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When fighting monsters with specific weaknesses. You're best bet is to call in an expert in the field.

Chapters (3)

This is a collection of assorted short stories, drabbles, and flashfics I've written.

There is a prologue, and a bit of connecting narrative, but for the most part, each chapter will be a separate story or scene in itself. If it's been posted elsewhere, I'll try to have a link to where I originally posted it.

Chapters (23)

Starlight Glimmer is an angsty, emo, and cutie mark hating teenager living in Sire’s Hollow with her embarrassingly loving widowed father, Firelight.

Take a look into her teenage mind as she tries to go about a day in her life sneering at her schoolmates’ cutie marks, getting into trouble, skipping school to smoke weed and drink with her punk friends, sneaking out to a party with best friend, and dealing with her father constantly annoying her.

Cover art belongs to brisineo on Tumblr.

WARNING: Mild spoilers for ‘The Parent Map’

Rated T for angst, cursing, drinking, marijuana use, and mentions of sex and violence.

Chapters (1)

Starlight and Trixie go to the store to buy groceries. A task so mundane there’s pretty much no way they can mess it up.

Note: Part of my “Twilight, Spike, Starlight, Trixie, Tempest Shadow, and Grubber all hang out at Twilight’s Castle continuity” which I should maybe think up a name for… 3TsG2Ss? It’s Always Sunny in Ponnyville?

Thanks to
Tired Old Man,
Nova Quill/Firimil, and
Steel Resolvefor their edits and suggestions and cloudyglow for the adorbs vector!

Chapters (4)

After the Storm King's defeat, the Friendship Festival was finally able to start. The Mane 6 are finally able to say goodbye to the new friends they made on their journey.

Major spoilers for My Little Pony: The Movie

Chapters (3)

When Rainbow Dash was a young filly her parents were killed in a freak storm that caught Equestria off guard. She was sent to the Cloudsdale Orphanage where she would spend the rest of her foalhood.

When she's a teenager however a new arrival comes to the orphanage in the form of a Pegasus baby. When the matron asks Rainbow Dash to help take care of the filly, her life changes forever.

Cover image made by Animalia Life.

Chapters (2)

All Scootaloo has ever really wanted is a family, and the closest she ever got to it growing up in a foster home was an older girl named Sunset Shimmer who became her big sister. But once Sunset started to go to Canterlot High School, she vanished for a couple of days before coming back, different than the younger girl remembered.

She later finds out that the Sunset that returned wasn't the same Sunset that she had become close to. She tried to ignore it and move on, but the same question kept nagging at her mind.

What happened to her big sister? And what will she do now?

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to A Violet Rainbow

Two weeks after Rainbow Dash's berrification, the town still hasn't stopped teasing her about it. Dash is not at all happy and wishes that Twilight and Pinkie Pie could get a taste of their own medicine. With a mischievous revenge scheme in mind, Rainbow sets out to enact her plan. After pranking Pinkie Pie, however, Rainbow Dash gains an unexpected partner in her shenanigans.

(Contains inflation. While this has no clop or sexual content, the plot may have content that can be perceived as fetish fuel. Read at your own discretion.)

Chapters (2)

After trading in a memory-erasing magic artifact for a second chance, all of Wallflower Blush's social insecurities were quickly forgotten.

Except for the part where that didn't happen. Instead, Wallflower now has to confront old grudges she's held against the students of Canterlot High School, along with the reasons she formed them to begin with. Some are petty, some are painful, but to Wallflower, they're all real.

Up until now, confronting them has always ended badly. However, after several chance meetings, Wallflower's odds look slightly better than usual—especially after bumping into a quirky indie movie director who seems to really enjoy her company.

Can Wallflower's blossoming friendships—and sudden romance—make up for the sadness and mistakes of her friendless past?

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Cover Artwork: Gabbslines

Chapters (17)

(Written as a birthday present for Matt11. Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty are from the "Ponyville Mysteries" series.)

As Scootaloo's honorary big sister, Rainbow Dash has taken on a lot of responsibilities over the years. But nothing can quite prepare her for this situation.

When Scootaloo's friends mention that she's sad and alone in the clubhouse, Rainbow goes to investigate. And when she learns what went wrong, she finds herself thrust into the middle of a delicate situation.

Can Rainbow help her honorary little sister to feel better, and help her to patch things up with Aunt Holiday and Auntie Lofty? Or is the rainbow maned mare out of her depth?

Chapters (1)