Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Of course Applejack wants everypony to think apples are the best. Usually, she doesn’t flip out about it, though. What did Dash do to get her in such a snit?

An entry in scribbler’s 2018 BronyCon fiction contest. Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Parents

As Scootaloo gets everything ready for Nightmare Night festivities, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sit their 5 year old Granddaughter Sparky down and tells her the story of their first Nightmare Night together as a family.

Made for theFlutterDash Nightmare Night Contest.

Chapters (1)

When a blizzard hits Ponyville, Dash and Soarin, along with their three children. decide to share stories with each other such as when Dash and Soarin were foals, what the colts did at school their parents didn't know about, etc. This was supposed to be a one chapter, short story but it turned into a two or three chapter story. Hope you guys like it. (My other story is still being worked on) Let me know what you guys think. :heart: :heart:

Chapters (3)

Soarin and Rainbow Dash decide to spend Hearts & Hooves Day in their cloud home and cuddle and talk and kiss and all kinds of fluffy, romance things Dash normally wouldn't do but Soarin has rubbed iff in her and her pregnancy hormones are kicking in. Snuggling, cuddling, cuteness overload, and kissing YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!!!!!! Enjoy

This is just a short, Valentine's Day story! Hope you enjoy! :)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash had another day of training at the Wonderbolts. Everything turned out to be fine until she received a letter that turned her own world out. Now, in a state of restlessness and depression, Rainbow Dash hid herself away from every other pony as she tried to contain her sorrow. In her lowest point, Soarin' dropped by and offered her something that she could not refuse: A Midnight Flight. SoarinDash one-shot and a hurt/comfort fic in one.

Chapters (1)

(Originally conceived as a oneshot, this story has become a series of them because of the massive popularity of the first installment and how it was featured on the front page.)

Pairing: Soarin/Rainbow Dash

Chapter 1: Meet the Parents Rainbow Dash has a brilliant idea: since she hasn't seen her parents in awhile, why not bring her new boyfriend with her to visit them? Unfortunately for Soarin, this means meeting her father and mother (Firefly). Will the Wonderbolt survive the visit? Will I ever learn how to do comedy? There is a single yes and a no between these two important questions.

Chapter 2: Meet the Scootaloo Soarin unexpectedly finds himself introduced to Rainbow Dash's number one fan, Scootaloo, and once again finds himself learning a bit about Dash's world. Warning: Might make you squee.

Chapters (13)

Since I didn't feel there were any tags that matched the theme of this story, I made my own. Tag: [Motherhood] [A Parent's Love]

Love is one of those strange forces in nature that sometimes defies explanation. An old saying says that parents love their children, no matter what. Rainbow Dash is a rambunctious, wild, and rebellious filly that wants to live her life her own way. Her mother just wants her to go to school and get an education so that she can have a good life. Will Rainbow Dash's wild attitude sever the ties that bind a filly and her mother, or can Rainbow's mother weather the storm and still be a good mom to her daughter?

A really big, huge thanks goes out ot Taranasaurus0.0, TheStarsGuide, Magicolt808, Arimuss, Criticul, Tyek, Guesswork, Radator, BaroqueNexus, Word-Sight, Vivex, Dimondium, DevilBlade911 and Bahatumay for prereading and editing my atrociously bad grammar. If there is someone I missed that should be added to this list, message me and I will add you.

The cover picture of this story was created by Daviez on deviantArt, check this guy's stuff out. If you like wetmanes you really might be interested in his gallery. http://daviez20.deviantart.com/

This story was inspired by "Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch. I had not heard the story for several years before I wrote this, and forgot what it was called. However the story was so powerful I could never forget it.

Chapters (6)

After Spitfire hurts her wing, Rainbow Dash volunteers to substitute as captain for the Wonderbolts on their last show of the season.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has become unusually distant of late, and Rainbow Dash is worried about her - not least because she never seems comfortable about the subject of her parents. But why doesn't she want to talk about them, even with her "honorary" big sister? Why does the mere mention of her parents bring tears to her eyes?

Back at the Wonderbolt Academy, Rainbow Dash confides her concerns to Soarin, and learns a terrible secret, not just about Scootaloo, but also Spitfire. The latter's sister, who was also Scootaloo's mother, had tragically lost her life some years ago, leaving Scootaloo to look after herself while her father slaves away from dawn till dusk. The two ponies head down to Ponyville to try and reason with him, but things get out of hoof, leading to an angry, lonesome Scootaloo running away from home. As the three adults try to find her along with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they gradually learn that there is more to the situation surrounding Scootaloo and her father than meets the eye...

Chapters (8)