Rainbow Dash Stories 960 stories
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Everypony knows Rainbow Dash is not only awesome, but also radical and cool.
Everypony knows that poetry is unquestionably none of those things.
Twilight Sparkle doesn't seem to think so, and as such invites Rainbow to an afternoon of poetry, both reading and composing.

Chapters (1)

Hallo! Sorry I'm late. But then, it seems... so are you, Rainbow Dash.

And so the late Rainbow Dash comes face to face with Death himself! And he's... surprisingly cordial, actually.

But when Rainbow ends up in his debt, there's only one way to get back to the life she knew: take up the role of the Grim Reaper herself while Death takes a little holiday. Will Dashie be able to stay quick among the dead? Will she be the most awesome reaper ever... or will Death have to cut his vacation - and Rainbow's life - tragically short?

(Apologies and honors to the late Sir Terry Pratchett.)
Editors: Reese, GenerousGhibli, E3gner
Illustrations: Greenfinger

Chapters (7)

When Rarity is invited to a fancy party, Rainbow Dash surprisingly feels the need to go with her, though not able to explain why, herself. Rarity laughs at the notion, but challenges Rainbow to make the effort anyway.

Now, Rainbow knows that she's not a high-class mare. So, seeking aid, she turns to the princess of love herself for aid. What follows will make her question her life choices.

Contains: beautification, personality adjustment.

Cover photo is by by ELZZombie, on deviantART

Chapters (2)

(Written as an early birthday present for Madeline Peters. Takes place prior to any events in Season 8.)

Scootaloo's birthday is usually a happy occasion for the filly, especially when she has an amazing birthday party being thrown for her and all her friends are sure to be there.

But even though her big sister and her aunts will be present, Scootaloo finds herself down in the dumps about the fact that her parents seem poised to miss another birthday of hers.

It's up to Aunt Holiday, Auntie Lofty, and Rainbow Dash, to cheer the filly up and give her the most awesome birthday she's ever had! That's no easy task, even considering who they're dealing with.

Chapters (1)

It's Scootaloo's birthday; a lavish party is being prepared for her at Sugarcube Corner, but all she really wants to do is spend some time with Rainbow Dash. Unfortunately, the hectic touring schedule of the Wonderbolts makes it difficult for her adopted big sister to be there for her as much as she used to. Still, that doesn't mean that Rainbow Dash isn't capable of pulling of a surprise or two.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo finally has the loving parents she always wished for- or as close as she can get, anyways. Rainbow Dash is curious to hear more about Scootaloo's own foalhood. And after learning about the situation, Rainbow is not content to sit around and let Scootaloo's parents get away with their transgressions. Rainbow is rocking the boat, and not everyone is happy to change the status quo.

Chapters (6)

Scootaloo has been trying to fly for a while now. But looking over the edge of a cloud, she hesitates.

But her mentor and idol is right there with her.

All the way.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has always wondered who Scootaloo's family is including Rainbow Dash, so when she asks to meet them she is taken to meet her guardians at her home. What will happen and who is Scootaloo's family?

Done as a hypothetical situation after the recent reveal in the books.

Cover image belongs to PixelKitties

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Technicolor Dreams

After the episode, "Sleepless in Ponyville", Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have grown quite close. However, when Rainbow Dash learns that Scootaloo's need for acceptance is more than just hero worship, Rainbow Dash refuses to back down. She pushes her limits - financially - to be there for this filly who's like a sister to her how she's needed most.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Equestria's fastest flier and her biggest fan.

Teacher and student.

Sisters? Or something else entirely?

Dash made the biggest mistake of her life, several years ago in Manehattan, and has now decided to face the music- a decision that threatens to tear her and the orange filly apart. Will telling Scootaloo about her regrets, and her love, persuade Scootaloo to forgive her, to become what they really are together, or will the two remain forced apart by this huge secret of Dash's?

Another oneshot, another mother fic, and another Wahtiff scenario. I hope ya'll enjoy it! Rated teen because I'm paranoid.

Chapters (1)