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  • Featured 23571 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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While drawing up the plans for the School of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle asks Starlight Glimmer to be its guidance counselor.

In hindsight, Starlight's reaction was perfectly understandable given the circumstances.

Chapters (5)

(Collab with yodajax10 who suggested the idea. Takes place immediately after "Horse Play".)

After witnessing Spike go out there and stall for time in an important play, Princess Luna becomes concerned about the adverse effects it might have on the little dragon's mental state.

She uses this an "excuse" to pay a visit to him after the play and have a one on one talk with him, giving him a chance to know that he is helpful.

But that is not the only reason the night princess comes to see Spike, the alicorn is dealing with her own personal issues and needs a friend she can trust to confide them in. Plus, Luna isn't the only one who wishes to give praise to Spike.

Chapters (1)

(An extended epilogue to "Grannies Gone Wild". Story idea suggested by HunterBrony101 who also served as proofreader.)

The Gold Horseshoe Gals have always enjoyed their trips to Las Pegasus, and this year was no exception. They even picked up a new member in the form of Rainbow Dash.

However, when the gals get back to Ponyville, Granny Smith decides she needs to have a talk with her granddaughter, Applejack. Of concern to the elderly mare, is what her granddaughter seems to think about the elderly gals, especially Granny Smith herself..

But is it really just Applejack underestimating a bunch of old mares, or is there something else afoot? And is there a reason why Granny Smith and the other Gold Horseshoe Gals didn't speak up sooner?

Chapters (1)

Rarity was sure she'd failed Prim Hemline in creating a suitable window display for Carousel Boutique—only to find the most beautiful of artworks in those same windows the next morning. Even more surprising: Sunset had painted and arranged them.

A most wonderful turn of events, as far as Rarity was concerned—with just one problem.

How did Sunset manage to paint the window displays of a closed boutique overnight?

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rarity's Revenge

After getting back at Rainbow Dash for leaving her in the desert, Rarity felt that her punishment went too far for her. Now she's giving Rainbow a chance to get back at her by forcing her to do a hobby she might not like, and she has the perfect sport.

This story was requested by superfun

Chapters (1)

Ever since she learned about Rainbow Dash's parents (and helped them reconnect with their daughter), Scootaloo has been spending a lot of time hanging out with Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, the two of them having become something of a second family to her.

However, Scootaloo already has a family, including a mother who is quite insistent Scootaloo be home by sun down. And when the filly unintentionally breaks this rule, she receives a visit from none other than her mother, Dizzy Twister.

But little does Scootaloo know, that Dizzy Twister and Windy Whistles used to know each other. And the question lingering on the filly's mind is: How is that possible?

Chapters (1)

It's true that the Pillars saved Equestria from many dangerous threats back in their day. And going off of just a select few examples, it seems their routine was always the same: Find a foe, combat it, and banish it to another realm. But Meadowbrook will be the first to tell you that was not always how things panned out. She recalls one particular threat that she approached in a different way; a way that Starswirl didn't approve of at the time. But given what happened to Stygian, perhaps her method was superior after all...

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds 2 matching necklaces that she thinks will look perfect on Rarity and Applejack. But turns out, the necklace is enchanted and makes the wearers turn into foals. Rainbow Dash must be the mom of these fillies.

Request from: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/209802/superfun

Superfun i'm sorry for taking way too long on this requested fic. I hope you like this fic and I hope all those months of waiting were worth it. Again i'm so sorry.:fluttershysad:

Edited Vector in Ms Paint by me.

Rainbow Dash vector : https://vector-mlp.deviantart.com/art/Vector-Rainbow-Dash-6-654051616
Foal Applejack Vector : http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/625/006/a9e.png
Foal Rarity vector: https://t2.rbxcdn.com/3df64801e710e311d2e866ad52fd8212

Chapters (5)

Today Pinkie Pie has something planned for her friend Rainbow Dash, and it involves a batch of special cupcakes. Something happens and a lesson on friendship is learned.

((In celebration of getting my first feature. I wrote this s quickly as I could as a thank you gift to my followers))

Chapters (1)

This is an anthology of my flash-fiction stories. Each story is exactly 150 words long. Some of them were written for the monthly Flashfic contest.

Each chapter is a one-shot story. Story context is provided before each story (e.g. story tags and origin).

Chapters (12)