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The Shadow Five decide to take initiative and deal with a nagging feeling in the back of their minds, that feeling being Twilight.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie's quest to fix her plumbing leads her to discover an ancient cult bent on destroying the world

Written in about half-an-hour using the magic of voice-to-text technology

Chapters (1)

Twilight has never been one to leave an endeavor half-baked, so when she decides to learn to cook, she demands nothing less than the best teacher gems can buy: renowned chef Spike the Dragon.

Eggheads will crack, nerves will grate, and longstanding national institutions will be shaken to their starchy, tuberous roots as Twilight grapples with the art and science that is cooking.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been feeling a great deal of pain lately, from headaches to sore limbs, but she brushes them off to perform her first Wonderbolt show. During the show she crashes to the ground as she is wracked in pain. She is soon rescued by two Pegasus and is taken too the dying King Wind Crasher, where she is told that not only is she going to become Queen, but that she was not born a Pegasus, but an Alicorn.

(A complete rewrite of Queen of Cloudsdale)

Chapters (2)

Ten points in time. Ten randomly chosen songs. Ten mini fics. Ten pieces of Cadence/Shining Armor.

Utilises an old fanfic writing exercise by which you hit 'random' on your music playlist and have to write a vignette for each one, using only the timeframe of the song itself as it plays to write it.

Parts 1-8 written in 2013.
Parts 9-10 written in 2017.

Chapters (8)

Seven ponies have been transported from ancient times to the modern era. In their own time, they were heroes, and to this day they are (mostly) remembered fondly. However, the time between their departure and return has left society completely different.

Princess Luna, remembering her own period of adjustment, wisely decides that the Pillars of Equestria need personal guides to this new era.

She, not so wisely, selects them herself without consulting anyone and assigns them to their select heroes.

This... may not end well.

Cover image composed with vectors by thebosscamacho, Hendro107, davidsfire, SketchMCreations, SLB94, FloppyChiptunes, and of course the MLP staff.

Chapters (1)

After a recent visit to the optometrist, Diamond Tiara discovered that her eyesight was beginning to degrade. Her mother, Spoiled Rich, recommended that she get some contact lenses straight away. Being the perky little princess she makes herself out to be, Diamond Tiara is on board with the idea at first.

But the moment she struggles with said lenses, her dad, Filthy Rich, takes it upon himself to get her a pair of glasses. Now, torn between her mother and her father, the only one who can help Diamond make the right choice is her closest friend, Silver Spoon.

Chapters (2)

Tempest has nowhere to go, and nopony to turn to. Luckily, Twilight is willing to help. While Tempest suffers the consequences for her actions against Equestria, Twilight Sparkle helps teach her about friendship. Can Tempest redeem herself while still suffering the hardships of the past? Will she ever truely be free?

Chapters (2)

In her off-time, when she isn't busy doing anything in particular, Vinyl Scratch is often found either sleeping, or roaming across Equestria, searching for... nothing in particular. It's an endless search-- not for the want of an object, but for the wanting of an experience.

And experience, is exactly what Vinyl writes her reviews on.

An anthology of various random encounters between Vinyl Scratch and miscellaneous circumstances.

Chapters (10)