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Canterlot Castle is being remodeled, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are relocating to Twilight's, and Spike and Starlight are feeling relegated into second-tier guests at la casa de Twilight. How many princesses can one castle withstand?

Chapters (2)

(Takes place after "Marks for Effort" for obvious reasons. Proofread by Smity91 on FanFiction.net and proofread and edited by deadpansnarker on FiMFiction.)

Now that some of her best friends and fellow classmates are part of the School of Friendship, Diamond Tiara just has to see it for herself. But Headmare Twilight won't let her enroll, so that leaves only one option.

While sneaking around to learn more about the school, the filly unintentionally gets spotted by Gallus and Smolder, two of the students who attend.

Hoping to make new friends (and keep them from exposing her), Tiara strikes up a conversation and before long the subjects spoken between the three will take interesting and unexpected turns. But will it be enough to keep Gallus and Smolder from telling Twilight?

Chapters (1)

The sign by the tent which had mysteriously sprung up overnight seemed obvious enough, but Twilight couldn't help but be curious. Besides, she really needed it to move on. That's why she asked Spike to investigate... and here our story begins.

It's not what you think. Or, it may be exactly what you think. Hmm...

Chapters (3)

After her confrontation with her mother, Diamond Tiara's life outside of the home has been much easier. She's made friends with her classmates, got some respect from the town, and got Silver Spoon's friendship back. Unfortunately, her mother, Spoiled Rich, is still as snobbish as ever. After meeting up with the CMC and overhearing about one of Applebloom's potion experiments, she gets an idea of how to solve some of her problems.

It certainly helps that her Mom's birthday is coming up.

This story was written by request of superfun, and the main plot is their idea. They have, however, given me free reign over how it all goes, as long as certain details that shall remain undisclosed are met. I would also like to warn that there will be a bit of a delay before the next chapter can be posted, due to life kicking my butt. So please, enjoy the story as it updates in a hopefully on time fashion, and have a wonderful day.

Chapters (1)

(Takes place immediately after the events of "Molt Down", so obviously it will contain some spoilers. Proofread and edited by yodajax10.)

Having completed his molting phase, Spike's scales now come with a pair of wings that allow him to fly. But Smolder soon blabs to Twilight that her fellow dragon is having trouble mastering his new wings, and needs to learn how.

Fortunately, Twilight decides to sign Spike up for flying lessons with Rainbow Dash, much like when she was learning how to master her wings. And after a bit of pleading, Rainbow agrees.

But what will happen when Twilight decides to get in on the lessons as well? And more importantly, will Spike be able to master his new wings without constantly crash landing? Plus, what reason does Twilight have for getting involved?

Chapters (1)

After the events of Molt Down, Spike's friends have thrown a big surprise party in honour of his new wings, and everypony is so pleased for him! There is one guest there who isn't so happy, though. Time for a little heart-to-heart...

Contains spoilers for the latest episode, obviously.

Featured from 27-28 May 2018

Chapters (1)

In Rarity's line of work, absolutely anything can inspire the next great fashion line, up to and including: corporate warfare, cinnamon buns, fortunate coincidences...

...or simply being with your best friend.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

(Cover by fromamida on dA)

Chapters (1)

It's been one year on the dot exactly since Rainbow first adopted Scootaloo, and Scootaloo intends to show her gratefulness towards the pegasus in spades. So, she gets the best idea ever, a cake from Sugarcube Corner! Trouble is, getting it home. How hard can it be?

(Wait, featured? How did this happen?)

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a vivid nightmare, and Rainbow Dash tries to be the big sister she knows Scootaloo needs.

All feedback is welcome and encouraged, this is my first story so I could really use it! :scootangel:

Also special thanks to my friend pikablob for proofreading this and encouraging me to write it!

Cover art used with permission, made by the very talented Sea-Maas!

Chapters (1)

You are a big Wonderbolts fan, and after coming to possess some VIP Wonderbolts tickets, you have the opportunity to meet (and attempt to woo) none other than Rainbow 'Danger' Dash!

In this Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Romance story, the choices are yours to make! But beware! The consequences are yours to deal with, as well. There are 9 endings (can you find them all?), and hundreds of unique paths to take through the story!

Spiritual successor story to Cuddle-Your-Own-Celestia and Love-Your-Own-Luna.

Rated T just to be safe (mildly suggestive content is present but limited). Cover art by Probablydnon.

Now with an AWESOME SONG EDITION from Luck Rock!

EDIT: Featured 5/7/18!
EDIT: Featured at #2 same day. OH BOY!

Chapters (52)