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Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash spend there Nightmare night in chicken suits and end up in a pie fight with each other for them to both control a mountain of candy.

Reviewed by FamousLastWords here

Optimistic Neighsayer, ideas
Tranquil Night, editing
Red4567-2, cover art

Nightmare Night bonus credits:
Tranquil Night, editing

Chapters (2)

In dire need of good cheer, Maud Pie shows up in Ponyville to draw on the richest source of joy known to pony—her sister, Pinkie—to try to heal the fissure in her heart.

Conceived and set prior to the episode Rock Solid Friendship. Rated T for some possibly suggestive language.

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle may have shown Starlight Glimmer the error of her ways, but Starlight is still new to the concept of true friendship.

Fortunately, Twilight has true friends in high places. Rarity, for example, is always glad to lend a hoof when it comes to bringing out one's personal elegance.

Preread by Mooncalf.

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle may have shown Starlight Glimmer the error of her ways, but Starlight is still new to the concept of true friendship.

Fortunately, Twilight has true friends in high places--and none of those friends could be better at providing a down-to-earth perspective than Applejack.

Chapters (1)

Scotaloo and Rainbow Dash are finally set to tie the knot after a romance decades in the making, but this older, different Rainbow Dash is not the one you know. She has suffered and aged much, unlike her younger more youthful lover.

From a prompt by Superfun
"Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo get married in the future.
Everyone is happy for them."

I of course couldn't let them be too happy. Not before a healthy dose of drama.
(Also a word of warning these prompts are done in one sitting with barely any editing, you will see errors, there will be many. Yes I will fix them eventually however not untill I have finished the prompts.)(Also there is a single sort of swear, other than that it is pretty much rated E.)(P.P.P.S This cover art is not perfect but close enough to portray what I want, if you find one that fits better lemme know below.)

Chapters (1)

A collection of events with a mysterious blue stallion linking them all together.
If you're sad, lonely, or otherwise troubled, just keep an ear open, and you might hear a cathartic song being played just for you.
This is the myth of the Blues Traveller.
Work in progress, more characters will be added. Hope you enjoy everypony.

Chapters (2)

Incredibly short oneshots based on random thoughts and ideas. Who knows, maybe one of these might become a full story.

(Will add tags as needed)

Chapters (3)

When Cadence meets a small filly she changes her life for the better, but will the filly do the same with Cadence?

The filly, in question, is Chrysalis, who only wants to make a friend.

But journey with them as forces beyond their own realm of powers try to separate them apart, but through love and friendship, they remain strong despite the sea of insults and chaos.

Other tag includes:

Twilight Sparkle
Sunset Shimmer
Shining Armor?
Nightmare Moon?
Flash Sentry?

Chapters (4)

Maud and Discord sitting in a tree n-o-t-h-i-n-g. That's what happens, nothing else to see here. But seriously, Pinkie Pie ends up calling her Sis down to Ponyville to have a little meeting with the lord of chaos. What could happen? (Not a Discord/Maud ship fic.)

Chapters (4)

Search for the Unknown!

Equestria is a land full of mystery, wonder, and of course questions with answers hidden from the truth of the public's eyes. Follow one intrepid group searching for the truth in a seemingly peaceful town.

They may also be idiots who are taking this way to seriously.

Chapters (2)