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  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Granny Smith can be summed up in several ways: wise matriarch of the Apple Family, experienced farmer and mother, and that old coot who shouldn't be left in the sun for too long.

Unfortunately for the fearsome Storm King, he's about to find out what happens when she is left in the sun for far, far too long.

Chapters (1)

When their grocery shopping takes a wrong turn, Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon find themselves in a world of slightly damaged valuables, well loved relics, and haggle-happy vendors.

But are they finding trash or treasure? If only they could agree...

Chapters (2)

Random romance shorts I wrote over the years, mostly for fun or venting.

It's not exactly Goethe, but maybe there is some weird person out there who always thought "I want to read a Fluttershy/Cadance drabble!" (I am sorry for your suffering), so I am posting these for that person.

All these are lesbian pairings, so please do keep this in mind.
Sex tag for innuendo. I regret nothing.

Chapters (8)

"Meet me where the snowmelt flows
It is there, my dear, where we'll begin again"

Six moments in the lives of six ponies, forming a window into days gone by.

A nostalgic throwback, and a tribute to the show as it was when I fell in love with it.

Chapters (1)

Walnut Grove is an orphan. Yup, simple as that. After spending ages waiting for a family to adopt him, he went looking for one. Except... he didn't exactly find what he was looking for.

Edit: Woah... second time this story has been featured. Either I did something right, or it’s dumb luck. Probably the latter. Either way, I guess I’ll make a whole slice of life story out if this... because that’s apparently what you guys a want.

There is a reading of the first chapter on YouTube by Skijarama that I quit enjoyed if any of you are interested.

Chapters (3)

Autumn Breeze has a pretty good life for a drifter. She still keeps in contact with her parents, along with the many friends that she has made throughout her travels. Sure she only stays in any one town for a couple of years at a time, but that's okay. After all, she loves to meet new ponies. She'd like to settle down, though, if only ponies wouldn't keep discovering her secret.

Even in Ponyville, it won't be long before somepony suspects her story about her unusual appearance. Not long before somepony notices that she secludes herself in her room once a month. Not long before somepony opens her bedroom door on the night of a full moon to see a feral fox thrashing around, trying to get out of it's bonds.

Well, maybe things will be different this time. Maybe nopony will discover that she's an equi-fox. Maybe when they find out they won't care.

And maybe pigs will sprout wings and start giving flying lessons to young pegasi.

Chapters (4)

Fluttershy has come a long way since Twilight came to Ponyville, but she’s still very shy compared to most ponies.

But who would have thought that a big time star would be shy as well?

A gift for BlackWater with thanks for SOOOO many things.

Chapters (1)

At Bronycon 2018, Quills & Sofas held about half a dozen manual typewriters. Again. I wrote some more silly stories on them, each one inspired by a panel I attended.

Chapters (8)

Discord is invited to an impromptu party at Fluttershy's, and he can't wait! The only problem is the guests aren't really there to celebrate, and instead have a few words to say to our former vice principal. Takes place after 'A Matter Of Principals'

I wonder what that might be...

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle, a little Unicorn filly more curious than a cat, wanders to the top of a mountain to get away from everything and explore. She finds a hole in the mountain, and falls down into it. She expected to die, or to be trapped forever. She set out into the darkness, looking for and calling out for a way home...
...and adventure came.

A crossover of MLP: FiM and Undertale. The latter belongs to Toby Fox, the former belongs to Hasbro and Lauren Faust.
Inspired by The Moon in the Dark, by Tatsurou; please go show him some support.
Rated T for safety's sake; will eventually involve bad puns, minor-to-mild language, possibly moments of violence and occasional crude humor. Oh, and puns. Lots and lots of puns.

Due for revision and revamp.

Chapters (9)