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Thanks to a head cold, Coloratura cancels her upcoming appearance at the Friendship Festival in Canterlot. However, the decision saved her from being put at the mercy of the Storm King, but unfortunately, fellow music artist Songbird Serenade was not so fortunate. Now, Coloratura attempts to console her friend as she deals with the trauma surrounding the Storm King's invasion.

Cover art belongs to jhayarr23 of deviantart.com

Written at Canterlot KC 2017 in Kansas City, MO

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Just Girls Talking Dirty

As an adorable little baby with powerful magic, Flurry Heart was a lovable, if chaotic, ray of sunshine.

As a teenage princess who seems to be vying for the title "Princess of Lust", she's a constant source of exasperation for her parents. Her latest stunt--accidentally turning herself into an "anthromorph", as Princess Twilight calls it, and getting stuck that way--is just another misadventure in a long string of teen hijinks.

Now, Flurry has somehow managed to accidentally teleport herself to another dimension. With a whole new world to explore and an "auntie" she rarely ever sees to aggravate, plus new friends to make (and aggravate), Flurry decides to stick around for a while and turn Canterlot High upside down.

A continuation of this chapter of Just Girls Talking Dirty, toned down (slightly) to a strong Teen rating for innuendo, insinuation, naughty behavior, and a princess who doesn't especially care where and when she's naked.

Warning: Extremely horny and mischievous teenage Flurry Heart incoming!

(Base image used for the cover created by Dashie116, used with permission.)

Chapters (2)

The universe holds many secrets and it's up to philosophers such as Gummy to unravel them.

Special thanks to Blueshift for editing.

Written for the Ignore It and It Will Go Away WriteOff Contest.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer presents Sunset with an ethics question while they spend time at the mall.

Chapters (1)

Rarity doesn't know what to be for Nightmare Night, so Spike gets a witch costume, hoping that Rarity would love him for that.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna, Sunset Shimmer, and the Great and Powerful Trixie meet in a bar every Friday for drinks and to chat.

This is what they chat about.

An episodic story updated whenever I think of anything new. Will probably never be marked "Complete".

Rated Teen and Sex for risque conversations. No actual sex. Has a little Sunlight shipping; as usual, I cannot help it.

Cover image compiled using the super-cute vectors created by arifproject and used with permission. Go take a look at all his adorable art!

Many thanks to FanOfMostEverything for being kind enough to preread the first three five all the chapters for me!

Chapters (9)

Diamond Tiara hypnotizes her mother into going out naked, as part of her effort to make her mother nicer to her.

Commission for Superfun
(Note: commissioned story; different vibe than my other stories.)

Chapters (4)

When drastic measures have to be taken to save Equestria from a resurging villain, Twilight and her friends sacrifice themselves for the needs of the many.

Luckily, when you're friends with a powerful unicorn neurotically obsessed with checklists, scheduling, and planning ahead, death is but a minor inconvenience.

Now they just need something to do until Twilight can sort out a few minor issues.

Chapters (8)

The Ponyville Public Access channel is where any and all Ponyville residents can go to advertise whatever they want or force those with a T.V. to watch their antics.

Tune into the The Ponyville Public Access channel. It’s literally the only channel that works.

Inspired by a random conversation with Tired Old Man

Now accepting submissions.

Chapters (34)

When Cheerilee asks to talk with Big Mac after her classes are over, the stallion's nerves skyrocket as his assumptions seem to be correct.

Little does he know that it won't end like he thinks.

Chapters (1)