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Moondancer reads every book in existence and has an existential crisis.

Reading by Lotus Moon

Chapters (1)

Starlight suddenly finds herself the target of her two closest friends' affections. Only, she doesn't know what to do. Pick one? Neither? ...both?

Cover art by bobthedalek

How aren't there more fics about this adorable trio? I've never been so disappointed.

Chapters (2)

It's been a long time since Shining Armor has seen his parents. So, upon discovering that Cadence and he are going to become parents, the couple decides to reveal the happy news to them.

They pick a rather exclusive restaurant that happens to be a favorite of Night Light and Twilight Velvet's to break the news. However, Cadence and Shining Armor may not be the only ones who have something to reveal at the dinner that evening.

Chapters (1)

It's another busy day at Sugar Cube Corner! The orders are piling in and Pinkie is having a blast. Busy day means lots of smiles! But when a special order arrives all the way from Canterlot, Pinkie finds herself at wit's end on how to get the cake just right.

Thankfully, there's one pony she knows who knows Canterlot and how the ponies there like their stuff more than anypony else!

My first one-shot in almost a year! Big thanks to my pre-readers Carapace and Noble Thought. Your guy's input helped me out a lot, thank you. Cover art created through gimp and edited to fit.

Chapters (1)

She'd spend the day with them, shared stories, and shown a love she'd never experienced. And while she thought it was temporary, she didn't expect what would happen next.

Chapters (1)

Written for the Scootaloo Fiction Contest, but withdrawn from competition as of 30/05/2017 by the author.

Scootaloo has finally gotten off the ground, and she couldn't be more excited.

Unfortunately, life decides to burst her bubble again, and a tragic accident leads her to question the fundamentals of flight, of life, and responsibility.

Also donuts. Because donuts matter.

Chapters (1)


After Fluttershy and Big Daddy Mac Colt finish building the Animal Sanctuary, a safe place for any and all animals to live until they feel like they can move on back to the world again, a young Changeling finds his way there.

Note - this is not one of Thorax's Changelings.

Chapters (1)

Five years ago, the Free States seceded. Five years ago, the Princesses were taken captive. Five years ago, Equestria embarked on a bloody war that would cost hundreds of thousands of lives.

For five years, Rainbow Dash has fought to save her friends. For five years, the sun and moon have hung overhead, motionless. For five years, Rainbow has lived in that wan glow, while every day kills her a little bit more. The peace and happiness of her youth are but faded memories, and now she hardly recognizes the town she once called home. A hardened mare, Rainbow knows only pain and suffering...

...until one day, a reminder of what life used to be like lands at her hooves, and gives her something to live for once more.

Cover art provided by Ruirik. Editing provided by Solidfire and Pega-Ace. Written for the 101st anniversary of the beginning of World War I

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo went on a flight in the mountains, and when Scootaloo gets lost, Rainbow Dash has to look for the little filly ...

This is just a short one, I thought I should give it a shot to write something nice for once.

Chapters (1)