparkle, with foreword by Her Royal Highness, Princess Celestia.

(This is a bit of an experiment based on the worldbuilding concepts presented in AnonAuthor's Xenophilia [[NSFW] - caveat lector!], which intrigued me enough to want to take a closer look. It's likely you'll be very confused by this unless you read at least some of Xenophilia. Updates will appear as and when an idea pops into my head for a thing to add. And fair warning, some of this might come across very dry and dusty. Thank you academia! And thank you AnonAuthor for letting me have a go, and both AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for all the collab work they're doing. I'll make up for the dust by tossing in the odd piece of art now and then.)

Chapters (24)

Cloud Kicker might just have the wildest life of any pony in Equestria. Marvel at the insanity that is her life, and laugh at the suffering of her poor beleaguered best friend, Blossomforth. And maybe, just maybe, there's more to her than just the lovable sex maniac everypony thinks she is.

This is a semi-sequel to "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash." Not really a proper sequel, since it's focused on Cloud Kicker and Blossomforth instead of Rainbow and Pinkie, but it's in the same continuity. So I guess that makes it a follow-up-side-quel story. Or something. You don't need to have read "The Incredibly Dense Mind of Rainbow Dash" to read or enjoy this, but you ought to read it anyway, just because.

TvTropes Page

The central story of the Winningverse.

We got a tag for Cloud Kicker, but Blossomforth still deserves one too.

Chapters (28)

One of the endless possibility of the continuum shift finds six unique girls brought into to the world of Blazblue.

Separated, the girls must navigate their way through the 13th hierarchical city of Kagutsuchi and possibly receive some help or hindrance from the Blazblue cast along the way in order to find each other and get back home.

Chapters (14)

[Eventually will be rebooted in a new story]

Rated [Teen] for F. Violence & Strong Language.

It's been ten years since she's been crowned princess, and during that time she's been rather... busy. Among moments of solving friendship problems and saving Equestria multiple times, she has destroyed the covenant, saved the Mushroom Kingdom and its princess, destroyed all the colossi in the Forbidden Land by the order of a sealed god, escaped Black Mesa, and many more heroic deeds. Yes, Twilight Sparkle can call herself a video game master of many genres. However, she never once touched the aspects of virtual reality MMO’s. That is until she started playing Equestrian Earth. With a whole digital world before her, Twilight felt that her adventures in the MMO would be her greatest adventure yet.
However, this adventure may prove to be the most dangerous as a powerful entity and its legion of hackers have taken over the world. Twilight Sparkle must unite with her fellow gamer friends if she is to prevent herself from getting a game over not just in the virtual world, but the real world. Adventure awaits in a land filled with monsters, allies, quests, rivals, imagination, friendship, and magic.

This is Equestrian Earth, let the games begin.

Story Description Credits to Rated Ponystar [an immense help!]
↓If you haven't, read Author Notes down below↓

Author Notes:
Ω Editors: ugugg93
∞ Edited chapters will be marked by a certain number of *s, indicating how many editors got to it
Ω Proof/Pre-readers: RemareShadows and Apuppy120, ultra1437, Genghis, and Willow the Pegasus
A World Map of Equestrian Earth (and Equestria)
∞ (Password is mlp.)
Ω Also as a side note: I came up with the idea in the shower.
Past Cover Arts
1st Cover Art: The Great Six by Boxanor
2nd Cover Art: My Little Skyrim by Atrixy
3rd Cover Art: The Bannermares (and dragon) by latecustomer
Official Equestrian Earth Cover Art #1 [Landscape] by Midnight Sonare
Current Cover Art:
Official Equestrian Earth Cover Art #2 [Portrait] by Midnight Sonare

Fic's Group
Equestrian Earth Hubnet

SLthethird's review

Chapters (21)

Spike has always considered Ponyville his home, and has always held Rarity a special place in his heart. That is, until a group of dragons showed up after years of looking for him. After meeting his real family and hearing why he was brought into the ponies' care, he starts to rethink his old thoughts.

Now he only has a week to make a decision: either stay with the ponies who loved and cared for him most of his life, or go with the dragons and finally be with his real family. The decision would have been all so clear...

...if there wasn't another factor in the equation.

Much love to those who oversaw the story:

Pre-Readers: Skeeter the Lurker & Mr101
Editors: The Abyss & Man_Demon

Chapters (3)