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  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Applejack breaks her hoof and is unable to buck apples for awhile, but that doesn't stop her from using her head. Literally.

Chapters (1)

Having lost a bet against Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack now have to do exactly what she says. Well, to a certain extent. Afterall, it can't be too outlandish or unreasonable when you go the extra distance to put it writing and have a certain pony put her signature on it.

A topic suggested by: Superfun.

Chapters (1)

When Starlight Glimmer feels left out as everypony else spends time with their little sisters, she seeks someone of her own to bond with: Diamond Tiara. And apparently, they share a lot more in common than either of them had ever realized.

My tags: Uplifting Heartwarming

Comedy tag is for light comedy, as it is not the main focus.

Vectors: Starlight , Diamond Tiara

Chapters (1)

Live Reading!

Featured 8/21/2017!

During the events of Somepony to Watch Over Me, Applejack acted a little strange. After reading about it in the now published Friendship Journal Pinkie Pie thinks she knows the reason. And being Pinkie Pie, she won't stop until Applejack knows the consequences of ignoring an ability that's in her blood.

Commissioned by Alexwarlorn!

My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro!

Thanks to SorcerusHorserus for the cover art!

Chapters (1)

One caring Rainbow + A rambunctuous filly :scootangel: = .......



Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Know your Mare

It was the simplest of simple days when a mother gave her charming son a cookie. But what's one colt to do with a whole cookie?

One-shot fluff. Enjoy.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo ran away years ago. Since then she's settled into a life in Ponyville. It's not much of one, but it's hers. One cold day she finds herself in the library.

Twilight Sparkle is a Princess, sworn to help all the citizens of Equestria, but how can she help somepony she doesn't know needs it.

Edited by Zimmerwald1915 and Johnny Bench

Chapters (15)

Rainbow Dash was thrilled to take her vacation this summer at Las Pegasus. But an unexpected threat causes her to injure her hooves, making her end her vacation early. She can fly, but that doesn't make her ache go away.

She doesn't like it, but she has to return home to rest her aching hooves. Fortunately, or unfortunately for her, Fluttershy and Scootaloo notice her early arrival. One of them has an idea to soothe those aching hooves.

Done as a request for superfun. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is stuck in a time loop and the princesses have convinced her to take them with her.

Chaos ensues.

Side story to A little loopy. Reading it is not required but it does help.
For searches: Sollace

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle may have shown Starlight Glimmer the error of her ways, but Starlight is still new to the concept of true friendship. Fortunately, Twilight has true friends in high places.

However, when Fluttershy and Starlight start talking about old times, the two find unexpected solidarity in shared heartache.

Preread by Mooncalf.

Chapters (1)