• Member Since 25th Nov, 2014


just a guy that likes to read

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Dr. Dip is a well known, strict, serious yet intellectual doctor and autopsy specialist in Stable 63. He takes on every day tasks on keeping his patients on top form each and every day. The only problem is that things have been different lately and Dip cannot put his hoof on exactly what.
In this horrific tale of lies and deception cast in a bloody landscape, Dr. Dip is paired with an insane and fire loving maniac as they find out what their "trusted" Stable is actually hiding from them deep within the Stable walls.
Curiosity kills.

Added the Sex tag for sexual scenes in the story later on as well as sexual related terms and conversations.

Chapters (6)

Twilight can't sleep. She's not slept a full night in two months and it's all because of this feeling she has. All she can do is lay awake and think. She's been falling asleep hanging out with her friends and she's constantly drowsy. This is just one night of the many that she's laid awake and thought of her feelings.

A short one-shot story.

Sex tag is for just a couple brief mentions of sex.

Chapters (1)

Upon being banished to the moon, Nightmare Moon found that she was able to communicate with Discord, also sealed away as a statue.

The two despise one another, but compared to an endless monotony, even two hated foes would rather talk with one another. Over time, Discord and Nightmare Moon begin to fall in love, right up until tragedy strikes.

Day 5 of my Self-Imposed 31 Fics in 31 Days Challenge. Also written for Monthly Shipfics.

Art by LunacordLover, used with permission.

Chapters (1)

If there was something that broke Rarity's heart more than seeing her best friend getting stood up, it was seeing Twilight go back to the library with a matching broken heart.

Luckily for Twilight, Rarity would be damned if she let that happen.

Chapters (1)

A different take on alicorn ascension. Sixteen years after arriving in Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle is excited to have invented a brand-new kind of spell, but it will come with consequences she cannot possibly anticipate. Meanwhile, threats in shadows around the world conspire to overthrow the Solar Throne. With her world turned upside down, she will have to come to terms with the role that fate has dealt her while straining to keep Celestia in power.

Now with a TVTropes page! Please show it some love! Also check out the official side stories, Designing Intrigue, and Love and Barriers! (With even more in my stories page!)

(Please Note: This story was started before any season three information was available. All episodes in season three and later are non-canon for this story, which also means there's no Crystal Empire in this one. In addition, the promotional map released close to the beginning of season three was also not available and is not compatible with this story. While the OC tag is active because there are OCs in the story, they're really just supporting characters. The focus is on Twilight.)

Also be sure to check out the Rites of Ascension Expanded Universe Group! We're working to develop the resources needed for other authors to try their hand at writing stories set in the Rites Universe!

The Book Two cover art was created by the amazing Silfoe! The original cover art can still be found at Violet Squiggle's deviantArt page.

Author's Notes, including proofreader's credits, can be found here!

"This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!"

Chapters (104)

"Hey, uh, Rick, what did you want me to, uh, write down here again?"

"Look, Morty, it's not that urp complicated, just, just write down a generic description of what we did."

"But Rick, we did a lot of things!"

"Then figurp it out, Morty. Christ, and here I thought you were getting at least a bit smarter. Just, write down something about, uh, 'Rick and Morty Get Stuff From Horse Land'. 'Morty and Rick and something something horse pun'. I dunno, something."

"I want to go back to the ponies..."

"Oh, I bet you would like that, huh, MMMorty? Go back to the girly dimension full of urp friendship and magic and all that. Look, just give it here, I'll, uh, just put it up as it is."

Now with coverart by some guy named Shadow Bolt

Chapters (5)

Deep in the Royal Library is a book. A terrible book that is said to send whoever reads it mad. A book so dangerous that it has to be hidden away and secured with chains to prevent it from ever being opened.

A book which has just been accidently checked out by Spike on behalf of Twilight Sparkle.

The Star In Yellow is rising once more, and only Rainbow Dash and Spike can save Twilight before it's too late. Ideas live forever. Ponies do not.

This fic is loosely inspired by the 19th century story 'The King In Yellow'.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle is asked by a child where Cutie Marks come from, and begins investigating. However, what starts out as simple research uncovers shadowy forces at work, and with each new clue, she learns more than she ever wanted to know.

(Special Thanks to Doukzor100 for the awesome cover art! )

(I don't know how, but Marked has been featured! Thank you all so much!)

Chapters (39)

Rainbow just discovered water balloons.

Discovering why ponies don't use them is going to take slightly longer.

(A stand-alone, no prior-reading-necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits are welcome. )

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

Despite their supposed massive power, Alicorns have done a rather poor job of saving the day. Twilight discovers that there's an actual reason for that.

Featured on EqD 6/6/16!

Chapters (1)